How to remove a scar on the face with surgery

Treatment of scars on the face of folk remedies Content:

Very often, the skin of a person's face is susceptible to the negative influence of various factors, as a result of which burns, cuts, tears, and scratches appear. After the wounds are tightened, scars and scars appear on the skin, which can be of various shapes and sizes. The scar may also have a pronounced or pale color and be located on any part of the skin of the face.

It should be said that the severity and condition of the scars depends on the following factors:

  • parameters of injury or injury: size and depth;
  • the process of blood supply to the injured area;
  • color shade of the skin;
  • skin thickness;
  • scar orientation;
  • age indicator of a person;
  • hereditary characteristics;
  • gender difference.

Scars can appear for every person for various reasons and they are unique. There are no sebaceous glands in the scars, as well as sweat gland secretions. After the final process of scar formation, it remains on the skin forever.

In medicine, it is common to divide scars into normal scars and pathological scars. With normal scars, the skin is slightly retracted and outwardly similar to normal healthy skin. Pathological, in turn, are divided into hypertrophic and keloid scars.

How to remove scars on the face?

Anyway, the appearance of scars on the face is always an undesirable phenomenon, which significantly impairs the attractiveness of appearance, leads to the formation of complexes and self-doubt, especially in the female sex.

In today's world there are many ways that can help get rid of scars and transform the appearance of the victim. For this there is plastic surgery.

Having resorted to one of the methods of plastic , you can smooth the scar and achieve its invisibility to others as far as possible. In a few words, surgery involves a procedure for reconstructing the original scar, after which the surrounding skin is moved to achieve complete invisibility of the scar. Depending on the nature and extent of the scars, a particular plastic surgery method is chosen for each patient to get rid of the scar.

First of all, an experienced surgeon should examine the patient and examine the scar in detail. Then a corresponding plan of the treatment process is drawn up and possible consequences are predicted after the operation.

To remove scars on the face, you can use special silicone dressings, injection or polishing of the face with a laser. But, there are such cases when getting rid of a scar requires exactly surgical intervention.

In the case of an operation to remove a scar on the face by an experienced specialist, the procedure can be considered quite safe. But, there are situations when there are negative consequences as an opening of bleeding, infection, an allergic reaction to the anesthetic, a new scar formation.

How to remove facial scars with surgery?

How to remove a scar on the face: surgery For removal, you can use various methods. Subject to the presence of a sufficient amount of skin adjacent to the scar, a scar is excised when the scar tissue is removed and the edges of the skin-cut are carefully stitched. The result is an almost imperceptible scar in the form of a thin line.

There is a method of surgery that allows you to change the direction of the scar. This method is called Z-plasty and is to remove the scar by directing it to the natural lines and folds of the skin.

It is worth noting that not all types of scars are subject to such plastic. The detailed procedure for Z-plasty is that the surgeon performs new incisions at each end of the scar. The angle of incision in relation to the scar is 60 degrees, and the length of the incision is equal to the length of the scar. Thus, some triangles are obtained. The resulting triangles are reversed and cover the original scar at a different angle. The result is a zigzag cut. At the end of the operation, the wound is closed with small stitches, which should be removed after a few days. For the procedure using local anesthetics.

There is a method of surgical plastics, in which the scar is not significantly lengthened. The method is called W-plastics. During the procedure, the surgeon excises the triangles of the skin of a small size. As a result, the patches of skin located opposite, are combined in a gear form, after which the wound is buried.

More serious methods of how to remove scars on the face include skin graft transplantation. The procedure involves excision of the scar and covering the corresponding area with skin from another area. This method is often used in the presence of large scars, obtained, for example, as a result of burns. The operation involves the use of general anesthesia.

The method of surgery, which allows you to move the skin, and with it the subcutaneous tissue, blood vessels, and in some cases muscle tissue from a healthy area to the damaged one, is called patchwork surgery. It is noted that patchwork surgery has better cosmetic results than skin transplantation.

Removal of facial scars with the help of medicines and folk remedies

Using medications to remove scars on the face, completely get rid of scars will not succeed. Special creams and ointments will only make scars less noticeable and improve the condition of the skin. Such substances usually contain components that contribute to the process of scars resorption.

With the help of certain medications for removing facial scars, you can achieve the following effects:

  • normalization of blood circulation in a particular area;
  • fabric softening;
  • healing and regeneration of the skin;
  • increase elasticity and elasticity;
  • preventing the expansion of connective tissue;
  • elimination of inflammations;
  • significant skin hydration.

Whitening creams will help to make scars invisible. Before using any ointment, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Folk remedies help to get rid of scars on the face. Essential oils are effective in this area and should be applied in place of the scar.

The most famous recipes are the following:

  • a mixture of mint, neroli and rosemary in the same quantitative measures;
  • rose oil, tea tree and incense.

Another effective folk method is the treatment of scars on the face using pumpkin seeds and eggshell, which must be crushed, mixed with vegetable oil to a thick consistency. This mixture should be used within two months.

You can also use dough on peas to remove a scar on your face. To do this, pea flour is diluted in warm milk and make compresses on the scars for an hour.

Treatment methods for facial scars

Scar removal laser There are conservative treatments for facial scars. This includes steroid injections that help get rid of hypertrophic and keloid type scars. During the procedure, hormones are injected deep into the skin, which help to reduce collagen synthesis.

For the atrophic type of scars on the face, injection injections with hyaluronic acid fillers or collagen injections are used. The result of such injections is not long-term, and the procedure must be performed about once every six months.

In the treatment process of scars on the face, silicone-based gels are used, as well as hermetic type dressings. Special dressings and patches can increase the pressure and temperature of the skin, as well as contribute to the moisturizing process of the skin. Such phenomena lead to the breakdown of collagen and the healing of the scar.

How to remove a scar on the face after surgery quickly and efficiently

Often, after performing various operations on the face, scars may remain, from which, first of all, there is a desire to get rid of.

You can remove facial scars using plastic surgery, for example, by excision.

Grinding of the face is widespread in the fight against scars. This procedure involves the removal of the upper layers of the scar until it disappears. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to conduct several grinding sessions.

How to remove the scar on the face after surgery:

  • The procedure is carried out with the help of special devices.
  • The most popular and effective method of grinding is a laser procedure.
  • Also, to remove scars on the face after surgery, use traditional recipes, cosmetics - creams and ointments, the introduction of hormonal or silicone injections, special patches.

The process of scar removal on the face involves the use of some methods that are selected individually for patients.

There is a method called microdermabrasion, which consists of a micro-grinding procedure using a special fine-grained sand and microscopic aluminum oxide crystals. Thus, without surgery, you can smooth the skin of the scar.

Injection method includes biorevitalization - injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid; contour plastics - the introduction of gel fillers; correction of injection type - the introduction of a certain drug called Dirospan.

Lasers also help to remove scars on the face.

Which method to choose for removing scars on the face will be decided by the doctor depending on the reasons for the appearance of the scars, their characteristics, degree, depth, location, and taking into account the patient’s personal distinctive qualities.


Tatyana 02.21.2017 6:10:37

Radical methods have not tried, to be honest. His scar on the cheek from the bite of a dog smeared with Contractubex. The result is definitely there. The main thing is to be patient and smear 3 times a day. Now I have practically no visible scar. After using the gel, it became smoother and thinner at times. I am very pleased.

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