False curvature of legs: types, features of development and differences from the true curvature of the legs

Uneven legs

Smooth, beautiful legs are one of the main attracting female tools that men like so much.

Unfortunately, girls often have a defect in the structure or deformation of the bone tissue, which leads to the development of curvature of the legs.

According to statistics, more than 55% of women today have a false leg curvature, therefore this problem cannot be called rare.

Types of leg curvature

There are the following varieties of true curvature of the legs, which affects the tissues of the lower leg:

  1. X-shaped curvature. The peculiarity of this curvature is that the legs and the legs will not touch each other when juxtaposing the legs, while the knees will very tightly fit one another. The overall shape of the legs will be similar to the letter “X”.
  2. O-shaped curvature . This is the most common type of leg curvature, in which the extremities will disperse to the sides, thus clearly resembling an arc and the letter “O”.

You can fix this problem with the help of properly selected physical exercises. Despite this, if the pathology is neglected and the curvature is very pronounced, the patient may require surgery.

The perfect shape of the legs, what is it

Of course, for each person there are their own standards of beauty, but experts noted that the ideal shape of the legs is considered when it makes up 52% ​​of the entire body length. Moreover, the proportionality of the volume of the hips and ankles is also considered an indicator of beauty. Thus, with a height of 160-165 cm, the volume of one hip should be 55 cm. With higher growth, respectively, these measurements will be larger.

What can shape the legs

The shape of the legs may depend on many factors, but most of all it is influenced by genetic, gender and ethnic characteristics. In general, like the structure of the auricle, the shape of the legs is very individual.

Moreover, as the body matures, the shape of the legs can undergo significant changes. This will already be affected by lifestyle, the presence of excess weight, comorbidities, sports, or the complete absence of it.

What is the false curvature and how does it differ from the true

True curvature of the legs develops in humans due to severe deformity of the bones of the tibia. The reason for this can be a serious violation in the metabolism, as well as the transfer in childhood of a disease such as rickets.

False curvature of the legs occurs due to the disproportionate distribution of muscle tissue with even skeletal bones. Thus, the false curvature of the legs is not a disease or pathology at all. It does not harm a person and is a purely aesthetic defect, which is easily eliminated through exercise.

When do you need surgery?

Curvature of the lower leg

Operational alignment of the crooked legs can be applied if the exercises did not help the person to cope with his problem, and the curvature itself is in a rather neglected state.

Most often, the surgeon's help is required in case of pronounced curvature of the legs, when a person has bone structure defects.

For this purpose, special orthopedic operations can be applied (for example, the installation of the Ilizarov apparatus). Assign surgery for false curvature of the legs can only be a doctor, after a thorough examination.

How to fix depending on the type and degree of curvature

When selecting exercises for leveling the legs, it is necessary to take into account the degree of neglect of the curvature and its appearance.

Thus, to align the O-shaped curvature, you can use this set of exercises:

  1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, then reduce and spread your knees, without lifting the foot from the floor.
  2. Kneel down and spread your feet. Perform slow squats, touching the floor with the buttocks.
  3. Slowly squat, bringing the knees together.
  4. Lying on your back, perform the exercise "scissors."

When X-shaped curvature, you can apply the following exercises:

  1. Lie down and connect the soles, spreading your knees as much as possible.
  2. Sit down and spread your knees, pressing on them with your hands.
  3. Sticking to the support, pull the knee up.

How to straighten legs: the best exercises for leveling the legs, the effectiveness of yoga and the necessary nutrition

Crooked legs

Before straightening the legs, a person is recommended to visit the doctor beforehand and consult him. It is especially important to do this if the child has a curvature.

In general, to correct the false curvature of the legs, pumping caviar is possible, but for this a person will have to put a lot of patience and effort. In this case, the exercises can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home. The main thing is to strictly follow the principle of training.

For training the calf muscles, this exercise is best: in a sitting position, bring the legs together and put a load on the feet. Slowly raise the legs, cycling the calf muscles. Repeat 20-30 times.

It is important to know that before exercising at home, it is imperative to warm your calves with a massage. It will save a person from injury. Also, when pumping up the muscles, the socks should be turned outward and the heels held together. This will enhance the effect of training.

A set of exercises to correct the false leg curvature

How to straighten legs successfully, depends largely on the initial neglect of the human condition.

At the same time, the most effective exercises to eliminate this drawback are:

  1. Sit on the floor. Lean on your elbows and swing your legs to the sides.
  2. Lie down and bend your knees. To reduce them and to plant, as much as possible involving muscles of a shin and hips.
  3. Standing, lift the leg bent at the knee. Hug her with both hands.
  4. Sitting, to reduce and spread legs, at the same time, resisting hands.

It will help to enhance the effect of training data massage, running and swimming.


You can find out how to straighten your legs in detail with a traumatologist. At the same time, these specialists often advise patients to practice yoga as an auxiliary measure, because its exercises will really help to improve the shape of the legs.

The Iyengarh yoga complex includes special exercises using weights and belts. It is desirable to perform them under the guidance of an experienced master of yoga.

The results of such training will not only align the legs, but also improve posture and gait.

Food with a false leg curvature

When eliminating the false curvature of the legs from the diet, it is recommended to eliminate those products that are negatively displayed on the bone tissue and cartilage. Thus, a person should abandon the use of spicy, salty and chocolate. Also under strict prohibition of alcohol, coffee, sausages, crab sticks and sweet pastries.

To strengthen bones, a person needs to eat a lot of dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir). Also very useful will be seafood, boiled fish and meat, jelly dishes, aspic fish and jellied meat. Moreover, you can eat sea kale, cereals, butter, fish liver and yolks.

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