Scientists: plastic surgery helps to quit smoking
Plastic surgery every year are becoming increasingly popular among people of different ages. This area of surgery is often blamed for the fact that people mutilate their bodies in an effort to become like unrealistic characters.
However, plastic surgery has a positive side - about 25% of people who have done an abdominoplasty , quit smoking. A scientific article about this is published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery .
After plastic surgery, it is important that the wounds heal quickly, otherwise scars may remain. Wounds are quickly tightened only if there is a steady flow of blood to them. If a person smokes, then this cannot be achieved, since nicotine contributes to the narrowing of the capillaries, as a result of which the blood flow to the tissues is reduced.
In such a situation, the edges of the cut skin simply cannot connect properly, and instead of improving the appearance, a person gets deformity in the form of scars.
Plastic surgeons strongly recommend their patients to give up cigarettes one month before the surgery and not to smoke for a while after the procedure. According to experts, this period is sufficient for the recovery period to be successful.
In a smoking person, the risk of complications is at around 40%, and if a client of a beauty clinic did not smoke during the month before the operation, then the risk is reduced to 20%. Specialists from the University of British Columbia monitored 85 patients at the plastic surgery clinic.
It turned out that a quarter of patients completely quit smoking, observing the prescription of the surgeon, 40% began to smoke from time to time, and 70% of respondents first thought about giving up cigarettes.
Valeria Sokolova, news editor