How to remove the thigh with excess fat and why there is fat on the hips
All people tend to get fat with age, although there are interesting differences in age and sex. Hormones provoke the deposition of fat around the pelvis, buttocks and thighs in women and on the stomachs of men.
Fat is found in fat cells containing triglycerides. These triglycerides must be converted in the body to glycerol and fatty acids. They circulate throughout the body as a fuel source for various body tissues, including muscles.
In the case of women, the accumulation of fat on the hips appears physiologically beneficial, at least during pregnancy. But body fat causes a problem in the form of cellulite. Cellulite occurs when body fat is more than fat cells can destroy. As a result, the cells "swell up" and protrude into the dermis. There is a so-called "orange peel" - bumps and dimples. It significantly affects the external beauty of the legs, abdomen and buttocks and makes many women feel ashamed of their bodies.
Fat on the abdomen is a typical male form of obesity, which has no known physiological benefits, and can be life-threatening. For most of their lives, women have a higher percentage of body fat than men.
By the age of 25, for example, women (including those who do not think about how to remove the hips, because they have a proportional build-up) have almost twice as much body fat as men.
These gender differences begin at an early age. From birth to the age of six years, the number and size of fat cells are tripled in boys and girls as a result of a gradual and increased body fat. But then girls gain fat mass more actively than boys, because they have a lower basal fat burning rate (a measure of using fat as a fuel for the body at rest), and this is achieved by expanding fat cells, not their number. In obese children, however, the number of fat cells may increase. During adolescent rapid growth, the growth rate of fat in girls is almost two times higher than that of boys.
Most women know that “expelling” fat from the pelvis, buttocks and thighs is more difficult than removing it in other parts of the body. However, during breastfeeding, the fat cells on the thighs decrease their “capacity”, and at that time there is an increase in fat accumulation in the mammary gland tissue. This suggests that there is a physiological advantage of a particular fat. Fat is stored around the pelvis, buttocks and thighs of women, acting as a backup storage for energy needs during lactation.
Men tend to store excess fat in the visceral, or abdominal area. This “deposit” has no obvious physiological advantage. On the contrary, it is simply dangerous.
It is worth noting
When the waist girth begins to exceed that of the hips, problems such as the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer occur.
There are three easy ways to remove hips with excess fat. Alas, they will not help with cellulite, as this problem requires a whole range of measures, from massage to adjusting the diet and stimulating the breakdown of fat.
How to remove the inner thigh
This exercise is aimed at correcting fat deposits on the inside of the thigh:
- Sit down on a solid, strong support (for example, a chair with legs, and not on wheels).
- Place your feet firmly on the floor, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle.
- Hold a pillow between your hips.
- As you exhale, squeeze the pillow between your hips, as if you were trying to squeeze the contents out of it.
- Hold this position for 1 minute.
- Repeat 4-5 times in one session and repeat three times a day.
This exercise is aimed at how to remove the thighs with fat deposits on the outside:
- Sit down on a tight, strong support (for example, a chair with legs).
- Place your feet firmly on the floor, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle.
- Place your palms on the outside of the knee.
- Without moving your palms and hands, press your knees against your palms, as if trying to push your palms away.
- Press your palms on your knees, as if to prevent them from "pushing".
- Hold this position for 1 minute, breathe normally.
- Repeat 4-5 times in one session and repeat three times a day.
Daily gymnastics for those who are looking for how to remove the hips, it is aimed at reducing the thick back of the thighs and buttocks:
- Sit down on a tight, strong support (for example, a chair with legs).
- Place your feet firmly on the floor, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle.
- Put your hands on a chair, on the sides of the body.
- Exhale and lift the hips, allowing your palms and legs to support your body weight.
- Continue lifting your hips until your body begins to resemble the shape of a bridge.
- Hold the pose for 20-60 seconds, breathe normally.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat 4-5 times in one session and repeat three times a day.
How to remove the riding breeches on the hips with the help of training and diet
Every person is predisposed to the accumulation of fat, in varying degrees. And although beautiful, not too thin hips - this is very sexy, the goal of many women is to find out how to reduce their size. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about how to do this. Those who want to part with the fat on the hips should know that dieting, exercise and other methods alone do not work. Losing weight will only allow a combination of diet, strength and cardio and the right approach to drinking.
Here is the right way to remove the riding breeches on the hips.
Strength exercises
The more muscles in the human body, the more calories the body burns at rest. The myth that lifting weights will make a woman more massive is not true. During strength training (and also some time after them) not only muscles but also metabolism work hard.
You must include at least two strength training sessions per week (in addition to cardio workouts) for weight loss.
It is best to perform strength exercises in the gym, and not at home. First, an experienced trainer will suggest the most effective exercises and will monitor the process of their implementation. Secondly, staying among people with similar goals will motivate them to continue their studies. Thirdly, in the gym there are suitable equipment, and projectiles for sports.
But not all women can or want to go to the gym and do exercises at home. For effective strength exercises include the following options.
Dumbbell bench press (weighing 3-5 kg) sitting:
- Sit down on a solid, strong support (for example, a bench or a chair with legs).
- Place your feet firmly on the floor, spread your legs wide.
- Place your palms with dumbbells clamped into them on the sides of the head and point your wrists so that the palms are pointing forward.
- Straighten your arms up, inhale, as you exhale, return to the starting position.
- Repeat 10-15 times in one session and repeat three times a day.
