Breast reduction: plastic methods, indications and contraindications to the procedure
Beautiful, lush breasts - the dream of every representative of the beautiful half of society. It is easier for women with a magnificent bust to choose clothes, they have beautiful clothes with an open neckline and open swimsuits.
And most importantly - a magnificent bust never becomes the cause of the emergence of various complexes and low self-esteem.
But not always the big size is attractive. Even with a third breast size, a woman may face some discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience.
Due to breast augmentation or reduction (weight gain or weight loss), a change, a distortion of the bust shape and a loss of attractiveness are noted. Women often complain of an increase or decrease in the glands, chest sagging, stretching, asymmetry, the appearance of stretch marks, etc. The attractiveness of the bust is lost with age, and also after pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Most of the representatives of the beautiful half of society, having tried a lot of ways to restore the former attractiveness of the bust or at least improve the shape, in particular, various physical exercises, diets, pills, and not achieving the desired result, simply give up. More persistent women with this problem seek the help of a plastic surgeon, despite the presence of possible postoperative scars and a certain period of rehabilitation. Today there are many ways to correct the bust.
Breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty, according to the numerous positive opinions of women, is one of the most effective methods, due to which one can not only reduce the size, but also give the breast an aesthetically beautiful shape.
In what cases use the technique
The mammary glands consist of skin and glandular tissue, which is attached to the chest by means of Cooper ligaments. There is fatty tissue between the glandular lobes. Its volume can vary significantly. It is for this reason that the size varies with the power supply. In women of old age, the bust consists only of adipose tissue.
In addition, the change in the size and shape of the glands may be due to the influence of hormones, for example, during menstruation or menopause, pregnancy. Due to hormonal adjustment, imbalance, the breast can increase significantly, while becoming asymmetric.
In this case, we are talking about breast hypertrophy. Big breasts are heavy, because of this, the appearance of discomfort and pain, especially in the shoulders, neck, lower back. Often, because of the tension of the neck, headaches appear.
In addition, representatives of the weaker half of the society with hypertrophied glands are more at risk of developing oncological tumors. For girls with large breasts, it is difficult to choose underwear, straps cut into the skin. In addition, hypertrophy of the glands is characterized by diaper rash, pruritus, irritation of the dermis.
Breast hypertrophy can be caused not only by hormonal changes or imbalances, but also by genetic predisposition. Breast reduction will be the perfect solution for women who are not comfortable with breast size.
It is not enough to use exercises alone or to constantly diet. Thanks to the reduction plastic of the breast, the mammary glands will become toned and elastic, the shape will be perfect, and the asymmetry of the glands will remain in the past.
Moreover, unlike other methods of breast correction, which imply the introduction of implants, the breast after the intervention to reduce the glands will have a natural appearance. Often, breast reduction is performed on patients with a fifth or larger size.
Plastic surgery is performed for women suffering from:
- hypertrophy of the glands;
- discomfort;
- change in posture;
- severe pain in the neck, spine, chest;
- mastodynia;
- gynecomastia;
- diaper rash, itching, rashes in pancreatic folds.
This technique contributes to: getting rid of asymmetry, improving shape, reducing areola and tightening the nipples to the top, increasing self-esteem, getting rid of the effects of pregnancy. After rehabilitation, the chest will look perfect in any clothes.
Restrictions and contraindications
The operation to reduce the size of the breast is difficult and difficult. And just like any other method of correction or therapy, reduction mammoplasty has a number of limitations and contraindications.
The technique is not applied to women suffering from:
- chronic pathologies in the acute stage: asthma, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, pyelonephritis;
- colds;
- diabetes;
- any oncological diseases;
- bleeding disorders;
- pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
- obesity;
- mastopathy;
- skin lesions, boils, suppurations, diaper rash.
Do not hold plastic women who are planning a pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in the bust after the intervention and the inability to breastfeed, as well as women with a fourth or less size.
There are a number of restrictions that should be read without fail:
- The result may change during gestation.
- The procedure to reduce the areola is not used during menstruation, as well as 4 days before and after them.
- Planning for pregnancy after plastics is allowed only after a year.
Plastics methods
The purpose of plastics is not only to reduce the size. It is equally important to give the breast a beautiful shape.
Breast volume is determined by the type of intervention. The larger the breast, the more difficult the operation will be, since a large amount of adipose tissue will have to be removed.
