Periareolar tightening: the purpose of the operation and the method of implementation, possible complications

Periareolar lift

For every woman who cares about her health, the appearance of the breast, its size, shape and symmetry are signs of attractiveness and youth. Any changes resulting from age processes, genetic factors, childbirth, lactation are very painful and require timely action.

Periareolar tightening (mastopexy) is a method of plastic surgery, the main task of which is to excise excess skin of the mammary glands and return them to the same shape and position.

The main objectives pursued by this surgical intervention:

  • moving the nipple to a higher position (on the same level as the submammary fold);
  • elimination of overly stretched skin areas;
  • restoration of the original breast shape;
  • giving symmetry to both glands;
  • reduction of the size of the nipple areola, if necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The method of mastopexy is most preferable in connection with a significant effect on the restoration of the natural shape of the breast, minimally invasive (the glandular tissue is practically not injured), preservation of the external result for a long time, low-profile postoperative sutures (the scar is on the border between the pigmented part and the skin along the nipple edge). At the same time, a fast and easily tolerated course of the rehabilitation period is noted.

Among the shortcomings should be highlighted the inability to perform the intervention in the omission of the mammary glands of a high degree (ptosis 3-4 degrees). Within 6 months after a tightening, flattening of the breast, wrinkling of the seam can be maintained.

Conditions for which peri-polaris is indicated:

  • the omission of the nipple-areola complex below the submammary skin fold;
  • fibro-fatty involution of the mammary glands, leading to loss of elastic properties;
  • the presence of a large number of stretch marks on the skin of the breast;
  • asymmetry in volume, shape, varying degrees of sagging;
  • discrepancy between the volume of the skin and soft tissues of the organ itself (after prolonged lactation, pregnancy, sudden weight loss);
  • pathological changes of the ligament apparatus, maintaining the normal position of the organ;
  • age changes;
  • contraindications or refusal of the patient to install implants .

Circular mastopexy is not performed in the following cases:

  • blood diseases (mainly associated with impaired coagulation system);
  • acute diseases of the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system, exacerbations in chronic conditions, decompensation stage;
  • severe diabetes;
  • active infectious process;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • malignant oncology;
  • severe cystic hyperplasia of the mammary glands;
  • any doubtful processes in the glands that require further diagnosis and treatment;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Preparation for surgery

All activities required before breast lift can be divided into laboratory and clinical research, as well as the implementation of certain recommendations.

Among the tests are required:

  • complete analysis of blood and urine, biochemical parameters of venous blood (sugar, liver function tests, total protein, cholesterol, bilirubin, creatinine, urea), coagulogram;
  • research on syphilis, viral hepatitis, HIV infection;
  • establishment of blood group and Rh factor.

As with any other surgery, the patient is taken with an ECG, sent to a mammogram (chest x-ray) or an ultrasound scan, an x-ray or chest X-ray.

After receiving answers from the laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis, the woman should be examined by the following specialists:

  • the surgeon to justify the need for surgery, the choice of tactics;
  • a therapist to eliminate possible contraindications and reduce the risk of complications;
  • mammologist when detecting pathological changes in the breast or the presence of additional complaints.

In the case of chronic diseases of other systems and organs, it may be necessary to consult a narrow specialist of an appropriate profile and pass on a further examination assigned to them.

Breast lift

All of the above activities are performed immediately before surgery.

The rules that are recommended to follow are lifestyle adjustments. 2 weeks before and after treatment, it is desirable to stop smoking, as this habit can negatively affect the healing of tissues and scar formation. The same applies to the intake of alcoholic beverages, which significantly impair the function of the liver and kidneys. If a woman takes antiplatelet or anticoagulants (blood thinners), it is advisable to decide with a physician the question of their temporary cancellation. During the day before the mastopexy should be an easy diet, do not eat heavy and difficult to assimilate products. Dinner is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden to take food and liquids on an operation day.

How is mastopexy performed?

Most plastic surgeons carry out a preliminary marking of future incisions on the breast of a woman, both in a standing position and sitting. This allows you to save time throughout the procedure itself, and it seems more convenient than if the expert calculated the displacement of the folds in the position of the patient lying down.

Periareolar breast lift is usually performed under general anesthesia, as it can last from 1 to 3 hours. Two successive cuts are made: one circular along the nipple contour, the other exactly the same, but at some distance from the first. The area of ​​skin between the two incisions is removed and the skin that is behind the second incision is stitched to the nipple. Absorbable material is applied to the soft tissue under the skin.

The seam is fixed with thin threads and additional products (for example, a plaster).

Depending on the area and severity of the wound, for the purpose of blood outflow and inflammatory fluid, it is possible to establish drainage.

Rehabilitation period

It is advisable to spend the first day in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. In the early postoperative period, nausea, vomiting, dizziness may appear. All these are side effects of anesthesia. Still need to abstain from food and water.

In the future, after the cessation of the effect of anesthesia, the patient will be disturbed by pain in the postoperative wound of varying severity. The pain syndrome is increasing due to the development of edema and soft tissue trauma. In this case, the doctor prescribes pain medication for several days.

General recommendations for women after surgery:

  • the first day and the following month to use a slimming (compression) bra;
  • avoid quick movements, turns, raising hands up;
  • try to prevent water from entering the seams;
  • refuse hot baths (contributes to the development of infection and increased edema);
  • to start sports activities and physical exertion no earlier than in 1-1.5 months.

Possible complications:

  1. The formation of a hematoma is a closed cavity in which blood accumulates. Eliminated by drainage, in the case of inefficiency - by suturing or clipping the bleeding vessel.
  2. Infectious inflammation. Prescribed antibiotic therapy.
  3. Complete or partial loss of sensitivity of the skin of the breast and nipple. A temporary phenomenon that passes on its own.
  4. Formation of excess skin folds around the nipple. Occurs when an incorrectly performed operation.

Effect on pregnancy and lactation

Exposure to circular mastopexy during pregnancy or lactation is impractical for various reasons.

The main ones are:

  • the negative impact of general anesthesia and other painkillers on the condition of the fetus;
  • the continued loss of elastic properties and elasticity of the breast throughout pregnancy and lactation, which significantly impairs the results of surgical correction.
There is a high risk of developing complications under conditions of additional stress experienced by a woman’s body during the specified periods of life. An unaesthetic appearance of the mammary gland, which requires surgical intervention, is not a life-threatening condition and its elimination may be delayed. 
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