Mammoplasty in early pregnancy: why contraindicated
The most effective method of improving the appearance of the breast is surgery mammaplasty , which includes a set of measures to change the volume, shape, contours of the breast, nipple or areola of the breast.
Most experts are of the opinion that such activities should be carried out after childbirth and the completion of the breastfeeding process.
It is important to note the general negative factors after the procedure:
- pain and negative sensations after anesthesia (dizziness, nausea, etc.);
- significant recovery period, which depends on the size of the implant;
- taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
- round-the-clock wearing of special (compression) underwear ;
- care of seams and control of their healing.
Any surgical intervention is associated with a high risk of complications. Mammoplasty in this case is no exception. There are a number of complications that require repeated surgical intervention with the extraction and replacement of the implant, often repeated.
It is about inflammation, infection, bleeding, chest deformities. There is a common complication in the form of loss of sensitivity or, on the contrary, its excessive exacerbation.
The tender and sensitive breasts of a pregnant woman should not be subjected to such interventions. Mammoplasty in the early period of pregnancy is prohibited.
That is why pregnancy is one of the main contraindications for such operations, since it can lead to its interruption, impairment of fetal development and the formation of serious defects.
Pregnancy after mammoplasty: yes or no
Pregnancy planning should be no earlier than six months after breast augmentation. Patients should be more careful about their health. During pregnancy, the breast increases significantly, glands appear near its areola, sensitivity increases, and sharp painful sensations often appear.
In addition, there is a darkening of the skin of the nipples and near the nipple area, blood vessels and veins show through, and colostrum begins to be released in later periods.
With the onset of pregnancy, the breast with implants will also increase in size due to more intensive blood flow, which is caused by hormonal changes in the woman's body.
It will also increase its sensitivity, there will be pain in the nipples.
In general, implants do not affect pregnancy, after mammoplasty, all trimesters are in the same state as in a woman without plastics, as modern breast plastics techniques do not affect the breast area during prosthetics. But for any ailments, unpleasant sensations, a woman should consult a doctor. It is important to avoid injuries of the breast, which can lead to rupture of the implant and its contents in the body of a pregnant woman.
General recommendations for breast care during pregnancy include:
- regular breast examinations by specialists;
- a set of procedures to maintain skin and muscle tone (exercise, massage, douche, etc.);
- optimal diet to avoid sudden weight fluctuations.
The relationship of breast and pregnancy plastics
A well-performed breast augmentation surgery does not entail contraindications for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Lactation is impossible only in case of damage to the breast and milk ducts or changes in the process of blood supply to the breast.
The presence of prostheses does not affect the quantity and quality of breast milk and can not lead to negative consequences for the child. The presence of silicone in milk is just a common myth.
Important to consider
Breast with an implant after pregnancy and feeding also undergoes changes. It can change shape, become less aesthetic. In such cases, corrective surgeries are performed: a breast lift is performed or a replacement is made for larger implants.
That is why most experts recommend holding these aesthetic measures for six months before planning a pregnancy or after childbirth and completion of lactation . The best time is about a year after completion of breastfeeding.
Within a specified time, the woman’s body will get stronger, the physiological functions of the breast will be fully restored and the effect of the surgical intervention will be durable and as aesthetic as possible. These recommendations are designed to preserve the health and beauty of women for many years.