Suture after breast surgery and its variants
Since mammoplasty today is one of the most popular sections of plastic surgery, it is impossible not to draw attention not only to its result, but also to the consequences.
So an example of such a consequence can be not only the result, but also a small detail, without which it would not exist - the seam.
It is the surgical suture that will be the only visible evidence of the presence of a high-quality plastic surgeon's intervention.
Types of surgical sutures after breast surgery
So, in order to understand all kinds of seams, it is necessary first of all to figure out exactly which operations are carried out, and what seams are used to complete the process. The greatest variety in terms of sutures used is breast lifting. This operation has several variations that differ in the places of the cut.
The lightest version is considered to be a suture passing through the end of the nipple halo. On the difference of contrast in the color of the skin, a similar stitch is the least noticeable, moreover, the skin in this area is regenerated rather quickly, which allows speeding up the healing process. Since this suture is located within the invisible bikini zone, it practically does not deliver discomfort to its owner.
If we are talking about lifting using the t-shaped method of braces, in this case the seam will protrude beyond the bikini line. This lift is performed infrequently, as its indications include the advanced stage of the omission of the mammary gland.
If you say no surgical intervention using implants, you need to consider three options:
- implant insertion through an axillary incision;
- insertion through the incision in the nipple halo;
- insert through the chest fold.
Speaking of the incision in the armpit, the seam is the least visible, but it is quite difficult to eliminate it completely. Being in the visible area, it may well be imperceptible due to its location in a place with a large number of folds.
The suture during implantation through the nipple halo is no different from the suture when lifting the breast. Its detection is possible only upon close examination, since the junction of the transition from the color difference in the skin almost completely hides it.
The implant insertion through the chest fold implies a residual seam of a large size. In fact, the quality of its performance and further healing is completely in the hands of the surgeon. Thus, there are examples of a suture in the chest fold, made in such a way that its healing almost completely eliminated the possibility of visual detection.
Techniques to get rid of visual detection of a suture after mammoplasty
The formation of a suture line after mammoplasty begins immediately after the completion of the operation. Of course, the surgeon plays a key role, but one should not forget that the healing process also plays a significant role.
First of all, it should be understood that the first two weeks are fundamental for the whole process.
During this period, you should not get involved in physical exertion, sharply raise and lower hands, as well as remove the postoperative bandage.
The bandage is designed to fix not only the mammary gland, but also other tissues, for example, the skin. Since the seam is located on the skin, a bandage is also a necessity for its formation.
Also on the seam after breast surgery, negative effects can create sunbathing techniques. Of course, the sun is out of the question in the healing process, but do not forget that postoperative sutures have one feature - they are capable of pigmentation. Since the generation of tissues at the site of the suture proceeds at a slightly different pace, this area is subject to a greater release of melanin in uneven quantities. Thus, the seam is able to acquire a shade that will clearly differ from the tone of the rest of the body. The first half of the year after the operation is strongly recommended to enclose the site with a suture left after the transferred mammaplasty, outside the sun's rays.
Other popular ways to visually eliminate the seam are:
- mesotherapy;
- laser correction.
It should be understood that these methods should be resorted to only in the case of complete healing and scarring.
Thus, the stitches after an operation on the mammary gland, regardless of their location, may be completely invisible and not cause any discomfort to its owner.