Chin augmentation: main indications
In today's world, not everyone is happy with their appearance: someone does not like the cut of their eyes, someone does not accept small lips, and someone has an ugly chin. Basically, such problems are solved with the help of plastics.
Chin plastic is called mentoplasty . Such a procedure is not very common, but, nevertheless, it is in demand in the majority of patients, both male and female.
Chin surgery can solve problems such as the manifestation of underdevelopment, overly protruding chin or congenital defects in this part of the face. You can also eliminate the results of traumatic effects on the chin with mentoplasty.
General indications for chin augmentation are as follows:
- elimination of defects in the appearance of the chin, obtained by hereditary or by trauma;
- solving the problem of chin disproportionality;
- correction of an unformed chin;
- facial rejuvenation.
Chin augmentation involves performing an operation using various methods that have their advantages and disadvantages.
One of the methods is the bone augmentation technique, the essence of which lies in the process of dissecting the bone and further displacing its part in the necessary direction. After surgery, proper fixation. For this purpose, such elements as special-purpose screws, collagen plates are used.
This method of chin augmentation should be carried out only by an experienced and professional surgeon, since there is a large proportion of the risk of injury. Also, the method has a rather long recovery process.
Also a great way to increase your chin is to use hyaluronic acid fillers. This method is effective if there are minor defects in the chin. In the course of operational actions, a filler is introduced into the chin, which is absolutely safe. With the help of the filler, the doctor creates the necessary contour.
Chin augmentation with implants is also widely used.
Lipolifting also provides for an increase in the chin through the use of patient adipose tissue. Such tissue is removed from other parts of the body. The method is effective due to the rapid engraftment of its own fabric.
Should say
At the end of time, part of the fat cells is able to dissolve. The recovery period has a relatively short period - a week or two. The effectiveness of the result after this procedure can last up to
After the operation to increase the chin comes a recovery period, which is characterized by special signs and manifestations:
- the need for a bandage fixing action for several days;
- ban on physical activity for a month;
- manifestation of discomfort in the process of chewing food, so it is recommended to use it in a liquid form;
- manifestation of edema in the first days after surgery, which subsequently disappear.
Among the main contraindications for the plastic to increase the chin can be listed such as:
- thyroid disease;
- high blood pressure;
- diabetes;
- viral diseases;
- diseases of the internal organs.
Chin Implant: Varieties
The implant method of chin augmentation consists in performing an operation on the installation of special purpose implants. They are biocompatible with the human body. An implant is selected depending on the structure of the skeleton of the facial part, as well as on the basis of the indications of the patient's state of health.
This method is distinguished by minimizing the occurrence of risk in the implementation of operational activities.
Chin implants are of the following types:
- Standard model. Such an implant has preferential differences, which lie in the practicality and choice of a wide range. The standard implant model requires proper fixation of the reinforced action, as well as the implementation of a fit. The fact is that often the implant is not fully consistent with the structure of the lower jaw and the required form. Therefore, such an implant may loosely adhere or create a sharp transition between the jaw itself and it. As a result, it becomes necessary to fit the implant. This procedure takes place during the operation. Fitting requires a lot of effort, patience and time. Using a scalpel, the doctor models the surface that is adjacent to the bone, as well as changes the size of the implant itself. If necessary, bone irregularities can be removed. After the operation, there is a possibility that the bone will move to the side, therefore, to prevent this phenomenon, a reliable fixation with screws is used;
- Individual model. Such an implant is made according to the structure of the lower part of the face, depending on the shape of the patient's chin. Implementation of implantation using an individual model does not require fitting.
Before the operation, the patient is examined and consulted by a doctor. Thus, the surgeon will be able to determine whether it is safe to perform the operation, and what are the chances of occurrence of complications. During the examination, the patient passes the necessary tests, and also tells the doctor about individual possible allergic reactions to certain medications.
Before the operation, you should refuse to take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, as they worsen blood clotting. Also not recommended the use of alcohol and tobacco. Their influence can significantly slow down the healing process of tissues and engraftment of implants. Before the operation, a snapshot of the patient's face is taken so that he can then compare the result.
During the operation steps, various implant placement methods can be applied. Usually, an incision is made on the inside of the mouth in the junction of the gums and lower lip. Through this incision, the doctor places the implant. The incision can be carried out in the area of the chin line.
For example, silicone implants in the chin of the solid type can be installed by means of a small incision under the chin itself. For others, an incision is required directly in the oral cavity. Implants are installed in several ways: by forming a pocket, by stapling the implant to a tissue or bone. At the end of the operation, the incision is hemmed and a sterile bandage is applied. In the case of incisions in the oral cavity, absorbable sutures are used.
Chin augmentation with implants lasts about 40 minutes. If such an operation is performed in conjunction with a plastic of a different orientation, time may take a little more. At the end of the operation steps, it is necessary to apply a bandage with a supporting effect that will reliably hold the implant during the repair process.
Chin augmentation with implants has its advantages:
- permanent plastic result;
- the possibility of conducting an operation together with other plastic procedures;
- selection of implants from a wide range;
- Various installation options: inside the mouth, or direct access.
As a result of chin implantation, the following complications are possible:
- reduced skin sensitivity;
- the possibility of implant displacement;
- as a result of infection, implant removal and proper treatment is required.
How to increase the chin non-invasively
There is an option to increase the chin without surgery. This method is called lipofilling.
Such an operation involves the use of fillers. The advantages of this method include:
- lack of surgical treatment;
- the postoperative period is also absent, which greatly facilitates the patient's condition;
- long term performance, about a year or more.
The main results that can be achieved using this method are:
- aesthetic and attractive chin;
- asymmetry elimination;
- smoothing of a sharp chin.
There is also another way of non-surgical chin augmentation. It involves the use of biological strands. Such threads are placed on a specific zone by means of a needle intended for that, and then the chin is fixed.
It should be said that biological threads do not dissolve over time. Using this method, you can increase the chin by only 1 cm. The recovery process after the procedure takes only a few hours.