Liposuction of the hips: indications, consequences, carrying

Hip liposuction result Thighs are considered one of the most problematic areas in female beauty. Often, girls exhaust themselves with diets, drink tea for weight loss, disappear all day in the gym, and the result is barely noticeable. Liposuction will help get rid of unwanted fat in the hips.

Hip liposuction surgery is performed using local anesthesia. If the amount of fat to be removed is very large, then general anesthesia will be used. Therefore, the surgeon makes the decision on the method of anesthesia during the first consultation of the patient. Also, the doctor tells in detail what the operation is and what the consequences of liposuction may be.

On a temporary basis, liposuction of the hips takes about 2-3 hours.

Essentially, the operation of liposuction of the thighs will consist in the fact that excess fat is extracted from the patient’s hip sections of the patient’s hips. Before the operation, the selected areas should be disinfected.

Thus, the main indications of liposuction of the thighs include:

  • the presence of fat folds throughout the hips;
  • fat accumulation in a specific area.

Liposuction of the hips is not acceptable in all cases. As with any other operation, there are contraindications here:

  • diabetes;
  • infectious and catarrhal diseases;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • problematic skin in terms of elasticity.

As a rule, after the end of the operation on liposuction of the hips, the first few hours the patient is monitored by the doctor. Experts recommend staying at the clinic for a day or two after liposuction. The doctor, in accordance with the individual differences of the patient's body, prescribes antibiotics in order to avoid pathogenesis, as well as drugs for the speedy healing of the skin.

The first month after surgery, you must wear special clothes , which is called compression, so the patient may feel a little discomfort, which will eventually pass.

You should also be aware of the possible consequences of hip liposuction:

  • the possibility of a violation of sensitivity;
  • the presence of irregularities;
  • the appearance of edema, hematoma, suppuration, or inflammation;
  • fatty blockage of blood vessels;
  • feeling of pain;
  • presence of sagging skin.

Liposuction zones Compression garments will help to relieve skin sagging problems; painkillers will help to cope with pain. And everything else depends on the quality of the work done and the professionalism of the doctor.

Therefore, you should carefully and carefully choose a surgeon for liposuction of the hips.

Many patients are often interested in the question whether the surgery is effective and how long the result can be maintained. The answer is very simple. If liposuction was performed at an appropriate level, the patient complied with all the rules of the postoperative period, the fat will not return.

The patient's memo after liposuction of the hips consists of the following items:

  • attend courses of massage and physiotherapy;
  • protect yourself from heavy physical exertion;
  • abandon steam rooms, saunas, baths and tanning salons;
  • drink more;
  • deny yourself alcohol, cigarettes and coffee for about a month after surgery;
  • do not apply compresses of cold or hot action for the operated areas;
  • try not to get SARS or flu;
  • wear underwear in accordance with the regime;
  • follow the rules of postoperative instructions of the doctor;
  • avoid hot climates;
  • walks in the open air;
  • rational and proper nutrition.

Regarding the cost indicator of liposuction of the hips, it should be said that the price of the operation is determined separately for each patient, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body and its response to medications.

Also an important role in the pricing of the operation is played by the amount of extracted fat, liposuction method, the number of cuts, the cost of the equipment used, the quality of work.

Liposuction of the inner thighs: indications and conduct

Performing liposuction of the inner thighs depends on the initial conditions of the patient.

  • If there is a slight excess of body fat, and the patient's skin is elastic, liposuction is carried out in standard mode.
  • If sagging tissue is present, liposuction is initially done, after which the surgeon makes incisions in the groin area and under the buttocks.
  • Excess skin-fat tissue is excised, and soft tissues are then tightened and attached to the tendons to the stronger muscles of the inner surface of the thighs.
  • The incisions are sutured with an intradermal cosmetic suture, after which the doctor applies an elastic patch. It should be noted that such a plaster does not interfere with the normal blood circulation process.

Liposuction of the inner thighs involves a patient being in the hospital for a couple of days, wearing compression underwear in the daytime, limited physical activity, and avoiding overheating or hypothermia.

Ultrasonic and laser hip liposuction

Ultrasound liposuction Ultrasonic liposuction of the hips is divided into surgical and non-surgical. Surgical ultrasonic liposuction of the thighs is similar to the work of a vacuum. The doctor makes the necessary incisions in the intended areas, which are then injected with an ultrasonic probe. The device from the fat makes emulsion texture, which is removed using a vacuum device.

Ultrasonic liposuction of the thighs without surgery has a short name - cavitation. This method does not provide for any punctures or cuts. From fat get rid with the help of ultrasound. After this procedure, the fat itself is removed from the body. But, to achieve the desired result and a stunning effect, the procedure of ultrasonic liposuction will have to be repeated, and not once.

The technology of laser liposuction is a special solution that is injected into the designated areas for intervention. This solution helps to thin the fat. Then, using vacuum suction, the liquefied fat is extracted. This is followed by treatment of the skin from the inside with a laser beam.

The laser energy contributes to the alignment of the surface from the inside. Also, with the help of a laser, the fabrics heat up, and the skin at this moment becomes taut and smooth. The result - aesthetic hips without sagging skin, uneven contours and other shortcomings.

Laser liposuction does not leave any traces, since the punctures in the skin during the operation are done on a microscopic level. Laser liposuction involves the wearing of corrective underwear and compliance with the doctor's recommendation.

Liposuction of the ears on the thighs: resolving the issue of “lush” hips

The zone of legs most amenable to fat deposition is the area of ​​the breeches, or in other words, the area of ​​the ears. Liposuction of the ears on the thighs is a fairly simple operation.

The process of conducting the operation involves making cuts in the natural folds or in the zone, which can then be hidden with the help of underwear.

  • Before getting rid of the ears, the patient is consulted by a physician, examined and undergoes the necessary tests.
  • The operation uses local anesthesia. The operational process itself is considered relatively painless. The duration of the liposuction of the ears on the hips is about 3 hours.
  • The recovery process will take about a month.

The postoperative period requires compliance with such rules as the presence of corrective underwear, following the instructions of the surgeon, compliance with the temperature regime, healthy eating. During the first month after liposuction of the ears on the thighs, there is the possibility of numbness or pain of a weak nature. But, such symptoms usually disappear in a few days.

It is interesting

Already a few weeks after the liposuction of the ears, the result will be noticeable. And six months after the operation, the effect of liposuction will please not only the client, but also those around him.

In general, liposuction of the hips is an effective way to solve the problem of "fluffy" legs. Liposuction will bring a positive, reliable and lasting result, which over time will be appreciated by all friends and passersby. Only before the operation, it is necessary to carefully study the information on the process of liposuction, to consult with the surgeon, decide on the method of liposuction and take the recommendations of the preoperative and postoperative period from a doctor.

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