Swede removed 6 ribs to reduce waist
According to Cosmopolitan UK, it became known that the Swedish Pixie Fox spent more than 120 thousand dollars to make her body as close as possible to the figure of two fictional girls - Jessica Rabbit (“Who killed Roger rabbit?”) And Holly Wood (comic series “Cool World ").
Pixie is only 25 years old, but already now the structure of her body has undergone tremendous changes. The girl managed to go through more than 10 plastic surgeries, including the removal of six ribs. At first, Pixie paid for plastic herself, however, having gained popularity on the Web, she received sponsorship from her fans.
“I always dreamed of removing the ribs to get as close as possible to my dream. The main difficulty was not even in money, but in the search for a qualified surgeon who would not refuse to conduct such an operation. It took time for the specialists to perceive me not as crazy. The doctors realized that I was aware of my actions, and finally the operation was carried out. Now my waist reaches 40 cm, but this is not the limit. I need to recover from the last plastic surgery, do intensive training, and I will get a waist with a diameter of 35.5 cm! ”
Pixie has a special corset, which serves as a substitute for the girl's chest. Wearing a corset has to constantly. The girl does not stop there. There is still a whole list of operations that a girl is going to go through to achieve her ideal.
Valeria Sokolova, news editor