Sport after mammoplasty: types of physical activity in the postoperative period
In pursuit of beauty, women pay special attention to their bust. Of course, each has its own idea of how the breast should ideally look, but there are still certain criteria that make the breast less attractive.
The most common reasons for which women resort to mammoplasty include:
- The need for breast augmentation .
This is the most popular operation to date. Breast size is increased with implants. - The need for breast reduction .
This operation, in contrast to the first, is also in demand. A huge number of women dream of getting rid of a natural breast of impressive size, as it represents the severity that affects the rhythm of everyday life, having a negative impact on health. - Breast asymmetry.
Sometimes, due to various factors, the mammary glands can be deformed, creating at the same time a strong asymmetry, which can only be corrected surgically. - Changes in breast shape due to pregnancy, sudden weight loss and other factors.
With the loss of "filling" and sagging, the mammary glands can also be corrected with the help of mammaplasty.
All these methods can easily give a woman the bosom of her dreams, however, a huge number of women are afraid to resort to such operations, fearing for a long time to “fail”. Fears to which women are exposed are most often caused by the fear of deteriorating health and fitness, as there is a stereotype that sports are contraindicated for a long time after mammoplasty .
Of course, leaving the hospital, you should not immediately run to the gym, in addition, the first
The first light loads are available after 2 weeks. The load must be gradual so that the muscles do not experience stress. In the process, you should avoid exercises and simulators of increased risk of injury, devoting more time to such sports after mammoplasty as fitness.
Serious sports such as professional skiing, can be recommended only after complete healing process. The main thing to remember - if you do not want to spoil the result of the operation, you should not ignore the advice of doctors.
Training, fitness and gym after mammoplasty
So, when 2 weeks of rest are over, and you decide to go to conquer the gym, remember that compression garments should not be removed yet.
Yes, in the absence of pain, which should pass by this time, the laundry will still bring some discomfort, but it will not be in any way compared to the first few days after the operation.
The training plan should not be after mammoplasty immediately perform a large number of exercises and approaches.
The first thing that advised doctors to patients who have suffered a mammoplasty - push-ups. This exercise should start by doing stenochki constantly while watching the reaction of the organism.
At the first sign of fatigue and you feel pain - stop.
Push-ups perfectly develop the pectoral muscle, and, unlike the narrow-minded opinion, this exercise does not damage the form, but on the contrary - will help the implants to “fall into place”.
All other exercises should also perform at the primary level, not peretruzhdaya body.
The types of sports that are able to positively influence the postoperative period, concerns fitness. After mammoplasty it is not so important what kind of fitness we are talking about - be it a step or cardio, the main thing is a good fixation, which is achieved by bandages and control of the state of the body. It should be noted that the healing process is much faster if the patient regularly expose your body mild exertion.
Speaking about the visit of the gym after mammoplasty, it is also worth noting the need to inform their coach of undergoing surgery. This is done, firstly, so that the trainer can protect you from simulators that can harm in one way or another, and secondly, if something goes wrong (or you feel bad) during the workout, the trainer could quickly respond and provide appropriate assistance.
When can I ski after mammoplasty?
Skiing requires the active work of all muscle groups. If we talk about a semi-professional or professional skater in the process involves the active work of the top muscle group. In addition to the active muscle work, so it should be taken into account the fact of the increased possibility of injury. If bandages can well save from sudden movements, displacement of the mammary gland in the process of running and hopping movements, it is unlikely from a severe fall from the slope of the mountain.
Even when it comes to driving on relatively flat terrain, you should never neglect safety. A strong fall on the chest can cause a huge number of consequences, ranging from a rupture of the suture, ending with the displacement of the implant, which may require additional surgical intervention. In order to safely stand on skis and enjoy this sport without the risk of complications, it is necessary to fully withstand the period of wearing the bandage, which is determined by your doctor.
Thus, in order to return as quickly as possible to the usual rhythm of life saturated with sports, it is necessary to follow simple rules: follow the healing process, analyze the general condition of the body and observe the mode of wearing postoperative bandage. Listen to your body, giving it time to recover!