There are several varieties of reconstructive plastics.
The reduction can be vertical, with an anchor cut. Also allocate a decrease in glands in gigantomastia.
The operation is performed not only by women. Plastic may be male. The technique is used for gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia. Intervention is carried out by representatives of a strong half of society in most cases due to aesthetic discomfort.
Because of the large breast, the mental state is inhibited, depressive disorders develop. Men with a large volume can not live a full life. With the vertical method, a cut is made around the areola and cut down to the submammary fold. This technique is used to reduce the volume of the glands slightly, approximately
The main advantages of the method include:
- slight risk of injury;
- no scar;
- few side effects.
In the anchor technique, the incision is made around the areola, vertically down and in the submammary fold. This technique is effective with a large size - the seventh-tenth. In some cases, the weight of the removed fat is more than three kilograms. The technique of intervention in gigantomastia is similar to the anchor method, but at the same time it has some differences.
The incision is carried out around the areola, and then vertically down and in the crease. It is not always possible to transfer the nipple on the vascular pedicle. This is due to poor blood supply due to the large length of the feeding vessels, which is fraught with the death of the areola. Some doctors practice complete nipple removal. This approach eliminates the risk of complications. Then the nipple is formed from local tissue. The last stage - applying tattoo.
Breast reduction surgery: preparation, procedure and rehabilitation
Before any surgery, the patient is prepared, and breast reduction surgery is no exception.
To begin with, therapist’s consultation and examinations are scheduled:
- taking urine for clinical research;
- blood sampling for general and biochemical analysis;
- breast ultrasound;
- ECG;
- chest x-ray.
A week before the intervention, they stop using drugs that promote blood thinning, as well as hormones.
No less important about seven days before the operation to refrain from the use of alcohol and smoking. The day before breast reduction surgery, you should abandon the dense meals.
Procedure progress
Surgical intervention to reduce the bust complex, as well as other similar methods, combined with the risk of complications.
The operation to reduce the breast, or rather the method of conducting it, the amount of adipose tissue to be removed, medical preparations - all this is determined by the surgeon at the consultation. Surgical intervention is performed using general anesthesia. That is why the last meal should be held the night before. After that only water is allowed.
Breast reduction surgery is carried out in stages:
- carry out marking;
- cut the skin;
- determine the size of the areola;
- excised extra flap of the dermis;
- Excess fat tissue is excised and, if necessary, glandular;
- move the nipple and areola to a higher position, while maintaining the nerve and vascular bundles, as well as milk ducts;
- impose deep seams, then outlines the outer and impose a small cosmetic.
If the amount of work is small, doctors prefer the vertical method. It is less traumatic. The average duration of the intervention is two hours.
Recovery period
After several days after the operation, the woman is allowed to go home.
It is important to know!
To work and physical exertion after plastics can begin no earlier than after three weeks.
A week later, a woman should come for a consultation. External seams are removed after a week or two. The final formation of inconspicuous scars is noted in six months.
Throughout the rehabilitation period, women should wear compression underwear. It is also impossible to plan a pregnancy for a year.
Possible complications
Initially, the cuts have a red or pink color. Many women are worried and worried. This phenomenon is normal and after about half a year the cuts will become pale. Swelling and bruising disappear after about two weeks.
If the operation was performed by a qualified, experienced specialist, then complications, as a rule, do not appear. However, the development of side effects is not excluded.
Plastic is fraught with:
- bleeding;
- infection penetration;
- the death of gland or nipple tissue;
- disturbed sensitivity;
- asymmetry;
- the formation of coarse scars.
Fetal and HB Gestation During gestation and lactation, breast plastic surgery is not performed. It is possible to plan a surgical intervention no sooner than after half a year after HB. You can plan a pregnancy only a year after the operation.
How much is
The cost of intervention depends on the chosen methodology, the amount of work, the medicinal preparations used, the frequency of consultations and repeated examinations. The average cost of the procedure is 8000 dollars. Reduction mammoplasty is the best way to improve the shape of the bust, get rid of discomfort, reduce the risk of developing cancer.
In addition, the women who underwent this operation note that there was an opportunity to fully engage in sports, it became easier to pick up clothes, problems such as diaper rash, itching and irritation disappeared and self-esteem significantly increased.