Scientists: Botox is unsafe for health


Botox According to data published in the scientific journal Cell Reports , American scientists have concluded that injections of Botox can lead to impairment of health and even cause paralysis.

Experimental studies carried out in mice revealed that Botox molecules are able to move between neurons. Edwin Chempen, one of the researchers , argues that the spread of these molecules is directly dependent on the dose of the drug, however information about this process is not enough. Scientists say that a certain amount of Botox remains in the injection area, but the rest of it moves around the body, which increases the risk of sudden paralysis.

In addition, there are many cases where Botox has already been suspected of negative side effects. Ophthalmologists from Israel have repeatedly argued about the harmful effects of Botox on the organs of vision, and other studies have found that the frequent use of Botox is aging the skin, and does not rejuvenate. However, despite this, Botox is still actively used in plastic surgery.

According to some reports, the company producing Botox in 2015 alone earned more than $ 2 billion.

Valeria Sokolova, news editor