Breast correction: a list of operations and injection methods

Mammoplasty is very popular among women. Mammoplasty is a field of plastic surgery that affects the correction of defects of the mammary glands.

There are the following types:

Breast augmentation surgery. This type of breast shape correction is performed for purely cosmetic purposes, when a woman wants a larger size or, after a mastectomy, to replace surgically removed tissues.

Reconstructive mammoplasty is performed after mastectomy. The procedure is necessary to give normal forms, includes constant breast care and compression underwear in the form of specially designed bras.

The criteria for the selection of reconstructive mammoplasty are:

  • the amount of tissue remaining after mastectomy, for example, the pectoral muscles, skin, and nipple;
  • probability of recurrence of metastases;
  • the appearance and size of the non-operated glands;
  • mastectomy scar

Reduction mammoplasty. The need for this type of plastic arises due to the presence of physiological and psychological problems that are caused by chest weight, soreness and discomfort.

Many women seek in every way to get rid of excess weight, resorting to this for a variety of methods. Not always in order to achieve the ideal figure is enough regular training and proper diet. It has already been proven that professional correction of the breast shape, the methods of which are different, is highly effective, which means that every woman will be able to choose the best option for herself.

Perhaps the most popular methods of breast shape correction are non-invasive - this is injection and hardware. Thanks to hardware techniques, you can get rid of stretch marks and cellulite, improve skin tone, as well as tighten the abdomen, buttocks and chest.

One of the popular methods is ultrasound, which is especially recommended for women who have a breech zone as a problem. Due to the action of ultrasound, the excess fatty tissue disappears, the edemas dissolve, and the metabolism in the cells increases.

Breast myostimulation Myostimulation, during which electrodes and current are applied, gives an almost instant effect. Thanks to this procedure, the lost tone returns to the muscles. This procedure is especially effective if alternated with electropolysis or lymphatic drainage. Electropolysis causes gradual splitting of excess fat due to the effect of alternating modulated electric current on it. And initially, the fat cells seem to dry out, and only a few days later they break down.

The procedure can be carried out with the help of needle-electrodes, which the specialist subcutaneously introduces into the problem areas, as well as with the help of flat electrodes, which are simply applied to the problem areas.

Often, the initial stage of breast form correction is lymphatic drainage, which helps cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in it and helps to get rid of stagnation. For lymphatic drainage, microcurrent, roller or vacuum massage, as well as pressure therapy are used.

Injection techniques can also be used to correct the shape of the breast, consisting in the introduction of special preparations under the skin that help eliminate cellulite and improve metabolism. One of the most popular procedures is mesotherapy, during which the specialist injects drugs, such as hyaluronic acid, that affect localized fat relationships. Biorevitalization, which consists in the introduction of hyaluronic acid into problem areas, is also among injection methods.

For very serious problems, breast surgery may be necessary . Choosing such a path, a woman should remember that the operation can lead to serious consequences, and sometimes even death. Therefore, if there are no truly serious indications for surgical intervention, it is better to resort to hardware or injection techniques that are much safer.

Liposuction is the suction of subcutaneous fat with a special device. Thanks to abdominoplasty, you can return to the stomach, which became stretched and flabby, its original forms.

So, professional breast shape correction is an excellent choice for those who want to bring back lightness and elegance to their figure. Many techniques are relatively safe and at the same time highly effective, which makes them indispensable assistants in the struggle for an excellent figure.

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