Raise legs lying:
- Lie on a hard surface.
- Slightly bent knees, legs lift up.
- Raise the pelvis at the top of the lift.
- At the lowest point - do not straighten your knees.
- Repeat 10-15 times in one session and repeat three times a day.
Push up wide grip from the bench. It is desirable that the shop was as high as possible, then it will be easier to do the exercise. When push-ups need to touch the chest shop.
Cardio exercise
Before you remove the breeches on the hips, you should remember a simple thing: if you want to lose weight in a short time, you need to burn more calories than it enters the body. It takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose 0.5 kg of fat. And cardio exercises are a great way to burn calories, and at the same time strengthen the muscles of the legs and narrow the hips. The best cardio workouts are walking and running on a treadmill, cycling, or jumping rope. It is recommended to do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of exercise per week. If at first it will be difficult, you can gradually increase the duration of the workout.
For treadmill exercises to affect the hips, the machine must be tilted. If you are walking or running on the street, find the route "uphill" or in hilly terrain. You will immediately begin to feel a burning sensation in the inner thighs and buttocks. The fact is that walking or jogging on an inclined surface is focused on such problem areas as the hips and buttocks is much stronger than walking on a flat surface.
You can not skip the first meal of the day, because it gives impetus to metabolism, and thus helps to reduce total body fat.
To reduce the "ears" on the thighs from the diet should remove harmful fats, refined sugar and processed foods. Universal advice for those who are looking for how to remove the riding breeches on the thighs: half of the plate should be with vegetables, and the rest - with protein foods (salmon and other fish, chicken breast, eggs) and healthy carbohydrates (rice). It is advisable to include in the diet Greek yogurt and other low-fat dairy products, as well as nuts (high-protein food).
There should be every few hours, but in small portions, so as not to overeat, and do not feel hungry.
Clean water is the best drink for those who want to lose extra centimeters. You will save hundreds of calories by avoiding carbonated beverages, fruit juices and other sweetened beverages. In addition to having zero calories in water, it will keep the body hydrated. Keep water close and drink it often, especially before eating (it will help to eat less).
How to remove fat from the hips with the help of massage, how to reduce the hips in the volume with wraps and surgically
Wraps trigger the detoxification process, associated not only with sweating under the wrap, but also with herbs and beneficial substances that are applied to the body just before wrapping. Detoxification stimulates the body to better burn fat and increase the rate of removal of toxins and toxins.
The benefit of wrapping is that you can really lose a few centimeters after a course of wraps. The bad news is that such a procedure can lead to overheating and excessive loss of fluid, which, in turn, provokes dehydration. If you feel dizzy during treatment, ask the person doing the wrap to loosen or completely remove it. If you feel numbness in the leg while wrapping, it should be discontinued, as this worsens the blood circulation.
How to remove fat from the hips at home:
- Use a body scrub to exfoliate dead skin from the hips.
- Mix 2 glasses of distilled water, 2 glasses of olive oil, 250 ml of green clay and 1/4 cup of sea salt.
- Apply the mixture to the outer thighs.
- Take two strips of cotton enough to wrap around the hips.
- Soak both strips in water, and squeeze out the water before wrapping the strips around the body.
- Lie down and relax for 30 to 45 minutes. Then wash the wrapping mixture with warm water.
When something sounds too good to be true, it is usually a lie. And this applies to any massage that supposedly contributes to weight loss. The massage simply “kneads” the skin, muscles and other tissues of the body, and can benefit in a variety of ways. For example, massage relieves stress, relaxes damaged tissue, and even stimulates the production of endorphins. However, the question of how to remove fat from the thighs does not have such an answer as “massage”.
In addition to relaxation, the only potential benefit of massage is blood circulation improvement.
Massage does nothing to change the way the body absorbs food, so that it does not lead to an increase in calories burned. Since calories are the key to weight loss, massage is not able to reduce the size of your waist, hips or buttocks.
On the other hand, massage is very useful for those who want to get rid of cellulite, as it can help reduce its appearance. Energetic massage in combination with laser energy, vacuum correction or radio waves improves blood circulation, as well as stimulates the movement of lymphatic fluid in the treated area.
Operative intervention
For many women who are looking for a quick way to reduce their hips in volume, plastic surgeons recommend an operation called “ liposuction of the hips ”, which is also liposuction of subcutaneous fatty tissue. This is an outpatient procedure (usually under local anesthesia, although it may be under general anesthesia) can easily reduce unwanted "poles," as they are called by women who are disappointed with their forms. Its cost is about 175 thousand rubles.
Also in the case of loose thighs and flabby skin in this area, a hip lift method may be recommended. It involves the removal of excess skin, fat and soft tissue to improve the contours of the body.
Recovery from liposuction and tightening of the hips takes about 2 weeks.
If you naturally have a pear-shaped body (very often this is genetically determined) there is a chance that exercise, proper nutrition, and other efforts to reduce the hips in volume will not help much. Simply put, even when you lose weight, the figure will remain pear-shaped, but smaller. Do what you can, but do not flatter yourself and do not "dwell" on losing weight.
Creams, massage, fat burning complexes and fitness gadgets will not help keep weight under control. The key to preventing obesity is to create a calorie deficit, eat less and move more.
Do two or three times a week on a stationary bike, a treadmill, stretching your legs or swimming in a pool. The goal is 4 hours of moderate-intensity cardio workouts weekly.