Silicone breasts before and after correction: features of the preoperative and operative period

Silicone breast For many women, a voluminous and resilient chest is an object of many years of dreams, for others it is a forced necessity, due to purely medical indications.

In any case, to solve all the problems allow modern operational methods for the installation of breast implants, which tightly entered into the routine practice of any plastic surgeon.

The essence of breast correction

Initially, liquid paraffin, silicone and other substances were injected in the area of ​​the mammary glands, which led to serious consequences and even loss of an organ. Subsequently, such methods were prohibited and are not currently practiced. Silicone-based implants were first created and applied at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century.

They went through several stages of their development before they reached their current qualities. Plastic correction of the breast with the help of silicone implants is to establish them under the breast tissue or the pectoral muscle and is its partial prosthesis.

The implant itself is a medical device consisting of a dense shell and internal contents. The shell is made of silicone material, it can be smooth or porous. Fillers for the implant are either silicone gel of various consistencies, or isotonic saline solution.

A surgical incision is often performed under the thoracic skin fold, sometimes in the periareolar zone (along the edge of the nipple) or in the axillary region. The patient is under general anesthesia at all times. The procedure takes about 1.5-2 hours on average.

Silicone breasts before and after surgery are a huge difference in terms of their appearance. With an adequate and correct choice of the shape, size and method of implant installation, the mammary glands acquire completely natural outlines and beauty.

Variability of the installation of breast implants

There are several types of operational approaches to the installation of implants. They depend on various factors, for example, on the initial location of the mammary glands, the degree of ptosis (omission), the state of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus and its tone, the elastic properties of the skin, the size of the subcutaneous fat layer, the deforming changes in the ribs and the sternum.

The implant can be placed in the following places:

  • completely under gland tissue;
  • under the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle;
  • combined: one part under the pectoral muscle, the other - under the breast;
  • directly under the pectoralis major muscle.

The method of operation may vary in the following ways:

  • the implant is installed in finished form and takes the necessary form;
  • only the implant shell is inserted, then a sufficient amount of filler is injected.

With both technologies, try to use as thin and short access as possible, and the smallest number of seams. The postoperative wound is sutured using a cosmetic type of sutures and does not require the installation of devices for additional outflow of fluid.

If necessary, breast augmentation is combined with other interventions: breast skin tightening, removal of excess fat layer, reduction mammoplasty (with congenital asymmetries, etc.).

List of required tests

Any surgical intervention requires a preliminary laboratory and instrumental examination, and the installation of silicone implants is no exception.

The list of popular tests and diagnostic tests is presented below:

  • complete blood count with platelet count;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fasting blood glucose;
  • biochemical analysis of venous blood;
  • coagulogram (indicators of speed and quality of blood clotting);
  • Wasserman reaction, Australian (Hbs) antigen test;
  • blood type, Rh factor;
  • fluorography / radiography of the chest;
  • ECG;
  • mammography (breast x-ray) for women over 40;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

In the presence of concomitant diseases, the patient necessarily visits the appropriate specialist to exclude potential contraindications to implantation.

Preoperative and operating periods

Breast correction There are several rules that are recommended to start performing 1-2 weeks before the surgery.

These include: giving up bad habits, first of all, smoking and drinking alcohol, observing a gentle, easily digestible diet (it is strictly forbidden to eat and drink before the day of general anesthesia before and on the day of surgery), temporary cancellation of medicines that have the property to thin the blood, and hormonal drugs (only after consulting with your doctor).

In addition, before the operation, an assessment of the results of the research is carried out, the necessity of one method or another is justified, the woman is explained about all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the possible risk of complications. In the operative period, the surgeon carries out a preliminary marking of the future incision in two positions of the patient: standing and sitting.

Then the woman passes under the control of the anesthesiologist, who provides general anesthesia and is located next to her during plasty. How silicone breasts look before and after surgery allows us to evaluate numerous photographs of patients. If you follow all the rules and principles of the operation with implants, you can achieve amazing results and significantly improve the quality of life.

Silicone breasts: reviews and rare complications

It should be remembered that not all women are shown breast endoprosthetics.

Common diseases for which plastic surgery cannot be performed are:

  • malignant oncological processes of any localization;
  • acute infections;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood disorders with coagulation disorders.

In addition, the operation is not carried out to persons under the age of 18.

The course of the rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period usually does not take much time. With a successful course of plastic surgery, a woman can be discharged home the next day.

Special pressure bands are applied to the mammary glands. For the first week, the patient may be disturbed by pain in the postoperative wound area, due to edema and mechanical damage to the soft tissues, and a feeling of skin tension. In this case, analgesics are prescribed (analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

On the 7-10th day, the stitches are removed, in place of the scar there is a dense bright red color band, which then turns into a thin, barely noticeable line. The whole month following the operation a woman should wear compression underwear. It is necessary to improve blood circulation, the disappearance of edema and accelerate the formation of a fibrous capsule around the implant.

It is advisable at first to limit physical exertion, exercise, do not lift weights, give up hot baths and saunas, sleep on your side and back. The fact that the recovery process characterizes a silicone breast, reviews of most women boil down to one thing - as safe and successful as possible due to the implementation of all the recommendations.

Possible postoperative symptoms

Small breasts In the early postoperative period, in addition to pain syndrome, several complications can occur: subcutaneous hematomas (hemorrhages), infectious inflammation of the wound, loss of skin sensitivity in the affected area.

The hematoma is usually absorbed by itself, but if it is located more deeply, additional drainage may be required.

Infection slightly increases body temperature, increases pain in the wound, redness, swelling.

In such situations, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and local treatment of seams with antiseptic solutions. Violation of sensitivity does not require any treatment, as it is restored on its own within a few months.

Rare complications

In women with silicone breasts, reviews do not mention serious irregularities after surgery. But despite this, they have a place to be. Among the rare complications include the displacement of implants, their rupture, the development of contracture, seroma, violation of the integrity of the milk ducts of the gland.

Implant displacement to a small extent is almost always observed. However, in cases of violation of the regime of wearing compression underwear, early loads offset can be significant and lead to the need for re-operation. The appearance of cracks, tears and other defects in implants is possible with the use of low-quality models, after prolonged wear. Modern implants have a two-layer shell and silicone filler, which, even if injured, does not spread and does not leave the product.

Any body perceives an implant as a foreign body. That is why a capsule of connective tissue gradually forms around it.

However, in most cases this doesn’t manifest itself in any way: the breasts are still soft to the touch and have a natural shape. For an unknown reason, a small percentage of women can squeeze and deform the implant, which requires additional intervention. Seroma - a cavity near the implant, in which the serous fluid accumulates.

She visually disproportionately increases the size of the breast. It is eliminated by sucking the liquid with a syringe under ultrasound guidance. Damage to the ducts of the gland is observed only in two cases - if the incision was made around the nipple and, if the implant was placed under the gland tissue. Unfortunately, these changes are irreversible.

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