Periareolar mastopexy: description of the breast correction method
All women sooner or later face the fact that the breast loses its beautiful shape and begins to sag.
In some cases, such a phenomenon occurs after childbirth and breastfeeding of the child, others notice sagging of the mammary glands after losing weight, and for the third, age-related changes become the cause of the loss of breast elasticity.
If the elderly pensioners perceive the loss of beauty of the bust as a natural phenomenon, then in women of reproductive age this deficiency causes psychological discomfort, so many of them turn to plastic surgeons, seeking to return the breast to the old forms and sexuality.
To date, there are many methods of surgical breast lift, among which periaparaolar mastopexy is the most benign method for the correction of sagging breasts. It lies in the fact that the excess skin is excised in the area of the nipple halo, and after connecting the incisions the breast becomes taut and elastic. From this article you will learn about the features of the operation, possible complications and the rules of rehabilitation.
Indications and contraindications for surgery
Periareolar (circular) mastopexy is a complete surgical operation, and therefore requires careful weighing “for” and “against” the procedure. Beautiful breasts, instead of sagging, do not get so easy, and in some cases can seriously complicate health, so it is important to take into account the indications and contraindications for surgical correction.
The indications for periareolar mastopexy are ptosis of the breast of the first degree, when the nipple falls below the submammary fold by no more than one centimeter. Thus, the operation is performed purely for aesthetic reasons, there are no medical indications for its implementation.
During surgical correction, the doctor restores the natural shape of the breast, and, if necessary, reduces the size of the nipple. In this case, the reduction of the large nipple halo of the mammary glands of a small size is impractical, since the breast will be visually retracted.
Periareolar mastopexy is not performed for women suffering from diabetes, oncology, bleeding disorders, infectious diseases, chronic pathologies in the acute stage, and severe heart, lung, and vascular diseases. The operation is not done during pregnancy, menstruation, breastfeeding of the child and at the age of eighteen.
Advantages and disadvantages of mastopexy
Circular tightening has many advantages over other methods of surgical intervention.
The duration of the operation does not exceed two hours, the seams are small and almost invisible.
The patient stays in the hospital for no more than a day, and she can return to her usual business just a few days after the procedure.
The gland is fully restored by the end of the second month, whereas with reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction) the rehabilitation period takes half a year. This method is perfectly combined with the installation of breast implants.
Among the shortcomings of periareolar mastopexy are breast flattening, the risk of complications such as bleeding, loss of nipple sensitivity, allergic reactions and other unpleasant phenomena. In some cases, a woman may lose the ability to breastfeed.
Preparation for surgery
To conduct a circular breast lift, you must first prepare. After discussing all the details with the plastic surgeon, the woman visits the mammologist and takes a series of tests. At least two weeks before the peri-meningular tightening, you should stop smoking in order to normalize the blood supply to the skin (necessary for the rapid healing of sutures). During the same time, a woman should not drink alcohol and take anticoagulants - medicines that prevent blood clotting.
Medical examination
Before conducting periareolar mastopexy, it is necessary to exclude all contraindications. For this purpose, conduct laboratory and instrumental studies. The patient passes urine to determine general indicators, blood for the detection of HIV infection, hepatitis, inflammatory processes, problems with blood clotting (coagulogram). In addition, a woman undergoes a chest X-ray, mammography, breast ultrasound and an electrocardiogram.
Periareolar mastopexy: reviews and features of the operation
After all the preparatory measures and exclusion of contraindications, the surgeon appoints the day of the operation. If the patient still doubts whether the periareolar moltopopee is suitable for her, the reviews posted on the Internet will help her to finally establish herself in the choice, since in most cases women are enthusiastic about the results of the operation.
How is the operation?
Circular correction of the breast is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the severity of the defect and the volume of the operation, for example, combining with breast augmentation using implants, the surgical procedure lasts from one and a half to three hours.
Before working with a scalpel, the surgeon makes markup on the patient’s breasts, then performs an incision in the nipple halo area (along the contour), and then repeats a circular incision, but at some distance from the first one. Thus, it turns out a ring of excess skin, which the doctor carefully removes.
The surgeon sews up the wound inside with self-absorbable threads, and connects the edges of the skin with nylon medical threads.
If necessary, install drainage for the outflow of tissue fluid and blood. At the end of the operation, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound, and then compression underwear is put on the patient.
Postoperative rehabilitation
In patient reviews, rehabilitation after peri-rectolar mastopexy is described as rather painful, but not long. Naturally, a woman feels pain, as wounds have appeared on her chest glands. In order to relieve discomfort, the doctor prescribes painkillers to the patient. The wounds heal completely in two months.
During the first days the patient arrives at the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Next week she is at home on sick leave. After ten, fourteen days, the stitches are removed, and the woman can go to work.
During the recovery period, you must follow a number of rules:
- do not take a bath before removing the stitches;
- wear compression underwear at least three weeks;
- do not go to the bath, sauna until the stitches are completely healed;
- Do not engage in heavy physical labor and sports.
Likely postoperative complications
Swelling, bruising, pain - all this accompanies any operation, including a circular breast lift.
However, there are such unpleasant phenomena that are encountered by no means all.
- Bleeding, hematomas can be formed if the vessels were severely damaged during the operation.
- Reducing the sensitivity of the nipple usually takes place within one, two months, but may persist for a long time.
- Scars, scars remain with problems with the healing of stitches. Usually, in the area of the nipple halo, when moving to the pigmented skin, they are not practically visible, but in some cases they are clearly visible.
- The formation of skin folds in the area of the seams. Unfortunately, this problem may arise as the skin is sutured to the nipple of a smaller diameter.
- Inflammatory and purulent processes result from infection of the wound by pathogenic microflora.
Cost of
The cost of mastopexy prioareal varies from 30,000 to 150,000 rubles, more information about prices in specific clinics can be found in the patient reviews or on the official website of the institution. The cost of the operation consists of the prices of the procedure itself, drugs, stay in the clinic, tests, consultation of the surgeon and other components.
Before deciding on a surgical breast lift, it is advisable to find out what the former patients of plastic surgery clinics say about such an operation as prioareal mastopexy. Women’s responses are undoubtedly different, but most of them are positive. Beautiful ladies talk about the excellent results of the surgical procedure.
Many say that the chest became high and elastic, as before, and the recovery period was quite easy.
Some women combined a circular tightening with breast augmentation, so their impression of the result was even brighter.
In negative reviews, women complain that the nipple halo turned out to be uneven, and the stitches turned into ugly scars. Some ladies were unhappy with the result due to the fact that the chest was flat. But in both cases, the charges mainly concerned the professionalism of plastic surgeons, so you should carefully select a specialist who can be trusted with the beauty of his bust.