Sew tunnels in the ears - the dream of former non-formals

Ear tunnels Almost all people are subject to fashion trends. But one thing when it comes to clothing, accessories and makeup, another - when changes affect the skin and soft tissue of a person. Tattoos, piercing on different parts of the body are no longer a rarity, but such a decoration, like tunnels in the ears, is a relatively new phenomenon.

The desire to stand out from the crowd most often occurs in young people. Non-formals, hipsters - those groups of people who have tunnels in their ears are most common. But time goes on, fashion changes, and young people get a job in prestigious institutions. And then the question arises: "How to get rid of fashionable jewelry, and sew tunnels in the ears?". Consider more decoration, which is called the tunnels.

The story of piercing in the form of tunnels in the ears and lips goes far back in time. According to the results of the excavations, it is possible to judge that this tradition was present even in the times of the Sumerians. In the modern world, it was revived in about the 70s in America, among singers and musicians. In Russia, the fashion for the beginning of the tunnels will actively spread at the beginning of this century.

What are the tunnels?

Tunnels in the ears - a hole in the lobe, with a diameter of 3 to 10 mm or more. Earring for the tunnels is inserted into the ear and fastens like riveting on clothes. 5 and 8 mm are the most popular hole sizes, and over 10 mm is the size that is suitable for real extremals. It can be said unequivocally that the tunnels do not leave anyone indifferent. Someone this attracts and he wants to do the same with his ears. And someone causes hostility or even disgust.

Tunnels in the ears do in the piercing salons. So that large holes appear in the ears, two methods are used. In the first, a puncture is made, and a 3 mm expander is inserted. After some time, the hole is stretched to 5 mm or more. This is a long-term method, and is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, a second option is proposed, in which the incision is made with a scalpel to the size of the desired diameter. Both options are painful and fraught with complications: breaks, infection of tissues, deformation of the lobe, and so on.

What to do to get rid of the tunnels?

  • overgrow the hole in a natural way;
  • sew tunnels in a plastic surgery clinic.

Ears after tunnels At home, you can try to overgrow the tunnels yourself. This is possible if the hole diameter does not exceed 5 mm. First you should remove the earrings and walk around for about two months without them. During this time, the tunnel significantly shrinks, and after half a year, only a small scar will remain in place of the hole. During the overgrowth of the hole can be applied to the ears of a compress from the infusion of calendula. This plant stimulates tissue regeneration. To eliminate the scars should use special anti-sebaceous ointments.

Some people try to speed up the healing process by cutting the edges of the tunnel with a scalpel or puncturing the needle. In no case should this be done. This method can lead to infection and leave severe scars on the skin.

In the case when the tunnels have a large diameter, only one option remains to get rid of them - a surgical operation to reconstruct the lobe. The tunnels in the ears are sutured in plastic surgery clinics, and such an operation is not cheap. After all, the professional task of a plastic surgeon is to restore the natural appearance of the body, and not just the suturing. The operation for two ears will cost an average of 25 to 30 thousand rubles. The price of the operation depends on the status of the clinic, the complexity of the defect, the qualifications of the doctor, the city in which the operation is performed, and so on.

Ear plastics after tunnels are performed in different cities. To determine the choice of a clinic and a particular doctor it is useful to read reviews on the Internet about such operations. Reviews on the restoration of the earlobe after fashionable earrings are different. And this is no accident. After all, sometimes the earlobe is disfigured so that it is easier to sew a new one than to restore the old one. In reviews of the positive results of sewing tunnels in the ears, such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Ufa, Rostov are mentioned.

How to restore the ears after the tunnels.

The plastic surgery section for ear surgery is called otoplasty . As a result of the ear correction, the shape changes, damaged or missing parts of the auricle and lobe are restored.

Lobe surgeries are performed in several cases:

  • Elimination of deformation as a result of wearing earrings. A lobe consists of skin and fatty tissue; therefore, too heavy jewelry can stretch it, since their natural elasticity has a certain limit.
  • Restoration of the ears after the tunnels. As a result of such an ornament, the earlobe is strongly stretched, leaving a hole that cannot be tightened on its own.
  • Congenital defects of the lobe: bifurcation, bulging, disproportionately large size.
  • Mechanical damage. Most often occur due to gaps in the puncture site for wearing earrings.
  • Scars caused by injuries or overgrowth of puncture holes.

How to sew tunnels in the ears To sew up ears after tunnels, approximately the same that to restore the torn ear. This is the most delicate operation in contrast to the plastics of the ears, associated with elongation of the earlobe with age stretching.

The operation on the earlobe is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The procedure time is from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the complexity of the defect.

When a tear, a stretched hole, or a hole, the doctor performs an excision of the outer tissues around the perimeter, and then stitches them.

If the ears after the tunnel have grown together, then there is a scar in this place.

It is not enough to remove the scar itself, as there may be relapses, so a full-scale operation is performed.

Ears after the tunnels have a stretched and long lobe. The skin is thinned, and fatty tissue is practically absent. In this case, a reduction in lobe is required. To do this, excess tissue is excised, and the rest are joined and sewn up.

As they say plastic surgeons, to sew up the ears after the tunnels is a solvable, but not an easy task. It is necessary to make such a pattern, so that the earlobe looks as natural as possible. During the operation, pieces of skin and fatty tissue are collected as a puzzle, therefore this hard work is available only to high-class professionals.

Before correction, ear lobes should be examined by a general practitioner and ENT doctor, and blood and urine tests should be taken. The operation is contraindicated in infectious diseases, bleeding disorders, inflammatory processes in the ears, diabetes mellitus, a tendency to the formation of keloids, during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

After surgery on the ears after the tunnels, you must comply with all the recommendations of the doctor, the data for the recovery period.

Ears heal in 2 - 2.5 months and you can make a new puncture for wearing earrings.

Tunnel fashion has affected many countries, including neighboring countries. The operation of sewing the ears after the tunnels is popular not only in Russia, but also in Belarus and Ukraine. Such operations are necessarily carried out in the capitals of cities: Minsk and Kiev.

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