Face Reinforcement: Basic Techniques

Mesothreads for suspenders Time ruthlessly towards female beauty, wrinkles appear on the face over time, the oval of the face loses elasticity, the skin sags. In medicine, these changes are called gravitational ptosis of the face.

Not so long ago, the services of a plastic surgeon were required to eliminate this problem; at present, other methods can be used for rejuvenation.

reinforcement method will help rejuvenate facial skin without surgery. It is based on an injection correction method.

  • Hyaluronic acid is injected into the subcutaneous layer, using it creates a kind of skeleton, which tightens the facial tissues from the edge to the center.
  • The principle of the technique is that a needle is inserted under the skin, with the help of which the thinnest channels are created, which are filled with a filler.
  • Later, these channels are overgrown with connective tissue, as well as collagen fibers. With the help of fibrous formations and creates a frame that tightens the skin.
  • During a certain time, the procedure can be repeated by fixing the threads above the previous level.

Reinforcement person performed in patients from 30 to 50 years . To find out if your skin needs a tightening, you can do a fairly simple experiment. Stand in front of the mirror, then tilt your head to the side. If the facial skin sags, wrinkles appear, then it is time to apply to the services of a cosmetologist for reinforcement.

Torch facelift: readings and holding

A threadlift of the face, or threadlift, helps to significantly tighten the skin without surgery. Compared to the surgical method, the facelift is less traumatic, it does not require large incisions and skin exfoliation, so rehabilitation is much faster.

  • Special threads are injected subcutaneously with the help of which the fabrics are moved and fixed in the required position.
  • It is used in patients 30-40 years old, but if there is evidence, it is also carried out at an earlier age.
  • This type of lifting helps eliminate wrinkles and folds, tighten sagging skin.
  • There are several ways of thread braces, they have significant differences.

Facial skin rejuvenation

Facial skin rejuvenation with threads is a good alternative to plastic surgery. It is characterized by reliability and excellent results, lack of scars.

Indications for:

  • obvious wrinkles, folds on the skin;
  • folds on the chin and neck;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds.

The initial effect of rejuvenation of the skin of the face by the threads is noticeable almost immediately. Over the next 2 months, a skeleton of connective fibers forms around the injected filaments, which significantly tightens the skin. The filament tightening is carried out with the help of gold threads, polypropylene threads and mesothreads.

An example of reinforcement with mesothreads Immediately before the introduction of the filaments, the doctor indicates the injection area with a special marker, then introduces anesthesia along these lines. Then a special needle is inserted into the necessary areas, followed by a thread with microfacing. When hit in places that are marked by a doctor, notches are cracked. With the help of micronotches skin is firmly fixed in the right position, notches do not allow it to move. When the thread comes out, its ends are cut and hid under the skin.

When the face rejuvenates with gold threads, threads are introduced in a diameter of not more than 0.1 mm, which are made of gold of the highest standard. Due to this, in the surrounding tissues, blood circulation increases, production of collagen and elastin increases. The skin is saturated with nutrients, acquires elasticity. The effect of use lasts 5-10 years, is visible in 3-4 months.

Lifting with Aptos threads resembles a surgical one, during which the tissues are significantly displaced. Polypropylene threads are placed under the skin through microscopic incisions. For all the length of the thread there are hooks that allow you to displace and fix the skin in the desired position. For sections with the most dense tissues, smooth threads are used, but they require more noticeable cuts, about 1 cm. This type of tightening is performed under anesthesia, lasts about one and a half hours. The effect is noticeable after 2-3 weeks, the duration of the effect is 2-3 years.

Facial rejuvenation with threads will not require placement in a hospital, as well as a long rehabilitation period. Within a short period of time, the patient can return to normal life, micro punctures heal very quickly, in just a couple of days. After the performed manipulations, sharp chewing or facial movements are not recommended.

The clear advantage of such a suspender is its excellent compatibility with other treatments. After 2-3 months, you can go to the use of peels, photo rejuvenation, other procedures. This method can be used for any age, can serve as an alternative to plastic surgery, especially if there are contraindications to them. But only plastic surgeon can cope with pronounced signs of skin aging.

Rejuvenation by maisonite

Reinforcement yarns person Facial rejuvenation with maisonettes is a fairly young procedure, which has become widespread in Russia since 2012. Designed by Korean cosmetologists for Asian women whose skin is very sensitive. In this regard, this technique belongs to the most low-impact and effective method of non-surgical facelift. In addition, it combines the effect of mesotherapy.

The technique is similar to carrying out thread lifting, the threads are injected subcutaneously with a special needle. The unique flexibility of the needle allows you to use it, given the relief of the skin. The thread contains suture material polydioxane, on top of which a layer of polyglycolic acid is applied. This substance in 180-200 days decomposes into its constituent components — carbon dioxide and water.

The duration of the effect of the procedure is about 2 years.

Lifting mesothreads has significant differences compared to a conventional thread lifting:

  1. The number of mesothreads is much greater than with a conventional threadlift. For a complete facial rejuvenation requires approximately 150-200 strands. This takes into account the price of each mesothreads, in contrast to the threadlift, where the cost is determined depending on the treated area.
  2. This method is not so painful, skin regeneration takes about 7-10 days. This eliminates anesthesia.
  3. The procedure provides a dual effect. The features of mesothreads allow to achieve a good rejuvenation effect, without resorting to other means. For example, when tightening the forehead with regular threads, first Botox is injected, which removes wrinkles, and after 2 weeks a thread lift is performed. When using mesothreads, this is not required.

Monofilament for face lift

There are several types of mesoniths:

  1. Monofilaments are completely smooth mesothreads, with different lengths and thicknesses, used for the purpose of lifting on any part of the body. Installed in such delicate areas as the skin around the eyes. Create a tight frame, well maintained skin.
  2. TWIN, or pigtails, are several monofilaments woven together. The principle of operation is the same, but at the expense of the greatest thickness, they can be used in places where the skin is the most dense and the strongest lifting is needed, for example, an oval face.
  3. это спиралевидные нити. DAUBLE SCREW are spiral filaments. After the introduction they try to return to their original form, this is the basis of their principle of action. With their help carry out tightening the desired area, for example, the corners of the lips.
  4. COG, or claws, are mesothreads with notched marks. Enhance the effect of lifting, not allowing the skin to return to its former position.
  5. Mesoniti ROSE - this thread with spikes, after installation they can be tightened. Its effect is similar to surgery. But unlike surgical non-absorbable sutures, they have a reversible effect and are safe for the patient.

Facelift with thread

Correction of facial contours occurs with a small incision at the edge of hair growth (no more than 1 cm). Over time, it will be completely invisible. With the help of a face facelift with threads, the muscles of the cheekbones and cheeks are lifted, this makes it possible to significantly tighten the contour.

The free end of the string is fixed to the temporal muscle. It keeps the result for a long time. Usually. The visible effect persists for 4-5 years. Over time, the procedure can be repeated, fixing the thread just above the previous level.

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