Breast shape correction: what kind of research should be done for the procedure
The asymmetry of any pairs of human organs is a normal aspect. With proper development of the mammary glands, they are the same size. Women often want to have flawless breasts, so they turn to plastic surgeons.
Indications and contraindications for surgery
From a medical point of view, there are not so many indications to carry out an surgical intervention. Breast correction is prescribed by a doctor in case of objective reasons. The indication for such an operation may be too large glands.
However, there is a person's personal desire to improve the shape of the bust in order to look more attractive. Especially often among the desires is an increase in the size of the mammary glands. Thanks to modern technologies of cosmetic surgery, today there is an opportunity to correct any flaws.
It is worth noting that after the correction of this body, a person becomes more self-confident, and the psychological complexes associated with this problem disappear. Nowadays, ideal body shapes are also necessary for some professional activity. To succeed there, girls have to improve the shape of their bust.
Breast ptosis, which affects many women, may result from aging of the body, rapid weight loss, and also after the end of breastfeeding.
Breast correction is also indicated in such cases:
- not symmetrical arrangement;
- loss of shape and elasticity;
- the presence of a large areola, as well as the presence of stretch marks on the chest.
Despite the fact that there are many reasons for mastopexy, in some cases even plastic surgery cannot solve this problem. The fact is that this operation has many contraindications. That is why before conducting it, the patient must undergo a complete study of the body, and if necessary, solve the detected health problems.
There are absolute contraindications that do not allow for surgery to correct the female bust:
- The presence of benign or malignant tumors in the chest.
- Planning to conceive a child. In the future, after the birth of the baby, such a state can badly affect his feeding.
- Overweight.
- The operation is prohibited for underage girls, since at this age they still have an organism development process.
- The presence of certain diseases: diabetes, high blood pressure, malignant tumors.
- the presence of mastopathy.
- The tendency to the formation of hypertrophic scars.
Breast correction is also contraindicated for people suffering from mental illness, alcohol and tobacco lovers, as well as the use of drugs that affect blood clotting. Even poor and improper nutrition can cause failure of this operation.
Breast lift should be postponed for a year to moms who have finished feeding the baby with breast milk. After such diseases as acute respiratory viral infections, the exacerbation of chronic diseases, venereal diseases, mastopexy can be carried out only in case of complete recovery.
Required examinations
As we wrote above, that before the operation to correct the female bust, it is necessary to undergo an extensive examination. This also includes compulsory visits to narrow specialists.
So the mammologist must determine if there is a cyst or other neoplasm in the mammary glands. If there is a healthy organ, the doctor gives permission for the operation. The therapist must give a conclusion that chronic diseases are not in the acute stage, and the patient does not suffer from infectious diseases.
A visit to the anesthesiologist will help you choose anesthesia. During the conversation with the patient, the doctor will reveal all the diseases and injuries she has suffered. In some cases, this operation may be canceled due to contraindications for the use of general anesthesia. A consultation with a plastic surgeon is carried out several times. Before the operation, he makes markings in the area of the female breast, where cuts will be made.
Women who are preparing for mastopexy, are examined on a special list. These include: fluorography, ECG, ultrasound. Hardware research will help detect existing problems in the internal organs and body systems.
It is also necessary to pass general tests that can reveal even the hidden form of the disease. Such tests should be taken only on an empty stomach. This list includes general urinalysis, clinical and biochemical blood tests, as well as viral, infectious and venereal diseases. Also, blood type and Rh factor are determined.
In some cases, additional tests are assigned to clarify the state of health. Basically, it is required for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. They additionally undergo EEG and coagulogram.
Breast augmentation and correction using various methods
The task of mastopexy is to create the best forms of the breast with the least presence of scars. Therefore, in preparing for the operation, the doctor, together with the wishes of the girl, takes into account the structure and parameters of her body. Everything is important here. Breast augmentation and correction can be done in different ways, the main of which we now consider.
Hyaluronic drugs
The method using a gel based on stabilized hyaluronic acid can significantly improve the shape of the breast. This operation takes about one hour using local anesthesia. The gel is injected with a thin needle under the skin.
After surgery, the patient is allowed to go home. Within a few days, the puffiness in the treatment area subsides, and the resulting effect can be seen. Introduced material can dissolve from 6 months
It should be noted that some side effects may occur after the injection. In the future, pain can be felt in the area of the operation, the gel can be absorbed unevenly. In addition, due to the presence of this drug in the body, neoplasm development may not be detected.
Thanks to this method, the breast lift can be carried out using its resources - fat, deposited in the thighs. This technique causes a lot of judgment among experts. Nevertheless, the professionalism of the doctor and a good clinic plays no small role in the effectiveness of the operation.
Breast correction is performed under general anesthesia. During the rehabilitation period, obligatory wearing of special linen is required. Thanks to the thin cannulas, through which fat is injected into the right place, the postoperative traces disappear in a short time.
Surgical breast lift
To date, this method of mastopexy is the most common. In this case, the excess skin is removed, and the rest with the nipple and areola pulls up. The operation with the use of anesthesia can last about
After surgery, you should maintain a calm life for 30 days, and also wear compressed clothing without fail. The rehabilitation period does not last long, but the final result of the operation can be seen in a few months.
Breast augmentation and correction with this method also has its contraindications. First of all, these include patients with diabetes, as well as suffering from high blood pressure and cancer. There are very rare cases when a specialist performs an operation in the presence of education in the area of the breast.
Breast lift with threads
This procedure is considered the most gentle way to correct the female bust. It is carried out using biodegradable filaments, which, after healing of the sutures, disappear on their own. Also, threads (for example, from polylactic acid) that do not dissolve can be used.
As practice has shown, this method of breast lift is more suitable for women with small breasts The fact is that a large weight of the breast can cause rupture of the threads. But the effect of such a procedure can last up to 5 years.
Plasters for breast shape correction
This method of mastopexy can be compared with the above procedure. Here, special patches are best used for owners of small breasts. Otherwise, the material may simply not withstand the load from the large weight of the breast. As practice has shown, the greatest effect is achieved with the second size of the female bust.
According to reviews, it is better to use patches from American manufacturers. They look like transparent stickers that are attached to the body. Thanks to this method, you can create a beautiful shape of the mammary glands. The cost of one package, which includes 5 pairs of corrective material, is about 1 thousand rubles.
Postoperative period
Each patient suffers a different postoperative period. For the first time, a feeling of tightness may appear. However, it passes within
Also, immediately after the procedure, no severe pains are felt in the area of its implementation. At this point, the patient is prescribed anesthetic drugs. After plastics, you must wear special clothes for 30 days. After