Removal of the second chin: features of the procedure

Removal of a double chin: results Content:

Most girls strive and try to fix their second chin using various methods. Such a chin, as a rule, entails insecurity and discomfort, so almost everyone wants to get rid of it.

Chin reduction surgery is called liposuction. First of all, such an operation brings effective and fast results. This procedure is not very complex and can be combined and performed in conjunction with other corrective operations.

Chin surgery is not only removing fat deposits, but also correcting the shape of the chin. The doctor can offer you in combination with a reduction in fat and slightly adjust the chin. But this can happen only if there are no contraindications to such a process.

Removal of the second chin can be done at any age, regardless of what type of skin and the nature of the defect. Thus, the operation to reduce the chin is available to almost everyone.

Mini liposuction can be carried out with the help of small incisions through which excess fat will be drawn. The whole process of the operation does not take much time. Approximately the operation to remove the second chin will last 1 hour, but a few days after that you should still walk with a special bandage.

Correction of the second chin with cosmetics

In order to visually reduce the second chin, you can use cosmetic procedures. First of all, for this variant of chin correction, you need to find the right organic cosmetics in accordance with your skin type. And then you can proceed to the procedure.

  • To begin with, we apply a natural foundation to the entire chin area.
  • Dark concealer distributed on both sides of the chin. It is best to do this with a brush and at the same time use only light movements.
  • After that, you can begin to apply the powder. This should be done in order to hide the transitions that were used in this case.

The next cosmetic procedure is lifting. His help can be addressed in the event that body fat is not so serious and voluminous.


Correction of the second chin in this way will be useful to those who do not wish to resort to surgical intervention. One has only to undergo a course of laser or ultrasound lifting. Only in some cases it is necessary to make cuts, as fat deposits are quite voluminous.

This method of correction of the second chin contains a disadvantage, perhaps the most important one. With the help of a laser, it is impossible to control the penetration of the rays themselves into the tissue.

Getting rid of a second chin with exercise

Correction of the second chin: the effectiveness of the use of cosmetics Not less effective way to get rid of the second chin are exercises in the form of massage. It would be best if this method is used in combination with a diet.

The massage will be effective only if the fatty tissue on the chin is not strongly pronounced. These can be sculptural massage and targeted lymphatic drainage massage, which help to reduce fat tissue and knead it well. Also this kind of massage helps to remove excess fluid from the fatty tissue.

The biggest advantage of getting rid of a second chin with the help of massage is that manual massage does not contain contraindications and complications. Thus, the procedure is a fairly universal solution to this problem.

Nowadays massagers have become popular, which can be purchased without any problems both in the online store and in the pharmacy.

There are options for vacuum massage, which is carried out in the beauty salon. In this case, the beautician drives the chin area with an apparatus, and he, in turn, is adjacent to the skin and corrects the shape of the face. After this procedure, puffiness disappears and blood circulation improves. The result is already manifest after the first procedure.

It should be noted that there are some contraindications to such a procedure.

  • Inflammation, open sores or other damage to the chin.
  • The procedure is recommended to do up to 35 years of age.
  • Flabbiness and dry skin.

Features of double chin liposuction

Second Chin Liposuction Results Liposuction of the second chin takes a very small amount of time, it can last up to 1 hour. This kind of operation is the safest and after it there are practically no complications.

Most often, surgeons make only two incisions through which fat will be pumped out. If necessary, the specialist can make another incision under the jaw. Upon completion of the operation, all the incisions are sutured with cosmetic stitches and heal very quickly, without leaving any marks behind.

There is another option for incisions in the mouth. Of course, this option will not leave 100% a trace, but with all this, the patient during the rehabilitation period should adhere to all the recommendations and prescriptions of the physician in order to avoid any inflammation and complications.

  • In the area that is cut, a special solution is injected. It contributes to the destruction and dilution of fatty tissues.
  • Only after this process, the tissue is pumped through special devices.

After the end of the neck surgery, a special elastic bandage must be applied, which will help prevent the appearance of edema. The surgeon should remove the stitches in just a few days after the operation.

The next few weeks is to follow some recommendations that will help keep your chin in shape and rehabilitate faster.

  • First of all, it is worth sleeping on several pillows and wearing a compress bandage.
  • You also need to abandon physical exertion and sudden changes in temperature, which may affect the rehabilitation period.
  • Do not eat too hard food, which can carry pain.

Swelling in the neck after liposuction of the second chin will pass in a few weeks. Literally in half a year the final face contour will be formed, which will be preserved for 10 years. Of course, if you follow all the recommendations, this period of time will increase, and the work of the surgeon will last much longer.

Reduction of the second chin non-invasive methods

Laser liposuction is no less productive and popular method of reducing a double chin. It lies in the fact that the laser beam penetrates into adipose tissue and destroys them. After the liquefied fatty cells enter the extracellular space and then are excreted through the lymphatic or the circulatory system. This procedure is carried out thanks to the new and modern equipment.

Ultrasonic cavitation is also a variant of non-surgical second chin reduction. The essence of this method lies in the destruction of adipose tissue under the influence of ultrasound. In the same way as in laser liposuction, fat is broken down and excreted naturally. During the period of cavitation itself, the restoration of elastic fibers, which in turn contribute to the restoration and elasticity of the skin.

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