Mesonite breast lift: advantages and disadvantages

Mesothreads for breast lift Content:

With the help of mesoniths, you can return the youth and elasticity of various parts of the body, including the chest. In general, problems with female breasts appear as a result of breastfeeding and under the influence of age-related changes in the body.

The method of breast tightening with mesoniths has several advantages compared with other procedures and operations, which are as follows:

  • fast and effective result;
  • enhancement of the effect under the influence of a temporary indicator;
  • the absence of edema and bruises, subject to the recommendations of the doctor;
  • long-lasting effect, about 2 years;
  • no injuries and painful sensations, except for the patient's weak pain threshold;
  • fairly simple recovery period .

Breast lift with the help of mesoniths will help to achieve the following results:

  • forget about loose and sagging skin;
  • emphasize the contours of the chest;
  • straighten the folds and eliminate skin defects in the mammary glands.

A breast lift with mesonite is a procedure in which polydioxanone is injected under the skin. This substance is in a special shell, the basis of which is polyglycolic acid. The operation is carried out with the help of thin needles, whose length varies from 4 cm to 9 cm. It should be noted that very elastic and high-quality needles that do not break are used for the braces. Therefore, the fear factor that the needle breaks during the procedure and remains under the skin is absent.

Filament breast lift: the stages of

Breast thread lift The filament tightening of the breast consists in the insertion of filaments under the skin 3-5 mm deep . Vessels and nerve endings remain untouched and intact.

The initial stage of the procedure of the breast lifting thread is considered to be the marking stage, in accordance with which the doctor will enter the threads. For anesthesia using anesthesia intravenously.

Sometimes use local anesthesia.

Mandatory area of ​​the breast must be treated with antiseptic substances.

Depending on the intended result and the location of the breast using a different number of threads. The average thread count for a breast lift is 4 to 8 threads for each breast.

The direction of suturing the chest with threads is also different. Often the doctor has threads, concentrating them around the breast.

There are cases when it is necessary to flush the skin with threads in the area under the nipple. The created frame is stitched with a thread and fastened in the area of ​​the clavicle. After removing the needle from the skin, the rest of the thread is cut off.

This is followed by another treatment of the skin with antiseptic substances. Puncture areas are taped. Places of introduction of threads need to be provided with cold for half an hour.

The recovery period after the holding of suspenders with the help of mezoniths does not require compliance with special conditions. It is not necessary in the first days after surgery to massage the chest. In the case of swelling or bruising, you must use special preparations that will eliminate them.

Should remember

Places skin injections should be treated with antiseptics. In the case of the manifestation of severe edema, cold should be applied several times a day to the places of its manifestation.

If the patient has a weak pain threshold, and painful sensations appear in the chest area after holding the lift, you can take painkillers on the recommendation of the doctor.

The first two weeks after holding the braces should have restrictions on physical exertion, especially on the hands. Sharp movements should also be avoided. You can not sleep on your chest or side.

During the month you should not visit the solarium, beaches, swimming pools and so on. You can take a warm shower.

Breast lift with Aptos threads: features

Threads Aptos At their core, Aptos threads are a gear material in blue polypropylene. Aptos filaments are pre-installed into an empty cannula, which has a sharp cutting tip. The main purpose of such filaments is to implant the skin and fatty tissue under the skin into the lower layer.

After insertion of the Aptos thread to the right place, the cannula is removed, and the thread is firmly attached to the soft tissues with the help of its notches.

The breast tightening operation with Aptos threads has practically no risk of complications and negative consequences, since surgery is minimal. The patient can fully recover and not feel even the slightest discomfort 10 days after the operation.

Should remember

Aptos threads are made of a material that is biologically compatible with the human body, and as a result there are no allergic reactions and resistance to muscle tension appears.

In the first days after the breast tightening, Aptos threads form fibrous tissue around the threads, as a result of which stimulation and production of collagen and elastin begins. Over time, the lifting effect only increases. After the lift, there are no scars and scars, and the effect is long and stable.

Breast lift with gold threads: disadvantages of the procedure

Golden threads for breast correction The procedure of breast lift with gold threads was more popular earlier, but now they resort to this method less often. Gold threads have the appearance of a wire of gold with a cross section of 0.1 mm, which is twisted in a spiral thread that acts as a conductor.

Thread guide is made of polylactic acid. Gold is considered to be a neutral material in terms of effects on the body and human tissues, therefore inflammatory processes, allergies or irritability after the introduction of gold threads are excluded.

It should also be noted that gold contributes to an improved blood circulation process, as well as improved metabolic processes.

The implementation of breast lift at the present time is mainly carried out for the purpose of prevention, since with the development of technologies and the invention of more effective and improved threads, gold threads acquired some disadvantages against the background of other material:

  • the inability to carry out laser and other hardware cosmetological procedures after the implementation of the lift;
  • quite high price of the material;
  • severe conditions and the possibility of the appearance of obstacles for breast correction in the future;
  • the process of introducing gold threads is considered traumatic;
  • lack of lifting effect, but only the support of tissues and the slowing of the aging process.

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