Surgeries for sagging breasts: what problems solve

Reception at the mammologist Content:

The breast of a woman is considered to be the main symbol of her beauty and femininity. Any of its aesthetic defects cause significant mental suffering and become the cause of the deepest psychological complexes. Among such defects the most common is ptosis - sagging breasts.

Unfortunately, this problem will not only give a mature age. The shape of the mammary gland is primarily determined by the shape of its soft tissues, which are very susceptible to the influence of external negative factors, and are dependent on the weight and hormonal changes in the woman's body.

The main causes of ptosis:

  • a significant increase in volume (with unbalanced weight gain, puberty, pregnancy, menopause and other hormonal changes), which causes an increased load on soft tissues, stretching them;
  • reduction of fat and volume (anorexia or extreme diets, completion of breastfeeding, etc.), which leads to the appearance of skin excess on the chest;
  • genetic predisposition (features of the physiological structure, thin or sluggish skin, prone to the occurrence of stretch marks, etc.);
  • natural aging and reduced tone of the skin, tissues and muscles.

Breast Sag Plastics: Basic Techniques

Effective methods of eliminating the problem of ptosis are:

Types of Breast Omission

The first method includes a series of injections, which include active ingredients (various acids, minerals, plant extracts, vitamin complexes, etc.). The active substances are introduced into the upper layers of the epidermis and tissues, stretching them, creating a lifting effect, slightly filling up the insufficient volume. This method has a slight visible and temporary effect. In addition, it has a number of contraindications.

Installation of various types of threads (gold, threads of polymeric acid, polypropylene, etc.) raises the breast, corrects its shape, stimulates the production of new cells and fibers, making it more resistant to negative external influences. The effect is provided for several years, depending on the technical characteristics of the material (yarn), the depth and location of the framework, the size of the breast and the degree of sagging.

This technique is less traumatic, but may further complicate the subsequent plastic surgery. According to experts, this procedure is shown with a small breast size and its slight degree of sagging and serves as a preventative rather than corrective method.

The only effective solution to this problem is surgery .

Breast lift surgery: stages

Breast lift surgery The operation is quite painful, but the only real way to solve the problem of ptosis. During surgery, excess skin is removed, the nipple is moved, and implants can be inserted at the same time, or vice versa, to remove excess volume.

There are several types of such operations, they are distinguished depending on the location of the incisions, and the choice depends on the condition of the patient's chest.

With a slight omission of the breast and the simultaneous installation of small-sized prostheses, incisions are made on the areola border around the nipple. Such scars are almost invisible, a minor correction of the nipple and areola is made.

To correct the breast during ptosis of the second and third degree, cuts are made around the areola of the nipple and lowered vertically down to the crease under the breast. At the same time doing an increase in size and transfer of the nipple. Unfortunately, the vertical scar remains visible.

In the most difficult cases, operations are performed in which vertical and horizontal cuts are used simultaneously. Most often, so adjust the heavy, very lowered chest, reducing its size to the optimum.

With the help of surgical intervention, you can correct the most difficult situation and return the breasts to a beautiful appearance. The disadvantages of this method include a heavy postoperative recovery period and the presence of scars. In rare cases, the appearance of common postoperative complications is possible:

  • suppuration, bleeding, inflammation;
  • scar deformations;
  • marginal necrosis;
  • discrepancies of wound edges, etc.

It should be noted that the operation is performed under general anesthesia and after a thorough analysis of the health status of each patient. The choice of the surgical procedure is carried out by the physician, having previously estimated the severity of ptosis.

The result of the operation will be stored for a decade. To preserve the maximum aesthetic effect, it is recommended to perform operations for women who have completed lactation and do not plan new pregnancies. Hormonal changes and fluctuations in weight can adversely affect the chest even after recovery operations.

It is important to observe preventive measures in order to avoid the occurrence of ptosis in the future:

  • wear the right clothes from quality materials;
  • carry out massage and self-massage;
  • use high-quality specialized cosmetics for the care of the neckline;
  • maintain good posture;
  • observe a balanced diet, excluding sharp weight fluctuations;
  • physical activities involving special exercises for the muscles that support the chest;
  • avoid the effects of ultraviolet radiation on sensitive skin of the breast.

Breast correction operations not only improve the appearance of the breast, but also significantly affect the psychological state of women, as they contribute to the development of a sense of self-confidence, satisfaction with their appearance, and qualitatively improve her personal life. Beauty and health are two main interrelated factors in the life of a modern happy woman.

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