How to sleep after mammoplasty

Is it possible to sleep on the stomach Many women who do not like the size or shape of their breasts, resort to surgery - mammoplasty . This operation is performed on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia. In some cases, local anesthesia is used. Modern methods of plastic surgery allow women to quickly return to normal life, thanks to a rather short recovery period.

If the quality of the operation depends only on the qualifications of the doctor, then the postoperative period depends on compliance with medical recommendations . Improper care of postoperative stitches , exercise, and even incorrect posture during sleep can negate the efforts of surgeons.

The duration of rehabilitation depends on the size of the implants. Larger sizes increase the pressure on the pectoral muscle, which can lead to stretching of the skin. In this regard, there is a lengthening of the recovery period.

The implants are placed above or below the pectoral muscle , depending on the aesthetic goals and the lifestyle that the patient leads. Axillary placement is a more complex procedure; in addition to a skin incision, it is necessary to divide the pectoral muscle to accommodate the implant. The end result looks more natural, this option is suitable for women who are not engaged in active physical activity, which puts a strain on the upper body. Subglandular technique (under the mammary gland) reduces the rehabilitation time.

How to sleep after mammoplasty?

The first 4 days after surgery are most uncomfortable, there is swelling and pain. Often there is a feeling of tightness in the chest, and this is quite normal, the skin thus gets used to the new size of the mammary glands. The first few days the patient is wearing elastic bandages, or a surgical bra, worn over the dressings. After removing the bandages, the bra continues to be worn for several weeks.

In order to avoid complications, as well as to reduce swelling, sleep in the first weeks (from 2 to 4 weeks) after surgery is allowed only on the back . The term depends on the size of the implant, as well as the method of its installation. The rate of healing depends largely on the individual characteristics of the organism, the age of the patient. In this case, it is recommended to lift the torso, placing pillows under it. This will reduce the pressure in the area of ​​operation, reduce swelling and pain.


To avoid complications and quicker healing of sutures, be careful not to lie on your side even for a minimum amount of time, for example, while watching TV.

The need for sleep on the back is due to the fact that it allows you to securely fix the implant inside the pocket until the capsule is fully mature , which will fix it, reduces the risk of complications. When placed on the side, an implant displacement may occur. In addition, the appearance of postoperative scars depends largely on compliance with these recommendations, when a woman is sleeping on her back, the healing process is significantly accelerated.

Good nutrition, eating fresh vegetables and fruits will help provide the body with essential vitamins and nutrients. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day, a full sleep will help reduce discomfort after surgery.

When you can sleep on your side and stomach after mammoplasty

How to sleep after mammoplasty, so as not to harm yourself In most cases, this operation is performed for the purpose of breast augmentation and, therefore, the weight of the mammary glands increases significantly. Therefore, in order to avoid displacement of implants, it is recommended to sleep on the side after mammoplasty only 2-4 weeks after surgery. Subsequently, when the implants are strengthened by a formed scar tissue, you can sleep on your side.

If the correction was carried out in order to reduce breast size, in order to avoid swelling, sleep on the side is prohibited for 1 week.

Can I sleep on my stomach after mammoplasty?

You can sleep on your stomach about a month after the operation, depending on the condition of the stitches and the general well-being of the patient. In addition, it is necessary to carry out a number of restrictions.

For one or two months you will have to refuse to visit the bath or sauna , swimming in the bathroom and ponds is also prohibited. Water treatments are allowed only in the shower. Sports are also prohibited.

Sexual relationships are allowed , but only in positions where the chest is not injured. Very carefully, you need to take contraception, you can only get pregnant after mammoplasty after a year. Sex life can begin 2-4 weeks after surgery. This is due to the fact that during excitation, blood rushes to the mammary glands, which can provoke edema.

In order to make the seams unobtrusive, special care may be required. It is believed that the condition of the sutures does not depend on the skill of the surgeon, their type and speed of healing depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. Special fixing strips on the seams can be used, they are applied at the discretion of the doctor. Special gels are used to accelerate the process of regeneration and smoothing of scars.

As a rule, compression underwear should be worn for 6 weeks after plastics. It should be worn around the clock, so for hygiene it is better to purchase a pair of sets. Then linen is worn only for the night. Note that ordinary bras can be worn at least a month after surgery. Models with stones are prohibited, they can be worn no earlier than 3 months after surgery.

It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the breast will remain firm for quite a long time, and only in 3-6 months it will take final shape and become soft.

How to sleep after mammoplasty, so as not to harm yourself

As a rule, during the first days after the intervention, the breast becomes more sensitive , and the nipples, on the contrary, lose sensitivity. After a certain time, the sensitivity should return to normal, although there are cases when this does not occur.

Immediately after the operation, additives that may cause bleeding, including aspirin, fish oil, herbal supplements, are prohibited. Most patients are given a breast massage. It is performed by the patient alone or with the help of a massage therapist. The doctor will tell you about its correct implementation. Thanks to the massage, the recovery period is significantly shortened, a thick connective capsule that makes the breast hard does not form around the implant.

The skin of the breast after mammoplasty requires special care, otherwise stretching may occur on the skin . The use of special creams, oils, lotions can be after 1 week after surgery. As a rule, they are applied before the massage. A month later, you can hold salon treatments.

The list of restrictions looks rather long, but compliance with it guarantees an excellent result of the operation and a quick recovery period.

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