Where do you get hair for a head transplant

Where do you get hair for a head transplant Content:

Hair transplantation (transplantation) is a procedure designed to restore hair on the head, body or face.

Lack of hair can be associated with genetics, laser hair removal, scar after surgery, a burn or other type of accident.

Where do you get your hair for a transplant? At the very same patient. This ensures that the color of the transplanted hair does not differ from the color of the hairline.

  • Hair is most often transplanted from the chest and abdomen, but also pubic hair, hair from the back, beard, armpit and any other area can be taken.
  • Donor hairs after transplantation continue to grow, as if they were in their natural place. Therefore, they need to be cut monthly.
  • Often, for hair transplantation to the bald spot of donors, they are taken from the back of the head, as they are resistant to androgenic alopecia (hereditary, age baldness).
  • The result of hair transplantation is maintained for life.

In order to provide a natural appearance, the hair is transplanted one to two in each graft (graft). It is very important to place the grafts at the right angle and at the lowest possible incisions so as to minimize scar formation.

The price of hair transplantation is from 150 to 200 thousand rubles.

Finding out where to get hair for transplantation, it is important to know about the methods of transplantation . There are two of them: suture (FUT) and seamless (FUE).

  1. In the first case, the doctor cuts small strips of skin with hair from the donor part and sutures up the incisions. Then he cuts the strips under a microscope, so fragments containing hair are obtained. Then they are transplanted into small holes made in the skin in the bald area.
  2. In the second case, the hair from the donor area is taken with a special tool, leaving not scars, but small wounds, which then heal without sutures. Such an operation is more expensive than FUT.

Artificial hair transplantation: side effects

In 1983, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned artificial hair transplants. The following reasons for the ban were mentioned:

  • This procedure entails risks associated with illness or injury due to the incompatibility of artificial fibers and skin.
  • Artificial hair is often a fraud, due to the spread of deceptive information about the effectiveness of the result, insufficient information about the risks arising from the implant.
  • Artificial hair transplantation does not have any health benefits.

The reasons that prompted the FDA to issue such a ban were the many side effects of implanting artificial hair. These include:

  • recurrent infections;
  • rejection and periodic loss of artificial hair, which requires their frequent replacement;
  • frequent allergic reactions leading to severe contact dermatitis, irritant effects;
  • concerns about the possible carcinogenicity of the fibers;
  • cicatricial alopecia;
  • granulomatous hypersensitivity;
  • cyst formation.

Transplantation of artificial hair Biofibre Nevertheless, the procedure of artificial hair transplantation has been practiced in clinics of different countries so far. For this, two products are commonly used: the biocompatible hair of the Italian company Biofibre (Biofibre) and the Japanese synthetic hair from polybutylene terephthalate and polyethylene terephthalate, and the implantation is done by the Nido corporation.

The company Biofibre claim that they have solved many problems associated with artificial hair, and biocompatible hair is completely safe. They consist of a polyamide material that is inert and resistant to chemical and mechanical action. Its structure is as close as possible to natural hair.

Artificial hair transplantation takes place with the help of an implanter apparatus that puts hair to a certain depth, making an incision or a puncture of the skin. On the end of the artificial hair there are eyelets for fixation under the skin.

For the first time up to 500 grafts are implanted, then the patient is sent home. Repeated reception - in two months, if there is no physical or moral discomfort, then the doctor transplants up to 4 thousand additional hair.

After the procedure, the patient can immediately do the usual things.

The claimed benefits of artificial hair transplantation:

  • relative simplicity of the procedure;
  • hair can be extracted within a few days;
  • this method is relatively bloodless and gives an immediate cosmetic result.

However, unlike grafts, man-made fibers do not grow and, therefore, cannot be cut or shaved. A study conducted in 1995 showed that despite the improvement in the incidence of complications, the new method of implanting artificial hair remains a dubious procedure and cannot be recommended due to possible permanent consequences.

FUE hair removal on the head from the body: a technique

Hair transfer from body to head Body hair can be transplanted to balding scalp areas. This technique is known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or the extraction of individual follicular units of the body. It is very difficult, because the hair on the body of some patients is not easy to extract. FUE refers to autotransplantation, that is, the transplant recipient is also a transplant donor.

The best areas for the removal of donor material - a beard and chest.

The main advantages of body hair transplant surgery are :

  • It helps with various types of alopecia (including baldness caused by androgenic alopecia or extensive scarring of the scalp after an accident or previous surgery).
  • FUE is a minimally invasive, seamless procedure. There is no need to use staples, stitches or other sutures.
  • Fast recovery time (areas where donor hair was taken from usually heal within seven days).
  • Minimal scarring remains.
  • FUE is best suited to those who need eyebrow transplantation.

Not every candidate is suitable for transplanting body hair. Some simply do not have enough body hair, while others simply don’t have hair. There are other factors that can cause a plastic surgeon to refuse a patient a hair transplant, including:

  • Anomalies of blood coagulation.
  • The tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Allergy to anesthesia.
  • Androgenic alopecia in persons under 24 years. This is due to the fact that the progression of baldness is usually not completed by this age. Therefore, the operation will lead to an unnatural looking hair growth model. It almost guarantees the need for re-hair transplantation.
  • Very curly hair, such as in people of African descent. This is due to the potentially increased rate of hair incision during extraction.

The procedure for hair transplantation from the body, as a rule, includes placement of 200 to 3400 or more hair grafts, depending on the desired density and size of the bald area. It is performed under a mild oral sedative analgesic and takes 3 to 8 hours and is practically painless.

The only exception is the removal of donor hair from large areas of the chest , some patients prefer to undergo this process under the intravenous administration of sedatives and under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.

With the help of a special punching apparatus, the surgeon extracts grafts separately. So you can avoid scars.

After hair transplantation, small red spots remain on the back of the head - microscopic scars. They disappear after a while.

During the first five days after hair transplantation, tiny crusts are seen around each transplanted hair. On the second day, the patient is allowed to go home, and he can resume normal activities without any signs of surgery.

Transplanted hair begins to grow after three months, and their growth will continue throughout the patient's life. The cost of FUE in Moscow is 70 rubles per graft.

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