Breast plastic surgery: advantages and disadvantages
In recent years, the new trend - the increase in various parts of the body - literally overcomes the minds of the fair sex. After creating new, plump sponges, many think about the correction of the shape of the breast.
But before such a responsible step is to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.
Silicone or hydrogel: what to choose?
In any modern clinic of plastic surgery, the future patient will competently advise which types of implants are on the market, what is their service life, are there any contraindications and other disadvantages.
Silicone "inserts" are gradually becoming a thing of the past, because after
It is quite another thing to install biological implants from a hydrogel. Their lifespan is 100% guaranteed.
- Muscle atrophy;
- Breast impairment;
- Fibrosis, etc.
A huge advantage of such implants is the almost complete absence of sweating, which is ensured by the presence of a special capsule. Also, hydrogel inserts have no shortage of chest coldness to the touch: they are warm, as they gain body temperature.
Types of mammoplasty
- In men
- Implantation
- Breast reduction
- Tightening without implants
- Increase own fat
- Increased Hyaluronic Acid
- Increase without surgery
- Tightening
- Seamless braces
- lift
- Shape correction
- Anchor brace
- Early pregnancy
- With sagging breasts
- Breast augmentation surgery
- Enlarged nipples
- Periareolar breast lift
- Retracted nipple correction
- Breast reconstruction
- Reduction mammoplasty
- Periareolar mastopexy
- Gynecomastia removal
Patients for breast plastic surgery
The question seems strange, because the majority of patients of a plastic surgeon are young girls of model appearance.
But besides this, there are situations when mammoplasty is really necessary, because only she can save a woman from a pronounced aesthetic defect.
So plastic surgeons note several specific indications for an increase in the mammary glands:
- Breast removal during surgery - for cancer, for large benign tumors.
- Breast trauma and severe deformity.
- Breast asymmetry - if the mammary glands differ from each other by more than
1-2 sizes. - Pronounced sagging of the mammary glands - ptosis or pseudoptosis often accompanies a woman after childbirth, especially multiple.
- Too small breasts - if there are mammary glands of less than
1 size, only surgery will help to get rid of the complexes.
Thus, mammoplasty can be not only a way to improve the body, but also a real way to eliminate physical deficiency and psychological damage.
Are there any cons of mammoplasty?
It would seem that no flaws can overshadow the perfect result in the form of the breast of your dreams, given the advantages of modern implants and the minimum number of contraindications. And yet, some moments can stop a woman, in particular, the high cost of the operation - from
Other disadvantages of mammoplasty can be:
- Scars - without them, an operation is impossible. At least minimal stitches around the nipple, in the armpits, under the mammary glands, but will still be visible.
- General anesthesia - systemic anesthesia is far from useful, so if there is a risk of other operations in the future, it is worth considering whether breast enlargement is really necessary.
- Pain - in the early recovery period, you will have to face painful sensations , as with other surgical interventions.
- Poor visibility with mammography - implants will worsen the quality of mammography images, so visualization of tumors can be difficult. A woman after
40-45 years old will have to undergo a regular MRI. - Violations of the sensitivity of tissues - sometimes during the nerve damage, paresthesia occurs in the nipple area.
- Difficulties with feeding a child - such a complication can occur only with obstruction of the milk ducts during the operation and is the exception rather than the norm, but sometimes it does.
Popular Mammoplasty Questions
Choosing a proven clinic and an experienced doctor, the chance to get complications and remain dissatisfied with the results of the operation is minimal. And yet, mammoplasty is a serious intervention, so it’s worthwhile not to live with short-term desires, but to think about the future: it may be worth raising self-esteem in simpler ways!
There are three main categories of mammoplasty (cosmetic surgery): augmentation, reduction and reconstruction.
Breast augmentation is performed to improve the appearance, size and contour of a woman’s breast. Women perform breast augmentation for many different reasons. Some women feel that their breasts are too small. Some desires after breast enlargement changes after pregnancy. Others want to correct asymmetry in breast size.
Breast augmentation is performed using implants (see below), which can be placed under or above the pectoral muscle. The incision can be placed in the armpit (armpit), areola, or below the chest fold. In general, all thoracic augmentations are minimally invasive procedures associated with incisions that are only three centimeters in length. For increments in which the incision is made in the armpit, an endoscope (a thin tube with a small camera and light) can be used during the procedure.
Breast implants consist of a silicone shell, filled with either saline (salt, water solution) or silicone gel.
A woman determines her desired size by fitting a court implant. Currently, salt-filled implants are used on an unlimited basis. Silicone gel filled implants are only available for women participating in approved studies and are not available for primary breast augmentation.
Breast augmentation is a relatively simple procedure. As with any surgery, there is some uncertainty and risk associated with breast augmentation surgery. Know your problems and expectations. Review benefits, risks and alternatives. Seek consultation with a certified plastic surgeon.
Consequences of Mammoplasty
Breast reduction is often used in women with large, heavy breasts who experience significant discomfort, including neck pain, back pain, numbness or weakness due to breast weight. During this procedure, excess skin, fat and breast tissue is removed.
After surgery, breast reduction can cause a change in the chest sensation, as well as an inability to breastfeed. In the case of large resections, which include nipple grafting, however, almost all lose their sensation and ability to breastfeed. If breastfeeding is important to you, you may want to consider postponing the breast reduction procedure until you finish having children.
After breast reduction, most women report relief from symptoms caused by the presence of oversized breasts. More information on this topic can be found in the article on breast reduction surgery.
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Breast reconstruction is often performed among women who have undergone mastectomy as a treatment for breast cancer. The procedure recreates the breasts of the desired appearance, contour and volume. The nipple and areola are also recreated.
The appearance, contour and volume of the breast can be recreated using the woman’s own tissue. The procedure is called a brace.
Any operation is definitely a huge risk to life. In case of emergency, of course, mammoplasty is necessary and it is great that such interventions are done here, and so, if only for beauty and men, it is possible to manage.
Excellent article, tell me which clinics are better, in our country or in Europe?
Of course, you can wear push-pads with silicone with a zero size, but in the summer they are not high, I know from myself. Do you imagine a mine on the face of a man who removed such a bust from you? This injured me more than him. I personally increased my breasts first of all for myself, my self-esteem really increased and confidence appeared, I looked feminine and sexy, the euphoria was shorter :) plus for me.
My girlfriend, like a breast, did so drastically changed. And not only in the décolleté area was added, but also the look to others has become, confident and with a challenge). I also want it that way), I was already at the consultation with the same doctor who operated on her. I liked Dr. Leo when the reset will take place and I will upload my photos to his inst @dr_leonard
Julia 07/25/2016 20:14:14
I thought that breast reduction is a myth, but I was mistaken. Do many patients deal with this particular problem? Usually they want to make the size bigger, and the shape of the breast is perfect.