
Swede Pixie Fox spent more than 120 thousand dollars to her body was most similar to the figure of two fictional girls.

The Czech Republic has become a favorite country for medical tourism.

On August 5, the famous Brazilian plastic surgeon Ivo Pitangui passed away on the ninth dozen.

Brazilian researchers have found that tattoos using a permanent makeup machine can help fight scars and wrinkles and replace popular creams.

Women who want to increase their buttocks with the help of plastic surgery are not aware of the possible danger and for the sake of "dreams" they agree to injections of any drugs.

Most patients who consent to plastic surgery, know very little about how this procedure is performed and what can be hidden behind it.

American scientists have concluded that injections of Botox can lead to poor health and even cause paralysis.

A week ago, an unusual beauty contest was held in China. Already 6 times the competition was held among girls with the most voluminous and beautiful mammary glands.

The Englishwoman, abandoned by her mother, performed 15 plastic surgeries in order not to have the slightest resemblance to her.

Natalie King, mother of 6 children, thanks to a complete change of image and plastic surgery, was able to achieve stunning results and almost model appearance.