Laser removal of spider veins on the face: features of the procedure

The procedure for removal of spider veins on the face Content:

Many women for one reason or another often suffer from complexes due to the appearance of spider veins on the face. This phenomenon significantly distorts the attractiveness of appearance.

The appearance of asterisks is the result of vascular dilation. They do not bear special harm to health, but they completely distort beauty.

Such spider veins can be seen even with the naked eye. Asterisks can appear on the face of both women and men, and the reasons for their appearance are individual.

The appearance of male vascular asterisks indicates a problem such as venous insufficiency, which eventually becomes chronic.

In women and girls, stars can appear for the following reasons:

  • Consequences after the period of pregnancy. At this time, the woman in the body elevated levels of estrogen, which affect the strength of blood vessels. As a result, the vessels weaken and become fragile, so they are subject to expansion.
  • The result of illness. Generally, such diseases that lead to the appearance of spider veins include gynecological or endocrine diseases, which result in a disturbed hormonal background of the body, and then dilated veins.
  • The weakness of connective tissue. Such a phenomenon is considered a congenital factor.
  • Diseases of a different nature of the liver , which can lead to disruption of the metabolic process in the body.
  • The result of the disease of the cardiovascular system.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamin C in a woman’s body. The lack of this vitamin leads to an increase in such properties of vessels as permeability.
  • Consequences after getting rid of acne.
  • The result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • The use of drugs hormonal effects.

The first thing the appearance of spider veins are places with soft tissues. Therefore, most often this problem becomes clearly pronounced on the face, namely in the area of ​​the chin, nose of the nose and cheeks.


You can not leave such a problem as the appearance of spider veins, without a solution, otherwise there may be serious health problems that can lead to the chronic nature of a particular disease or the appearance of scars and scars.

In modern cosmetology, laser removal of spider veins on the face. Such a procedure has its own distinctive features and recommendations.

Removal of spider veins on the face with a laser: effects

The effect of a laser beam is its ability to highlight a concentrated light flux. In other words, such a flux can be called magnetic waves, which have a different length and ability to be absorbed by the skin with the help of melanin. The luminous flux of the laser does not affect the human body.

It is worth noting

The laser is able to release waves of a certain length that are not absorbed by the skin, but are retained in the hemoglobin of the blood.

At the time of entry of such waves into the vessels of heat, which leads to the process of gluing these same vessels. The blood in them meanwhile ceases to flow. As a result, the red spots disappear from the face.

What is a vascular asterisk For the procedure of removing stars on the face, laser is most often used, which is capable of emitting yellow or green light due to the high energy of these colors.

During the procedure of removing stars on the face with a laser, the skin does not cause any harm, and the vessels are effectively and quickly glued together.

After the procedure, the patient can go about his business, as there is no rehabilitation period after the removal of spider veins with a laser. The only consequence may be a slight reddening of the skin, which will pass within half an hour.

For patients who have a high pain threshold, laser equipment is provided with a special substance with cooling properties - cryogen.

Some patients are often interested in the number of procedures necessary for the complete removal of asterisks. First of all, their number depends on the diameter of the vascular expansions. For example, if there are asterisks with a diameter of 1 cm on the face, one or two procedures will suffice. Also, the number of laser processes is influenced by the characteristics of the patient.

The possibility of the appearance of consequences after the removal of spider veins with a laser

The procedure is absolutely safe and painless for both the skin and the body as a whole. But as a result of the manifestation of individual reactions of the patient, the following side effects may occur:

  • Noticeable reddening of the skin, which disappears within an hour.
  • The appearance of blistering. They will disappear after just one day.
  • The manifestation of pigmentation. In this case, the use of bleaching cream is recommended.
  • The emergence of new vessels. Here you will need to re-use the laser.
  • Suppuration on the skin, for the disposal of which you need to lubricate the skin with simple petroleum jelly.
  • The appearance of blood clots, which in a few weeks or even one will pass.

The recovery period after the removal of stars on the face of the laser is missing. Nevertheless, it is necessary to follow some rules for the preservation of the result and the effectiveness of the removal.

These rules include:

  1. Restriction from sunlight for several weeks.
  2. Use a special sunscreen for the area where the stars were removed, within six months.
  3. Refusal to visit the sauna, bath or solarium.
  4. Avoidance of water on the treated area for several days.
  5. Applying a moisturizer to a specific area to get rid of dry skin.

After a successful procedure, you should resort to some measures that will help prevent the reappearance of spider veins. To do this, in the process of washing the face it is necessary to use not hot, but cold or indoor water, not to apply makeup on the treated area, not to apply products containing alcohol.

Using a laser to remove spider veins will solve the following problems:

  • get rid of the capillary mesh on the face;
  • eliminate manifestations of rosacea;
  • remove telangiectasia, which occurs due to diseases of the chronic type.

It is impossible to remove stars on the face with a laser during pregnancy and lactation period, in the presence of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 , a strong tan on the face, during the course of treatment, involving the use of medicines that affect skin sensitivity to the light.

Removal of facial vessels using other methods of surgery

Removal of facial vessels using folk remedies In addition to using a laser, other methods of surgical intervention can help get rid of spider veins.

Electrocoagulation. During this procedure, a microelectrode is inserted into the expanded vessel. High-frequency current warms up the electrode and the blood of the surrounding tissue. As a result of blood coagulation, the vessels stick together. The blood in the vessel ceases to flow, and it disappears after a while. During this procedure, there is a risk factor for damage to the adjacent areas of the treated area. Burns and scars can result.

Radio wave surgery. This method consists in the action of radio-frequency waves on a specific area. But using this method it is possible to remove only a small number of stars.

Photocoagulation. This method involves the use of special lamps that heat a certain area in which it is necessary to remove the vessels on the face. Photocoagulation carries a high risk of damage to adjacent areas of the skin, as the heating of the lamps is indiscriminate.

Sclerotherapy In other words, this method is a process of filling the vessels that feed the stars. This requires the use of substances such as sclerosant. It can damage the walls of blood vessels, after which they are prone to gluing. After this procedure, it is required to wear a special compression garment.

Ozone therapy. This method allows not to remove, but to correct vascular asterisks as a result of the introduction of the ozone-oxygen mixture. After this action, the blood flow is normalized and the vessels on the face are removed. This method of removal is not suitable for all cases, as sometimes there are such vessels that can not be treated.

Physiotherapy. Under the influence of microcurrents, blood circulation improves, but the stars do not disappear, but only turn pale.

Removal of spider veins on the face without surgery

In addition to all the above methods, there are also folk remedies that help in removing spider veins on the face. But, it should be said that the result from “self-treatment” is not always effective and rather short-term.

The most common of the popular recipes for the removal of spider veins on the face include:

  • rubbing a decoction of parsley and milk, and acetic lotions;
  • compresses of scalded cabbage leaves or green tomato;
  • the use of linden, oak or lemon balm;
  • use of masks from sea buckthorn juice, raw potatoes, gooseberries or raspberries.

Also widely used cream and ointment for special purposes, which for some time allow you to get rid of asterisks. Such agents act as reinforcing agents for the walls of blood vessels. Ointments, gels, creams, most likely, can be attributed to preventive measures. Their use is also common after star removal procedures in order to prevent new ones. In short, such drugs can be called venotonic for the face.

A significant factor affecting the appearance of spider veins is the use of alcohol. Therefore, after removal, it is recommended that, as far as possible, to abandon alcoholic beverages.

More detailed recommendations for the prevention of spider veins, as well as measures after the procedure for their removal to the patient can be given by an experienced specialist.

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