Scars after a breast lift: causes and types

What is double fold? Breast augmentation and tightening are the two most common surgical procedures. They have always been in demand, and with the development of technology, the desire of customers is only growing.

It should be understood that the scars after a breast lift will remain unequivocal - where and what depends on the method of the doctor and the surgeon himself. The areas most prone to scarring are the areola of the nipples, the bottom of the chest, and the armpit area. If in the latter, over time, the scar after a breast lift tightens into folds, then the scar will remain forever on other parts of the body.

Of course, all operating traces can be minimized.

If we consider a breast lift, it all depends on the doctor and the type of incision he uses. The whole point of such an operation is the removal of excess fatty tissue and skin, as well as the reduction of the areola of the nipples. Unlike breast augmentation, implants are not used during a tightening, but, depending on the client's desire, a tightening can be carried out in conjunction with breast augmentation or, on the contrary, its reduction.

Surgical incisions are divided into several types:

  1. Anchor - made in the form of an anchor. Goes around the perimeter of the areola and down to the chest fold. Due to its shape, leaves the most pronounced scar.
  2. In the form of candy - is performed around the perimeter of the areola and to the lower part of the chest. Usually applied by a physician with moderate drooping.
  3. In the shape of a donut - around the areola. It is used for light overhanging of the chest.
  4. Crescent - is less common than all. First, an incision is made in the upper part of the areola, then a crescent-shaped skin is cut out, after which it is stitched. Used with low overhang.

It should be understood that the more the droop is, the more pronounced the scar will be . All scars remain in the incision zones.

Fortunately, technology does not stand still, and a ciclipar lift was developed. But, despite the name, the scars still remain, though, they look much less pronounced.

The operation is carried out with the help of special threads, thanks to them the size of the scars is smaller.

Also, endoscopic tightening, that is, tightening through punctures, is left to the new methods, which leaves the most invisible scars. A puncture is made at the bottom of the thoracic fold, through which a special liquid is poured in, then an incision is made in the armpit area, and the muscle tissue is separated from the breast, the gland tissue is subsequently separated from the skin, and the incision is sutured.

The presence of scars is the main drawback of the operation . They may be near or around the areola, in the armpit zone. The sizes depend on the cuts, and those on the degree of overhang. Scars are something that you must think about before surgery. Over time, all scars become less noticeable and more and more merge with the skin, but they will not disappear forever.

Double fold after mammoplasty: how to avoid the development of complications

What the scars look like after a breast lift If we talk about breast augmentation, then in addition to scars, another serious problem appears - the so-called “double fold” or “double bubble”.

The most common cause of a double fold after mammoplasty is too short or underdeveloped lower chest. Most often, the fault lies with the surgeon, who either made a mistake during the operation or chose the wrong implant.

However, the reasons may be others.

Often this effect is achieved when the chest fold is unable to destroy. As a result, the breast is divided into two parts - artificial and natural. In other words, there is a “conflict” between the fabric of the natural breast and the artificial implant.

A very unpleasant aspect for the client is that a double fold may appear months and years after the operation. This is called “late double fold”. It is caused by the gland slipping from the implant or by the descent of the implant.

The “early double fold” will be visible immediately after the post-operative edema.

This problem is always relevant, it is often impossible to predict it. Solve it by adding another implant, and this is done in several operations, which have their own characteristics and dangerous places. For example, for the second implant some kind of capacitance must be formed inside the chest, into which it could safely fit. There were cases when the implant was placed under the muscle tissue, the result was all that effect - a double bubble.

If we consider the problem with scars in the plastic chest, then everything is the same as in the facelift. There are several techniques for reducing the size and visibility of the scar.

  • First, you need to follow all the doctor's advice on the activity and breast care in the first time after surgery.
  • Secondly, the replacement of linen on the bandages of silicone .
  • Third, the frequent use of cortisone cream until all damage is eliminated.
  • Fourth, a special diet or high vitamin E tablets .
  • And the last, daily massage .

Many, in addition, carry out laser resurfacing of the scar, which brings significant results.

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