How to remove freckles using traditional medicine

How to remove freckles with a bow Many people think freckles are cute and attractive, but anyone can think so, but not the one who has freckles.

Most of their owners, one way or another, thought or even tried to get rid of them. At the same time, many people experimented and tried to remove freckles on their own.

It did not lead to a positive result, but the number of ways to get rid of freckles increased.

You can try to remove them in various ways. They can be divided into two broad categories: folk and professional.

How to remove freckles folk methods?

Folk remedies are based on the use of the properties of various plants. The main method of their use is the manufacture of masks and homemade creams.

One way to remove freckles is to grind one whole lemon and two glasses of boiled water with a blender. The resulting mass must be brought to a boil and cook for several minutes.

Then this composition should be cooled and applied to the face twice a day, in the morning and evening.

Another option involves applying Vaseline to the face. In this case, petroleum jelly should be applied abundantly. Then, on it you need to put the lemon slices, which is saturated with salt. For this, it is necessary to sprinkle with lemon salt, cut into slices. After the slices are well saturated with salt, they can be used.

In general, there are many different variations on the theme of lemon and its beneficial properties. There are recipes based on mixing lemon and egg or lemon and alcohol. However, lemon is not suitable for all skin types.


Due to the revitalization of the sebaceous glands, the results for normal skin will be negative. On dry skin type, irritation is likely to occur, therefore, lemon can be used only on oily and combination skin.

In addition to lemon, plants such as parsley and onions are often used.

  • It is necessary to grind the maximum 100 grams of the plant, add a tablespoon of sea salt and mix everything with a glass of water.
  • The mixture should be thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass.
  • It will need to be poured into forms and put them in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  • They should be used daily as an alternative to washing with ordinary water.

Onion juice also has a certain whitening effect. For freckles, it should be applied to a cotton swab, which is wiped with a face.

It is also recommended to use onion baths. To prepare such a bath can be as follows.

  • In a shallow basin you need to pour two liters of boiling water, which is mixed with onion juice.
  • For every liter of water, use 100 grams of onion juice.
  • Mixing juice and water, keep your face over the bath until the boiling water cools.
  • Do not forget to cover your head with a towel or veil.

If we talk about the effectiveness of such funds, then there is certainly some reason for using them. Natural products can improve the properties of the skin, they can lighten it a little.

Due to the natural components, plants can give a certain positive effect. Freckles will become less noticeable. But completely remove them using lemon, onion or parsley, it is impossible.

Freckle removal with laser and other surgical methods

Laser freckle removal In beauty salons, freckles are suggested to be removed by laser, using peeling and other methods of cosmetology and surgery.

Chemical peeling involves the use of various fruit acids, as a rule, malic, pineapple or lemon are used. Their properties allow to dissolve and remove freckles.

The procedure for applying chemical peels is simple and can be done at home. A visit to the salon for this is not mandatory.

  • Before using the peeling, you should remove all cosmetics, completely clearing the face.
  • The mask should be applied to dry skin, as if slapping it.
  • Then you should wait for drying. Only then can the composition be removed.

After this procedure, it is worth putting cream on your face, which will help to avoid excessive dryness. Repeat the application of the composition should be within a few days. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin. If irritation, redness appear, then these procedures should be discontinued.

Thus, this method of removing freckles is not the most effective, and may also have negative consequences.

The method of freezing, the so-called cryotherapy. This method is based on the use of liquid nitrogen. Cryomethodics consist in applying liquid nitrogen to a cotton swab, which is used to treat the patient’s face. The use of this technology is possible only in a specialized clinic.

With the help of liquid nitrogen it is possible to lighten the skin of the face well, however, after this procedure, the face retains swelling for several days.

How to bring freckles berry, fruit or vegetable juice Quartzing involves the use of a blue quartz lamp. With its help, the patient's face is irradiated for several days. As a rule, the full course of therapy takes one week. After five days, the skin peeling begins, and symptoms of burning appear. It is assumed that after the old skin is replaced by a new one, the freckles will disappear. But this does not happen in all cases. To guarantee the ideal option, using a quartz lamp, it is impossible. In addition, this method is inconvenient because you will have to visit the beautician every day.

Laser removal of freckles is based on the use of a laser beam and is the most effective means of removing freckles. The fact is that freckles form certain cells. The laser specifically affects these cells.

Acupressure is the main advantage of laser removal of freckles. Due to their great accuracy, neighboring cells or tissues are not affected at all, and they cannot be harmed in any way.

The essence of the laser freckle removal method can be expressed as follows - melanin, which is contained in each freckle, takes the light of the laser beam. As a result, the cell collapses and the freckle disappears.

Due to the high efficiency of this technology, freckles disappear in one session. However, in some cases, several procedures are possible, while they are completely painless and do not take much time.

After the procedure, the maximum severity of the result is achieved after 10 days. This time is required for complete healing and restoration of the skin.

However, you need to know that the laser procedure for removing freckles is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of skin diseases in a chronic form;
  • the presence of viral and infectious diseases;
  • blood clotting diseases;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

The use of this method is also impossible in case of age less than 18 years, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In any case, before carrying out the procedure, the doctor must find out everything necessary about the state of health of the client.

In general, laser freckle removal has no analogues in efficiency and safety. This is precisely what can explain the steady increase in the number of people who have tried this method on themselves and were satisfied.

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