Correction of inverted nipples: features and causes of the problem, types of defect and its elimination
The anatomical shape of the female nipples has not only aesthetic significance, but also an important functional affiliation, because those women who have sunken nipples often experience serious problems with breastfeeding (the baby simply cannot take the nipple in his mouth). That is why the question of the correction of inverted nipples today is more than relevant.
According to the statistics of the portal, nipple retraction is observed in more than 15% of women, but not all of them respond to the problem in time and turn to the doctor, which in turn threatens with complexes and unpleasant problems when feeding the child.
Description of the problem
By themselves, the inverted nipples are characterized by an individual feature of the structure of the milk glands, during which they do not show up above the areola, but stay at the same level with it, or in general, are drawn into the chest.
It is important to note that the correction of the inverted nipples will not only return the attractive aesthetic appearance of the breast, but also protect the woman from the risk of maceration, during which the patient has a softening of the areola and fat accumulation in the nipple cavity.
Varieties of pathology
Doctors distinguish the following types of pathologies of inverted nipples:
- Hiding nipples. As a rule, during breastfeeding, they stretch themselves, acquire the desired length and width, and do not require surgery.
- Retracted nipples that do not protrude an areola. It is these flat nipples that need plastic surgery, which is carried out in specialized clinics.
The causes of the inverted nipples can be underdevelopment of the mammary glands, the individual hereditary predisposition of a woman to such a defect, as well as hypofunction of the sex glands.
Moreover, sometimes this condition is provoked by the use of incorrectly chosen clothes or breast cancer.
In the event that a woman notices in her nipples that are pulled in, she is strongly advised to contact a mammologist who will examine the breast and palpation. For additional examination of the mammary glands and the exclusion of various pathologies, the patient may be prescribed ultrasound and mammography.
In any case, it is strictly forbidden to leave this breast defect without the attention of doctors, even if the woman does not need surgical correction of the inverted nipples.
Retracted nipples: features of the operation, the recovery period and the possible consequences
Immediately it should be noted that not all cases with women who have inverted nipples require an operation on the mammary glands. Its need can only be determined by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the deformation, the general aesthetic appearance of the nipples, as well as the cause of the defect.
Sunken nipples should not be pulled out during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Also, this method of operation is contraindicated in oncological processes in the mammary glands, acute allergic reactions, infectious lesions, as well as in violation of blood clotting.
With increased caution, correct the sunken nipples should be with a tendency to form scars.
Treatment and ways to eliminate the defect
To treat inverted nipples in two ways: surgical and non-surgical.
The first treatment option provides for surgery, during which the nipple will be brought to its normal position with the help of an incision and fixation with threads.
The second method of treatment involves the implementation of a special massage, as well as the use of so-called vacuum tips on sunken nipples.
The progress of the operation for the correction of inverted nipples
Reconstructive surgery is usually used to correct retracted nipples. This technique helps to restore the normal position of the nipple and restore its physiological functions.
The total duration of such an operation is 1-2 hours. At the same time, the choice of a specific method of operation is determined by the individual testimony of the patient.
Thus, when the nipples are retracted, the woman needs to restore the course of the milk ducts, which are necessary for normal breastfeeding. In such a case, the shape of the nipple does not change. The length of the incision will be no more than 1 cm.
In the case of deformation of the nipple it will be reduced to the desired size and will give an aesthetic shape. After that, the excess skin is removed, and the nipple will be sewn in the correct position.
An oblique incision with a scalpel is usually used to reduce the nipple. It is important to know that this type of intervention can be practiced only after breastfeeding, since subsequently the woman has a nipple obstruction.
If the nipple is completely absent, then the woman should undergo reconstructive surgery using the patient's own tissues with the same pigment. The skin at the same time will be stitched into the area where you need to create the appearance of nipples.
Postoperative recommendations
When the operation on the correction of sunken nipples has already been carried out, it is important for the woman to follow these doctor's advice:
- To consult a doctor in time if any deterioration in the condition of the breast occurs.
- For pain, use analgesics and healing ointments.
- Wear compression underwear.
- To exclude breast injury, it is important to abandon the intimate relationship would be for a week.
Risks and possible complications after surgery
Despite its simplicity, nipple correction surgery can lead to rather dangerous complications. At the same time, the outcome of the procedure largely depends on the sterility of the operation, as well as the qualifications of the surgeon.
Most often, patients after such surgery develop breast swelling and pain. There is also a risk of infection, nerve damage and scarring.
For the prevention of possible complications usually after surgery women are prescribed a course of antibiotics.
It is important to know that the nipple correction significantly increases the risk of complications if the patient has serious contraindications to the procedure. It is especially dangerous to practice such an intervention during pregnancy, because at this time the woman's body is very sensitive and susceptible to infections.
Feeding tips
Often sunken nipples become a real problem for young mothers whose babies simply cannot grab their breasts with their mouths. In this case, experts advise before feeding to use a breast pump or special silicone lining on the nipples. With these accessories, the nipple will stretch out and take on the desired shape.
Moreover, when feeding women, women should stop using bottles with nipples, and instead teach the baby only to the breast.