Apparatus for permanent makeup as an alternative to plastic surgery


Apparatus for permanent makeup According to the latest issue of Cosmopolitan magazine , a tattoo and permanent makeup machine has found a radically new use, namely for the treatment of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, burn marks and other gross skin defects.

As it turned out, this non-standard approach was proposed by Lisa Henning, director of Beautiful Ink . The essence of the proposed method is that the device is launched idle: the needle makes microprocols, without staining the skin with a coloring pigment, thus destroying the coarsened scar tissue. According to studies, such microprocols have a positive effect on aging face skin. This happens due to the fact that microscopic damage activates the production of elastin and collagen, as well as the necessary protective functions of the skin and increase blood circulation.

Thus, it is possible to achieve a lifting effect without plastic surgery - experts say. The length of the needles for the procedure and their number directly depends on the purpose of their application. For example, for massage with microscopic needles in order to get rid of facial wrinkles, use needles up to 0.3 mm in size.

If the procedure is used to remove any unwanted defects on the body, use needles up to 2.5 mm in size. Experts say that this procedure is an alternative for plastics. This method is particularly relevant in cases where for some reason plastic surgery is contraindicated.

It is noted that the procedure is largely sparing in terms of the occurrence of side effects and is much more painless than most popular, often used methods. Moreover, its use minimizes the risk of infection with punctures, inflammation and side effects.

Valeria Sokolova, news editor