Actual data: the fashion for large buttocks is growing every year
Allegedly plastic surgeons over the past few years, the number of buttock augmentation operations increased 5 times.
Experts believe such an interest in the result of the desire to be like celebrities who increasingly demonstrate the large rounded shape of the part of the body.
Owners of large priests can be called Nicky Minadzh, Kim Kardashian, Amber Rose and some other stars.
All these women are considered to be very beautiful, so the desire to resemble them in appearance is understandable. Every year the number of beautiful women, do plastic surgery to increase the buttocks, is growing. Even popular models with a lean physique increase the volume of the priests, a tribute to fashion.
According to The free press journal, women are willing to make the plastic and pay a lot of money, just to be like his idol. According to the stories of some doctors, some of them even take loans for such operations. Experts point out that in recent years the buttocks is not just to increase, and make them very large. To date, this trend is at its peak, and the number of people willing to increase the proportion of the lower part of the body is not reduced.
The British Association of Plastic Surgeons mark stable growth procedure in which excess fat from the sides move in the buttocks. Thus the woman solves two problems - plump waist and flat priests. In recent studies Netherlands experts have found that the optimum ratio between the volume of the waist and the hips should be 0.71. For example, a beautiful waistline considered ratio of 63 cm and thighs of 91 cm.
Valeria Sokolova, news editor