Edema after facial surgery: causes and degree of swelling

What does edema look like after facial surgery? One of the most common phenomena after surgery is swelling. The edema after the operation on the face becomes very noticeable, which leads to a deterioration of the patient’s appearance, mood and well-being.

In case of neglect of edema, further complications are possible, therefore it is better to get rid of such a problem on time and correctly, otherwise serious consequences may arise.

Edema after facial surgery may appear as a result of even minor surgery . If the integrity of the tissue is impaired, in most cases, swelling will appear necessarily.


Edema can be considered the body's response to tissue damage. This phenomenon is a certain amount of fluid that has been accumulated in tissues.

After an operation on a certain part of the face, accumulation of lymph appears in the place of damaged tissues. Such clusters, in turn, appear due to the enhanced work of the immune system, which is trying to ensure the normal functioning and full activity of the body, despite the recent surgical intervention.

Another reason for the appearance of edema on the face after surgery may be an inflammatory process.

The inflammatory process may occur due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor by the patient, as well as as a result of external factors, for example, cold disease or the effects of wind on the face. In such cases, the patient manifests a high temperature of the skin of the face and redness.

After surgery, swelling on the face appears almost always, only for each patient, it has a degree of some form.

The main factors that affect the degree of swelling are:

  • individual characteristic differences of the patient;
  • the state and functioning of the immune system;
  • sticking to or non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendation;
  • general health;
  • lifestyle of the patient.

How to remove postoperative edema at home In most cases, rapid relief from swelling on the face after surgery depends mainly on the patient’s efforts, as well as on the exact adherence to the recommendations for the rehabilitation period. In the case of a sufficiently long time of the presence of edema and the absence of manifestation of the slightest signs of its reduction, you should immediately contact an experienced doctor.

As a rule, the edema begins to appear "in all its glory" on the second or third day after the operation.

Within a few days, under the conditions of proper care, the swelling will significantly decrease, and by the second week after surgery, the edema will completely disappear. But, most patients are often interested in the most effective methods for getting rid of edema after face surgery.

Postoperative swelling on the face and getting rid of it

You should try to adhere to some recommendations that will help eliminate postoperative swelling on the face faster.

  1. Limit hot water consumption. You should not wash your face with hot water, it is also not recommended to take a hot shower or bath with hot water. The best option would be a contrast shower, which will help get rid of the accumulation of liquids in the tissues. As for hot water, you should also mention that you need to give up on trips to the bath or sauna. You can not spend a lot of time outdoors in hot and sultry weather, because for a long time under the influence of the sun can lead to an increase in swelling.
  2. The first 2-3 days after the operation, it is necessary to provide cold compresses for the face or for a specific area. Alternatively, you can use cold sheets of cabbage. Apply cold compresses need every 3-4 hours.
  3. Rest and rest. After surgery, care should be taken to ensure complete rest and proper rest for the patient. An important point is the recommendation to keep your head slightly raised during sleep. You should also avoid tension for a person of a different nature, for example, sit at the computer for a long time or watch TV, stay up late to read a book or use frequent and active facial expressions. It is also necessary for some time to abandon training in the gym or fitness club, morning runs and other physical activities.
  4. Properly compiled diet. First of all, the patient should exclude from the ingestion of foods that may affect the increase in swelling. You should not drink too much liquid, and also consume salty food, especially before bedtime. Salt is generally recommended to be excluded from the diet for a certain time. Also, edible foods should contain a minimum of sodium. You can not drink alcoholic beverages that affect the blood circulation process and lead to an increase in edema.
  5. After surgery, you should avoid stress for the body, both physical and moral. Any stressful situation or physical exhaustion will contribute to the further development of edema.
  6. Required expert assistance. If you still cannot get rid of postoperative edema on your face, then you should consult a doctor. It is possible that additional massages or special exercises will be required to reduce the swelling. The doctor may also prescribe diuretic drugs that will help you quickly get rid of body fluids. In some cases, a specialist prescribes injections of hormonal effects, but you should know that they are not suitable for all patients. Therefore, it is necessary to apply only to professionals and experienced doctors.

How to remove swelling from the face after surgery quickly and efficiently

There are some methods that will quickly get rid of postoperative swelling on the face at home:

  1. It is necessary to wipe the face or a certain part of the face with ice cubes. And the ice can be made in advance of tea or chamomile infusion.
  2. You can make a mask for which you need to brew a couple of spoons of green tea leaves, insist, strain, cool and wipe your face with tampons or towels.
  3. A raw potato or a cucumber will quickly help to get rid of postoperative swelling on the face.

It should be remembered that the rapid disappearance of postoperative swelling on the face depends mainly on the responsibility of the patient, as well as the individual characteristics of his body.

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