British after weight loss removed 22 kg of excess skin


Leaner paul mason According to the portal , Paul Mason from Britain was considered the most obese man in the world. Thanks to his desire to lose weight and the help of his doctor, Jennifer Kapla, the man lost 317 kg in weight. The culmination of a two-year history of weight loss was plastic surgery to remove excess skin. After the hardest work of the surgeons, Paul Mason was able to get up from the wheelchair to which he had been chained for years.

The idea to lose weight Briton contracted after falling in love. Before meeting Rebecca, the man ate daily food at least 20,000 calories a day. He went the hard way of losing weight: shunting the stomach, a special diet. As a result, Paul Mason achieved significant results.

After a significant reduction in the amount of fat, the skin sagged heavily. The man still could not move on his own. Therefore, plastic surgery was required for the circular removal of the skin from the middle part of the body. As Jenefer Kapla says, the most difficult moment in the operation was the work with a huge number of blood vessels. It was necessary to detect them, cauterize and bandage. If at least one of the vessels was missing, the patient would have bled to death.

After about 9 hours of operation by plastic surgeons, the operation was completed, and the weight of the removed skin was 22 kilograms. After a few weeks, the rehabilitation period ended and the man went home.

Currently, Paul Mason moved to his sweetheart in Orange, Massachusetts. The couple still faces different obstacles, but now the man can lead a full life. He walks the dog every morning, goes to the cinema with his beloved, plans to grow vegetables and fruits on his plot.

After some time, Paul Mason will have another operation to remove excess skin. This time, plastic surgeons will work with the skin on the upper arm.

Valeria Sokolova, news editor