Enlargement of the mammary glands in women, men and children: causes and characteristics
In humans, the breast can grow for several reasons. One of them is considered a natural cause, the second reason may be any pathology. The pathological growth of the breast is usually attributed to hormonal disorders in the human body.
It is known that the shape of the breast, size, directly depend on how well the body produces sex hormones.
Physiological (normal)
In this situation, the mammary glands grow in women after 17 years, which is associated with the onset of menstruation. During the period of pregnancy, feeding the baby with breast milk, the mammary glands also increase naturally. This suggests that there is a natural hormonal adjustment of the body. When girls begin puberty, the mammary glands begin to grow, which is considered absolutely normal.
This includes all other cases in which a human breast grows. As a rule, hormone failure or any serious disease affects the growth of the gland. Often, the gland swells due to the fact that the connective tissue grows, and the adipose tissue is deposited in the female half due to excess weight. The mammary glands in some people may increase over time during the period of rehabilitation after illness.
Where does it hurt
An increase in the mammary glands is accompanied by painful attacks, which occur periodically or disturb a person constantly. Constant pain spreads to the entire chest area, often giving pain to the ribs, muscle fibers.
Periodic pains in the mammary gland occur in the female half a few days before the onset of menstruation, thus creating the feeling that the breast swells, increases in size. The pain localizes the mammary glands in exactly the same way, on both sides, they become especially sensitive. As soon as menstruation occurs, the pain goes away.
Breast augmentation in women
Most women swell mammary glands on the eve of menstruation. This is influenced by the hormones of the steroid class. Among other things, the mammary gland increases due to estradiol - a hormone produced by the ovaries that affects the growth of connective tissue.
In the female body there is a hormone progesterone, due to which the corpus luteum is produced, which has a direct effect on the growth of breast cells. This process is completely reversible, after the end of the next menstruation, the female body without any pathologies returns to its normal state.
Female breasts can be increased if hormonal drugs are taken - contraceptives, as well as other hormonal drugs that have a small proportion of hormones in their composition. In addition to normal physiological processes, a woman should be attentive to her health, namely, to pay attention to what kind of pain occurred in the glands. Breast augmentation often occurs due to mastopathy.
Pathological pains in this case are long, increasing, radically different from the pain during menstruation, can localize the region of the shoulder blades, underarms, shoulders. Most often, with this pathology, women have a strong chest pain when lightly pressed or moved, a seal appears at the top of the chest. This problem is dealt with by a doctor mammologist. It is to him that a woman will have to turn immediately if she sees such a state in herself.
Breast enlargement during pregnancy
Every pregnant woman increases iron, it is an absolutely normal process.
The body is prepared for the appearance of the baby, because the woman will have to feed him with breast milk. Several hormones play an important role in this process - estrogen, prolactin, progesterone, lactogen.
It is lactogen that is considered a special hormone, because its production occurs by the placenta itself.
The breast of a pregnant woman undergoes many changes, glandular tissue increases in volume (thanks to her, breast milk is produced), and increases in the circumference of the alveoli. The mammary glands are enlarged for 9 months until the baby is born.
Breast enlargement in men
As strange as it sounds, men are also prone to an increase in mammary glands. Pathological gland growth is called gynecomastia. As a rule, this is a benign change in this area. As an independent disease, gynecomastia does not occur, it is always a sign of any disease in the body.
There are several reasons why a man may have an enlarged gland:
- After taking drugs containing estrogen.
- Violations in the production of testosterone, the main male hormone.
- Weak androgen production.
- Tumor in the adrenal glands, testicles.
- Liver diseases caused by severe alcohol intoxication.
- Excess weight.
- Lack of renal enzymes.
The growth of the gland in men in most cases is associated with hormonal disruption. Gynecomastia can localize one or two breasts at once. According to research data, pathology most often affects both breasts, where the glandular tissue grows quite quickly.
Breast enlargement in a child
Glands can increase in a child a month after birth, which should not cause concern to parents. This situation occurs more often than usual, both in girls and boys, due to hormone estrogen, through the placenta entering the baby’s bloodstream. Therefore, many mothers can observe how the smallest drops of colostrum are released from the papillae of a child. After the second month of life in a child, the breast ceases to swell.
Breast enlargement in girls
The mammary glands in girls begin to increase at the age of
The early maturation of the gland can occur due to congenital mutations at the genetic level, when one of the genes responsible for producing estrogen is mutated. Despite these deviations in the children's body, girls in appearance do not differ from their peers. In addition, their bone system is ahead of development for several years ahead.
Breast enlargement in boys
If the boys between the ages of
Until the end, the cause of mammary gland swelling in boys at this age has not been identified, but many experts interpret this condition as a short-term hormonal imbalance, after which the state of the mammary glands normalizes.
Breast augmentation in women and subsequent treatment
In men, women and children, it is possible to diagnose enlarged glands in different ways. Women are referred for mammography, lymphography, blood tests are performed, the doctor externally examines the mammary glands.
In men, an x-ray examination of the lungs, CTG, and MRI of the head are performed, and the urine is examined for its nitrogenous bases. Children are thoroughly examined, blood is taken for analysis in order to determine the level of hormones, ultrasound of the mammary glands is performed.
Treatment of breast augmentation in women
If there is an increase in the mammary gland in women, the doctor prescribes the use of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. These drugs will help a woman cope with pain during menstruation. If the gland has increased due to hormone failure, then a certain hormonal agent is prescribed, lowering or increasing one or another hormone.
Treatment for breast augmentation in men
In this case, the root cause of the enlarged gland is eliminated. Men are assigned a certain hormonal drug. In addition, a hormone can be injected into the muscles, which quickly penetrates the bloodstream and helps to cope with hormonal disruption. In the event that the gland has increased on its own, it is removed by surgery .
Treatment of breast augmentation in girls and boys
If girls or boys have premature swelling of the mammary glands, it is necessary to consult a specialist twice a year, not to make any vaccinations. Medication during the period of inflammation is not required.
However, if boys have an increase in the mammary glands for several years, then it is necessary to prescribe hormonal drugs.
Unlike many other diseases, preventive measures in this case are impossible, due to the fact that the person is not able to affect the production of sex hormones.
Experts advise to eat right, abide by the regime of work and rest, lead a healthy lifestyle, to prevent hormonal disruptions.
Men should not neglect the power loads, they contribute to an increase in testosterone in the body. Stress has a negative effect on the hormonal background, and the level of such a hormone as cortisol, which helps to turn testosterone into estrogen, may increase. Refrain from taking bean products, hops, cheese, beer.
If the mammary glands increase, experts advise not to worry, not to take drastic measures. However, most scientists believe that any hormonal imbalance adversely affects human health, especially on the female body.
Due to hormonal disruptions, some diseases can develop in the body. An increase in the mammary gland in women can cause a strong hormonal imbalance, which subsequently leads to infertility. From the above it follows that an increase in the mammary glands in a person at any age should not be overlooked.
In women, this occurs every month, with the onset of menstruation. Men should be more careful if suddenly the iron begins to grow rapidly. The children's body is completely unpredictable, so a specialist should control the swollen glands in a child.