Scientists: Alopecia can be predicted
In a study conducted at Edinburgh University of Scotland ( University of Edinburgh ), revealed 287 genome sites responsible for male pattern baldness. Based on the results, the study leaders Saskia Hagenaars and David Hill created a formula to help predict the risk of hair loss.
For the study was used biomaterial from a special storage Biobanka. The genome and data were studied on 52 thousand men. As a result, scientists have identified the genes responsible for the structure and development of the hair, as well as genome areas associated with their loss, according to the scientific journal " PLoS Genetics ". Researchers note that many of the genes responsible for hair have been transferred to men from their mothers. The study studied only general information. If the data were analyzed with regard to age, the genetic dependence would be determined more clearly. Scientists believe that further study of genes will help create new drugs that prevent pathological hair loss.
In another study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania ( University of Pennsylvania ), it turned out that bald men are perceived more courageous and self-confident than it actually was. This did not apply to men with partial hair loss, which, on the contrary, respondents perceived as weak. A survey conducted in America showed that 94% of men are pathologically afraid of baldness. This figure is even higher than the fear of impotence and deafness.
Valeria Sokolova, news editor