Ways to reduce chin
Many people are often dissatisfied with their aesthetic appearance. This applies to various parameters of the human body.
Presentable appearance has an incredible impact on the psychological state of a person, so men and women tend to make it better.
But there are also situations where a change in appearance is simply necessary. The support for this may be an accident or injury, which gave a flaw to the exterior.
The most relevant operations that are performed on the face are associated with chin reduction. This surgical intervention has an age limit.
Minors operation is not allowed. The process of intervention is not easy. And this is due to his pastime. The initial stage of manipulation occurs under the influence of local anesthesia. The chin is reduced based on several types of techniques.
- The first is a complete dissection of bone tissue.
- To the second partial dissection of the bone and its grinding.
During the operation, the doctor models the chin, under the desired shape. And completes the manipulation of suturing. Rehabilitation time takes about two to three months.
Liposuction of the face, cheeks and chin
Liposuction of the face and chin is carried out in conjunction with a tightening of the facial skin. This procedure is mainly aimed at making people of younger age for reasons of heredity or due to the appearance of such a terrifying second chin.
Manipulation is effective only in case of sufficient presence of adipose tissue in the area of the face and chin.
- Before the intervention, a medical commission should be examined and tested to ensure the absolute health of the patient.
- At its core, the technique is not complicated. The time frame varies from one hour to two.
- Under the action of anesthesia, microscopic incisions are made through which fatty tissue is pumped out. After these cuts is almost impossible to notice.
- After liposuction, the patient must wear a mask, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the face and chin.
Liposuction of the cheeks and chin will allow the patient to get rid of the plump cheeks by changing their size. Most of the patients who are ready to change the shape of the cheeks and chin are of a rather young age. Thanks to the intervention, the fatty layer of the cheeks is reduced, which makes them more refined. In the same way, the cheekbones and chin are emphasized.
Manipulation of difficulties is not, as well as the above operations, the intervention allowed only people who have reached 18 years of age.
Before the operation is performed, the patient must undergo blood tests and be examined to ensure good health. The operation takes place under local anesthetic, in some very rare cases, general anesthesia can be applied.
The rehabilitation process after liposuction of the cheeks and chin takes from one to two months. During this time, all scars inflicted during the operation, are tightened. After the rehabilitation of the scar will not remain the slightest trace.
Chin lifting and laser liposuction
Lifting the chin will eliminate such defects as sagging skin on the chin. Very often, it is the neck and chin that give the true age of a woman, which she tries to hide in every possible way.
Thanks to the operation, loose skin is removed with the help of small cuts, which in the end will allow the woman to feel more confident and much younger.
Lift the skin on the chin - the process for doctors is not complicated and takes a short time. During the procedure, mainly local anesthetic is used. After that, the surgeon proceeds directly to surgery, during which small patches of skin are removed, by small incisions.
During the rehabilitation period, the stitches are removed after a week, and the chin lifting effect can last for 10 years.
Laser chin liposuction is a very effective and, nevertheless, painless procedure, which, together with rehabilitation, will take about two days, which is important for women who live an active life.
Plastic surgeons are still more inclined to conduct conventional manipulations with respect to laser.
- Laser chin liposuction takes a very short time and is performed under the action of a local anesthetic.
- The doctor makes an extremely thin incision in the chin area, through which he introduces a so-called needle, whose diameter is no more than a millimeter.
- The doctor moves the needle in the directions where the fatty tissue should be removed.
With the help of a laser beam, the surgeon can clearly see the whole process of liposuction. During laser manipulation, the entire fat layer in the area turns into a homogeneous mass, which is displayed independently after a few days.
The cost of laser liposuction chin is quite high, but it is undoubtedly justified.
The advantages of this procedure are the transience of the process, the absence of consequences, the sealing of vessels, the activity of collagen in the area of laser exposure increases. Patients about the procedure respond positively.
Other chin reduction operations
There are other types of chin reduction operations, for example, implant placement and implantation. There are a lot of variations, so choosing the right implant is not difficult.
- Manipulation called lipofilling due to its own adipose tissue will allow you to correct the chin and give it the desired shape. Thanks to mini liposuction, the second chin can be easily removed, which causes discomfort in many women.
- Quite often, women turn to plastic surgeons and have surgery to tighten the neck. It not only tightens the skin on the neck, but also corrects the chin.
In connection with each individual case, the doctor will offer to do this or that manipulation. Before turning to surgical plastics, you should definitely consult in several clinics and choose for yourself the right one. Only professional experts will be able to eliminate the flaws that do not make women feel comfortable.