Chin contour correction: main directions

Marking plastic chin and other parts of the face Content:

A chin is a facial feature that affects the attractiveness of an entire person's appearance. Underdeveloped or beveled shape of the chin can deliver psychological discomfort and ridicule from the environment. Today, for the correction of the shape of the chin are used both operational and non-surgical methods.

When is mentoplasty necessary?

Makrogeniya or too large lower jaw violates the proportions that can not affect the visual perception of your face. The lower jaw can be enlarged in two directions: horizontal or vertical. Her abnormal increase in any direction gives a woman a masculine profile, which is aesthetically unfavorable. It is in such cases that they resort to performing diminishing mentoplasty. For most men macrogenia looks quite harmonious, because facial features become even more manly looking. However, the male profile violates the presence of fat deposits, which over time accumulate in the chin area.

Important to remember

A chin is no less important a feature than a nose or lips. Its correct form will give symmetry to the facial features, and using the injection technique you can give clear contours of the lower part of the face, highlight the sunken chin, remove the folds of the “second chin”, get rid of the “swollen face”.

When is the contouring of the chin still shown? The reasons that require chin correction include:

  • Anomalies of development of the bones of the lower jaw, because in rare cases, it is observed asymmetric growth.
  • Chin disproportion in relation to other face segments.
  • In plastic surgery aimed at changing sex, since the chin of a man and a woman differ significantly in size.
  • Correction after traumatic injuries of the lower jaw.
  • Severe congenital anomalies of the facial bones of the skull, which lead to functional disturbances act of chewing and speech.

In addition, by contouring the chin contour of the neck-chin angle can be made clearer. The correction will eliminate the violation of the proportions of the face, and give it a young attractive look.

The feasibility of using non-surgical chin shape correction techniques

You should not wait for absolute transformations from non-invasive methods. The tasks of contour plastics include minor changes. This procedure will help if the chin is weak or too sharp and violates the proportions of the face. the injection of fillers give the required volume of the chin, make facial features more distinct, and the skin - elastic. The specialist makes a decision on the expediency of correcting the shape of the chin after examining the patient.

  • The essence of the procedure is that with a special syringe or cannula under the skin fillers are introduced, providing the desired effect.
  • If a person needs to carry out cardinal changes in the shape of his chin, then mentoplasty with the use of implants is used for this, which is a complete plastic surgery.

Contouring is a painless procedure that takes 30 minutes. Pain relief injections are used only in rare cases with an individual low pain threshold in patients. The most commonly used creams with an anesthetic effect.

How to prepare for surgery?

  • Before the operation, a consultation with the surgeon is held, during which they set goals and realistic expectations from the surgical intervention.
  • The specialist conducts the examination and carefully examines the medical documentation that the patient has.
  • Next, carry out a complex of diagnostic laboratory and instrumental measures. Among them is the most informative examination of teeth, computed tomography (CT) X-ray of the skull and mandible.
  • The data of these research methods allow to determine the optimal tactics of surgical intervention and predict its outcome.

Chin contour correction result 2 weeks before the operation, it is necessary to refuse to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid, since they can affect the cellular composition of the blood and contribute to the development of bleeding.

Depending on the place where the incision will be carried out, a complex of preventive measures is determined.

If you plan to conduct external incision in the chin, then 2 days prior to surgery should be carried out using washing with antibacterial agents.

In the case of the section over the lower lip of the part assigned oral rinse the oral cavity with the use of antiseptics such as chlorhexidine. 6–12 hours before the operation it is necessary to exclude any food intake.

Mentoplasty can be done for several obvious reasons:

  • To correct chin defects resulting from abnormal bone development in the jaw. Sometimes the jaw bones continue to grow on one side of the face, but not on the other, leading to facial asymmetry. In other cases, part of the jaw bone is missing - this condition is known as congenital absence of the jaw.
  • To correct the chin, which is asymmetric and does not harmonize well with facial features.
  • As part of a sex change operation. The size and shape of the chin and lower chin line are somewhat different in men and women.
  • As part of the craniofacial reconstruction after injury.

The cost of mentoplasty varies considerably according to the complexity of the procedure. The cost for the implant of a surgeon with average qualifications was about $ 1000.

This method of chin shape correction is as safe as possible in comparison with other procedures involving the implantation of synthetic materials and which are full-fledged surgical interventions.

With the help of fillers you will correct the unsuccessful face shape, give your chin smooth and soft outlines, eliminate age-related changes. In addition, using this non-surgical method, you can correct a chin or mild chin that distorts the appearance and affects the profile of the face.

Ugly chin makes the profile inharmonious and limp. The duration of effect of the corrective procedures typically a year or more, depending on many factors - the activity of certain human facial expressions, the way of his life, the characteristics of the organism.

