Scientists: 3D printing during plastic surgery


3D printing in plastic surgery Plastic surgeon from America Kerry Stern founded the 3D printing company MirrorMe3D in New York. Using the services of 3D printing, people can get a clear idea of ​​how they will look after plastic surgery.

The idea of ​​the consciousness of a copy of the face or other parts of the body arose from the creator of the company on the basis of practical experience in plastic surgery. As Kerry Stern says, not every person is able to realize how he will look after the operation, looking only at computer visualization.

Printed 3D model busts will allow doctors to more clearly demonstrate to patients the result of the operation.

Many plastic surgery clinics already have 3D scanners, and MirrorMe3D is ready to create busts of various sizes from images: from miniature copies to natural sizes. Looking at the bust, the patient will be able to see all the changes that will occur with his body after the work of a plastic surgeon.

The price of 3D printing depends on the size of the bust. For a small copy will have to pay $ 60, and for printing in full size - about $ 300.

Not only patients who want to change their appearance apply to the company, but also people who want to make their bust just like that. Some people order products for their friends and relatives as a gift.

Valeria Sokolova, news editor