Auricle surgery: indications and features of the procedure

Indications for auricle surgery Ugly ears often cause ridicule of others. Adolescents, for whom the psyche is most vulnerable, are particularly affected.

Modern medicine offers an easy solution to this issue with the help of simple operations.

Correction of the auricle is called an otoplasty. The success of the ear correction operation, with all the rules, is guaranteed to 99.9%.

The operation on the auricle is divided into two groups according to its tasks:

  1. The aesthetic goal of otoplasty is to improve the appearance of the ears, if there are defects such as lop-ear, ear size that is too large, the disproportionality of the hearing aid, and others.
  2. Reconstructive plastic surgery of the ears is performed in order to restore the missing parts of the outer ear. Such a defect may result from trauma or congenital ear abnormalities.

Defects of the auricle can be as follows:

  • irregular ear shape;
  • smoothness of the auricle and antihelix;
  • lack of auricle (anotia);
  • protruding ears from the side or top;
  • the auricle is collapsed or too small (microtia);
  • asymmetrical arrangement of the ears;
  • deformation of the earlobe;
  • disproportionately large ears (macrotia).

To understand what may be abnormalities, you should study the structure of the outer ear.

  • The visible part of the ear consists of the auricle and the ear canal. It is formed from cartilage and skin, in the lower part of the shell (lobe) is adipose tissue.
  • The auditory canal is located in front, and behind it is the main part of the outer ear - the auricle.
  • The periphery of the outer ear is a curl, then, going deeper inside, there is an antihelix.

The normal size of the ears on the diagonal is: for women 57-62 mm, for men 61-65 mm. Normal cartilage formation involves a tight fit of the ear to the head. If the angle between the head and the auricle is more than 28 degrees, we can talk about pronounced lop-eared.

Auricle surgery is performed from the age of six. Features of otoplasty are as follows:

  • one of the easiest plastic surgery;
  • procedure time from 30 minutes to 2 hours;
  • minimum side effects;
  • can be performed using a laser ;
  • tissue injuries (edemas, hematomas) disappear within two, three weeks;
  • it is necessary to wear a fixing bandage for several days;
  • complete healing of the ear occurs after six months;
  • during the recovery period it is forbidden to engage in contact sports;
  • has one of the highest percentages of customer satisfaction result.

What you need to know about plastic ears

Ear surgery If there is no doubt about the correctness of the decision to correct the ears with the help of an operation, then you need to carefully prepare for it. It is useful to study the materials on this topic and read reviews on the Internet about the best clinics and qualifications of plastic surgeons.

Preparation for plastic ears

Consultation with a specialist is an important point for obtaining the desired result.

A plastic surgeon discusses all the details of the upcoming operation and the subsequent rehabilitation period. The doctor does an examination, performs computer simulations, and suggests possible techniques for the operation.

The doctor offers:

  1. The choice of anesthesia . The operation takes place on an outpatient basis, with the use of local anesthetic drugs. At the request of the client can be used anesthesia.
  2. The choice of surgical method :
    • Traditional surgery with a scalpel - this type of surgery is most common, since not every clinic can afford expensive equipment. Operation with a scalpel gives excellent results, but has a lot of side effects.
    • Laser otoplasty - correction of auricles is carried out by a device that generates a laser beam. This type of operation is not more reliable, but the tissue is injured to a lesser extent, and the rehabilitation period is easier.

After discussing questions about the procedure, you should pass all the necessary tests to exclude contraindications. When giving blood, a biochemical analysis is done, HIV and hepatitis are excluded, the Rh factor and the blood clotting index are determined. The operation requires a mandatory examination by a therapist and otorhinolaryngologist.

In which cases the operation can not be done:

  • oncology;
  • propensity to form keloids;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ears;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hepatitis or HIV infection.

How to prepare for the procedure on the day of surgery:

  • thoroughly wash your ears and head;
  • remove hair from ears (braid, pick up in tail, cut whiskey and so on);
  • do not eat food;
  • drink water only in case of strong thirst and in the minimum quantity.

Performing an operation

Auricle plastics is performed using various techniques. It depends on what specific area of ​​the ear you want to change or restore. But the main actions of the surgeon to perform incisions and work with cartilage tissue are similar.

To eliminate aesthetic defects, the surgeon performs the following steps:

  • behind the auricle makes an incision;
  • separates skin from cartilage;
  • on the cartilage tissue notches, removes part of the cartilage or folds soft cartilage and stitches;
  • sews up the skin.

The restoration of parts of the ear is as follows:

  • the doctor makes an incision in the skin and forms a cavity for the new cartilage;
  • cartilage tissue is placed in an educated pocket;
  • fixes the auricle in the correct position;
  • stitches on the skin.

When reconstructing the cartilage, a second operation is required, which is performed 3-4 months after the first. The cartilage is released from the skin pocket, and the doctor forms the auricle.

Plastic ears Methods of operation on the auricle are divided into two groups.

  • In the first group, sparing (non-invasive) methods of influencing cartilage tissue are used. To change the shape of the ear, it is not cut, but sewn up. In this case, the natural curvature of the shell is created.
  • The second group includes methods in which the cartilage is excised or part of the cartilage tissue is removed. In order to reduce ears, the doctor removes not only the cartilage tissue, but also excess skin. With the artificial formation of the auricle there is a possibility of scarring of the tissues.

In the case of restoration of the auricle with the loss of its parts as a result of burns, injuries, grafts from the skin and cartilage of the person are used. Cartilage tissue is taken from the ribs, and the skin is taken from the top of the buttocks.

Otoplasty for the correction of auricles lasts about two hours. After completion of all manipulations, the doctor applies a bandage.

Earlobe correction is easier and faster. It is carried out together with the elimination of other defects or performed separately. Healed tears on the lobe are notched and stitched by the imposition of thin seams. If the lobe is wide or long, the doctor removes excess skin and fatty tissue, leaving a small, inconspicuous seam in the back.

Recovery after surgery

Immediately after ear surgery, edema and redness occur, which can last for 3-4 weeks. In the early days, the patient experiences pain that is easily relieved by analgesics. After correction of the ear, the patient is obliged to visit the doctor for examination and dressing.

The rehabilitation period lasts six months. But the most important procedures and restrictions are performed within one to two months.

Auricle Correction What is important to know:

  • stitches are removed in about a week;
  • do not wash your hair before removing the stitches;
  • dressing for otoplasty should be worn from 3 to 7 days (as recommended by the doctor);
  • a bandage for the night should be worn for two months;
  • you can not wear glasses in the first month after surgery;
  • dry and hot air of hair dryer should be excluded for at least 1.5 months;
  • during the month you can not use the pool;
  • you can not go into the steam room or sauna until the ear heals;
  • for six months to abandon the sport, where there is a chance of injury to the ear.

What complications may occur:

  • Violation of the sensitivity of the skin, which, as a rule, are reversible.
  • Hypertrophic scars (rarely occur).
  • Divergence or breaks of seams.
  • Infection of the middle ear.
  • Inflammation of cartilage and soft tissue.
  • Allergy to drugs.

The price of plastic ears

The cost of the ear correction operation starts at 14,000 rubles and can exceed 100,000 rubles. The amounts paid by eminent plastic surgeons are even higher.

The price of plastics on the ears is made up of many factors: the type of defect, anesthesia, method of operation, conditions of the clinic, locality, and a number of others. Thus, in Moscow, the operation to eliminate lop-earedness for two ears costs from 33,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - from 38,000 rubles, in Volgograd - from 40,000 rubles, in Krasnodar - from 38,000 rubles.

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