But according to reviews of a large number of women who have already used this procedure - they are satisfied with their new way, and resort to contour plastics regularly with each procedure fixing the effect for an increasingly longer period.

Unlike surgical methods, non-invasive do not affect the work of the muscles of the face. As a result of using the procedure, you will look younger and overcome aesthetic defects that brought discomfort in the past, while your face will not be unnatural.

Chin correction surgery - mentoplasty

result mentoplasty To reduce chin , bone and cartilage tissue is removed, and excess fat and sagging tissue is removed to remove the “double chin”.

The latter method is often combined with a facelift. All operating methods are conducted via the notch on the facial skin or through the mucous membranes of the mouth, that is more aesthetically pleasing manner without seams.

Most often, mentoplasty is performed in the case of asymmetry of the chin or its underdevelopment.

Today, several chin modeling options are used , which make it possible to take into account the patient's anatomy and his personal wishes for the operation:

  • Installing biocompatible implants , depending on the structure of the patient's face.
  • Lipofilling - transplantation of the patient's own fat cells in the chin area to increase its volume.
  • Mini liposuction is the removal of excess fat that forms a “second chin”.
  • Tightening the lower part of the face and neck adjusts the shape of the face when it is displaced or deformed.

Modern computer simulation simplifies the process of selecting the optimal shape and size of implants. Today, technologies allow making individual models of silicone implants and more lightweight options - perforated. On average, the operation lasts for one and a half to two hours under general intravenous anesthesia. It is usually necessary to spend in the hospital for 1 more day, sometimes the patient can be allowed to go home immediately.

With an increase in the chin using intraoral access. Incisions to increase the cheekbones are made from the inside of the cheek, and access through the lower eyelid is also used. After the operation, discomfort, swelling, swelling, difficulty in chewing are possible. Rehabilitation last about a week.

Among the risks of surgery can distinguish infections, nervous disorders, asymmetry, implant displacement or rejection of the patient's body.

The result of the operation is usually permanent, and depends on the material used.

What method of chin correction to choose only you, prompts only the doctor who specializes in this issue. If you do not require substantial changes shape a person, it is not necessary to resort to the use of implants, taking into account all the risks of such operations. In any case, the risk should be justified. But non-surgical injection techniques, although they do not give a permanent effect, are safer and painless. Take into account all the risks and make the right decision.

Reducing mentoplasty is a plastic surgery, the purpose of which is to correct the shape and size of the chin, mainly due to the removal of a portion of bone tissue of the mandible. This operation allows not only to reduce the chin, but also to ensure the proportionality of its size in relation to the other facial features. After all, it depends on the shape and size of the chin how your face will look like in profile. You should also pay attention to the relationship of size, shape of the nose and chin. As the chin decreases, the nose visually increases. In this regard, reducing mentoplasty is often combined with rhinoplasty.

Technique for reducing mentoplasty

Chin surgery is a popular procedure. This surgical intervention is carried out only under general anesthesia (anesthesia). The duration of the operation can vary from 1 to 3 hours. After anesthesia, they begin to make an incision either above the lower lip or an external incision at the chin. After exposing the bone tissue, part of it is removed or dissected. Further, the bone fragment is displaced posteriorly and it is fixed with the help of cerclage sutures. Complete the operation with layer-by-layer suturing and cosmetic stitching.

However, during the formation of the intraoral access is often soft tissues begin to sag, but the scar remains invisible to outsiders. If the incision is performed in the chin area, it provides direct access to the lower jaw bone and soft tissue excess is easily removed. This provides a better effect after surgery. When the incision is made parallel to the chin line, the postoperative scar becomes not noticeable at all. Often, reducing mentoplasty is combined with the removal of fatty tissue deposits (lipectomy). This allows you to achieve the most favorable aesthetic result.

The course and complications of the postoperative period

After surgery, pain and swelling are noted, which is observed for 5 days. In this regard, anesthesia treatment is prescribed. It is also recommended to wear a compression bandage, which will reduce the degree of edema. Removal of sutures is carried out within one week. With intraoral access, only liquid nutrition is prescribed for 4 days. It is also necessary to rinse the mouth with an antiseptic at least 2-3 times a day. In order to ensure favorable results of surgery, several simple rules must be followed:

  1. Attach to your head while sleeping or resting an elevated position with the help of a few pillows.
  2. Exclude touch or any other contact to the chin area.
  3. Eliminate intense physical activity for two weeks.

If the above rules and recommendations are not followed, there is an increased risk of complications. If you do not regularly disinfect the oral cavity, it contributes to the development of infection. During the operation, the nerve can be damaged, which leads to a constant feeling of numbness. There may also be a slight asymmetry. It is worth noting that these complications are extremely rare. Patients are usually satisfied with the results of reducing mentoplasty and note a significant aesthetic improvement in the first days after surgery.

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