Solarium after mammoplasty: features visit
What can be more beautiful than a beautiful female body? At all times, artists put him on a pedestal, dedicating his creations to him. Over time, the fashion on the parameters has undergone some changes, but one thing remains unchanged - the female body is still the true subject of inspiration.
Today, just like many centuries ago, a beautiful and healthy female breast is a cherished dream of men. If earlier the fashion was aristocratic pallor, and tan was considered the lot of people from the working environment, today the situation has changed.
Since today the questions about mammoplasty are very topical, many women who decide to undergo an operation are interested in the question of how soon it will be possible to imagine a body for sunbathing. To answer this question, let's "plunge" into the world of mammoplasty in more detail.
What is mammoplasty?
Naturally, the only reason that can induce a woman to perform plastic surgery on the breast is the desire for perfection. The operations performed today with the aim of giving an aesthetic appearance to the mammary glands are divided into:
- breast augmentation ;
- breast reduction ;
- asymmetry adjustment;
- correction and correction of the form.
All of these subspecies have a different etymology of origin. Someone wants to increase the breast to get rid of the complexes, while others strive to put their bust in the hands of plastic surgeons to correct the effects of pregnancy and subsequent feeding of the child. All situations are purely individual.
By the way, operations are carried out in various ways, again, depending on the situation, the client’s wishes and the resources that the patient’s health assumes. Speaking specifically about breast augmentation, implants can be inserted in three different ways:
- through nipple halos;
- through an incision under the breast;
- through the armpit.
The most difficult is the installation of the implant through the armpit, but at the same time, this option is the most effective, since in this case the incision becomes the least noticeable.
If we are talking about implantation or other methods of surgical intervention, it is necessary to understand that for proper healing it is necessary to follow certain rules - a visit to the tanning salon after mammoplasty during the healing period of the seams is not among those. The biggest danger is suppuration of the seams.
At a certain temperature, caused by heating the body in a solarium or by taking ordinary sunbathing, any infection that does not fall within the healing line can produce a deplorable effect. If you are not against the constant use of antibiotics and the risk of blood poisoning - this option is for you. By the way, such cases are quite repeated.
After any mammoplasty, doctors recommend wearing postoperative bandages without fail. Wearing them helps keep the tissues at the required level, prevents their movement, which allows the body to quickly cope with healing.
A visit to a tanning salon after a mammoplasty or a beach implies a rejection of the bandage, which in any case will lead to disastrous consequences. In the case of implantation, it is even possible to displace the implant to a level that can only be corrected by invoking a surgical method.
In addition to the standard problems associated with the lack of a bandage, the patient will also necessarily face another danger of sunburn during the postoperative period - pigmentation of the sutures. Of course, depending on the type of skin, this process will proceed in different ways, but it should be understood that the suntan body will stand out strongly on the tanned body. Usually they get a yellow color, the tan from which, by the way, disappears longer, leaving the scar strongly distinguished from the rest of the body.
When can I go to a tanning salon after mammoplasty: tan without any consequences?
As you know, sunburn without consequences is possible only with the use of special products that can reduce the damage taken by our skin. In order not to worry about the consequences of infection and fading of the stitches, at least two months must pass after the operation, during which the healing process will be over and your body will completely “put up” with the surgery. Since there are several basic skin types, the rules for tanning after suffering mammoplasty will be as follows.
- Light skin, freckles, blonde hair.
This type of people is most susceptible to combustion. If you still decide to go sunbathing, and even after a recent surgery, the first thing to do is to stock up on sunburn cream. Yes, yes, it is against! The first few sunbathing techniques should be carried out in test mode, gradually reducing the amount of cream used. The use of various creams that enhance tan, is strictly prohibited. - Light skin, dark hair, green or brown eyes.
Owners of this color type should also be careful to start sunbathing. Typically, girls with similar skin, with proper care, may well get a quick tan, if you do not abuse the various tools that enhance tan. - Dark skin, dark eyes.
Usually, owners of this type of skin have to say “thank you” to their Asian roots, which gave them the opportunity to “enjoy the sunbathing” with “impunity”. The only thing that will require their skin - periodic moisturizing. In this situation, the use of various tanning creams is absolutely not forbidden, since the skin is prepared for this kind of work.
The most important thing that should unite all the above types is that it is not necessary to keep the incision in direct sunlight, even if more than two months have passed after the operation. The best option is to hide it under clothes (suitable for mammoplasty with incisions in the shape of the breast).
If we are talking about cuts on parts of the body that are visible in a bikini, the most reasonable way is to apply stickers that can be purchased in a tanning bed (stikini). These precautions are necessary in order to prevent the scar from acquiring an unwanted color that will later be difficult to bring out.
Thus, it is possible to resort to tanning two months after the operation. The only condition necessary for a safe tan is control of the seam condition.