PCD of the knee and disease detection methods

PKS of the knee

Damage to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is often caused by excessive physical exertion or as a result of sports activities. This injury belongs to the category of violations in the musculoskeletal system, and neglect of it can lead to very serious consequences. According to medical estimates, almost 50% of people, at least once, but received damage to the knee-joint PKS. It is very important to start treatment on time and pay attention to the problem, until it has declared itself with all severity.

Causes of ruptures and sprains

As mentioned earlier, this injury occurs in people who are engaged in active physical activity.

Indicate only three causes of knee PCD rupture, namely:

  • Sharp movements with a wide degree of rotation of the leg. This is the most common type of ligament damage. Injury occurs during a sharp turn of the foot by 180 degrees. Rehabilitation takes a lot of time, so a return to physical exertion happens very soon.
  • Deviation of the tibia inward and torsion of the hip outward. This is completely opposite to the previous ligament rupture. He comes with a sharp start from the spot.
  • Damage due to falling. Any reckless fall, whether skiing or just stumbling over something, can lead to a partial ligament rupture.

Ligament damage can occur in almost any case: with careless walking or running too intense, excessive loads on the legs. The presence of injury will be noticeable due to the high pain.

Damage classification

Damage to the PCD can also be classified according to the severity, extent of the gap and the preservation of the stability of the joint.

So, what are the classification:

  • Small stretch (micro). Accompanied by minor knee pain. The joint practically does not lose mobility, however each movement is accompanied by discomfort.
  • Medium tears. Localized tears that damage 60-70% of the knee joint. If the injury is not cured to the end, it will be repeated with increasing frequency.
  • Strong breaks. Active pain, knee severely swollen, almost not moving. The work of the musculoskeletal system is completely disrupted. Such injuries are terrible because not provided in time medical care may result in disability.

As a rule, injuries are classified as small or medium. However, in especially serious cases, patients with full PCB rupture come to medical institutions.


Symptomatology is directly dependent on the degree of injury, and is manifested individually, depending on the severity of the gap.

So, what symptoms prevail:

  • Sudden pain.
  • Discomfort in the knee.
  • Partial or complete loss of mobility.
  • Puffiness
  • Tumor of the knee.
  • Increased temperature in the affected area.
  • Periodic pop-up tibia.

The list of symptoms is not limited to the above list. However, these are basic signs that a cruciate ligament rupture has occurred. Of course, pain in the knee also manifests itself in other injuries (for example, a standard injury), but you must immediately contact any inpatient medical institution to conduct an examination.

Methods for detecting PCB rupture

Diagnostics of stretching

With the help of a number of special tests and procedures aimed at determining the causes of incorrect movement of the knee joint, it is possible to establish the presence of a rupture of the ACL.

The first method is called the "Lahman method." The patient lies on his back, and unbends the affected leg at the knee. The doctor embraces the thigh and gradually pulls the leg towards himself. In the event of a rupture under the patella, a neoplasm will appear (small ball or compaction).

Another test is performed in the same way. The patient assumes a prone position. Specialist presses his fingers on different areas of the patella. Under normal conditions, it should move easily, but in the presence of strain, it appears as if it falls out of its location.

Using such unusual methods, it is possible to establish in 10 minutes whether there is a PCA tear.

Cruciate ligament repair and rehabilitation after surgery

The choice of treatment method depends directly on what degree of cruciate ligament rupture will be established. As a rule, doctors try to avoid direct surgical intervention and, for a start, try to cure a patient with the help of a conservative treatment methodology.

As a rule, the need for surgery is no longer due to incomplete ligament rupture.

It is in this case that it is possible to use a conservative treatment, which includes:

  • The use of painkillers. The affected patella is cut off with anesthetics to relieve the main pain and partially accelerate the regeneration activity.
  • Cold therapy. An ice pack is applied to the affected area. In this condition, the patient must spend at least an hour. The essence of the procedure is to reduce swelling and partially restore blood circulation.
  • Overlaying gypsum. The leg should be in a straightened position. Immediately after applying check the fixation of the plaster on the leg. If it practically does not allow the leg to move, the plaster was applied correctly. If the knee retains mobility, it is necessary to quickly impose a new plaster. Such medical negligence can greatly affect the speedy recovery of the patient.

But it is worth clarifying once again that a conservative method of treatment is possible only when the gap is classified as small or medium.

With a complete strain, the surgical method of treatment comes into play. The main technology is plastic cruciate ligament. This is a kind of restoration of a broken PKS, but this method is not distinguished by humanity.

The procedure is quite simple: the remnants of the torn ligament are removed, then an artificial tendon is placed. Make the mount on the bone and secure it with a small screw. At the end of the operation plaster is applied, which must be worn for at least two months.

Indications for surgery

Cruciate ligament plasty is performed solely according to indications for surgery. The procedure will not be completed until there is an urgent need for its implementation.

The main indications for conducting:

  • Complete rupture PKS.
  • Permanent "dips" ligaments deep into the patella.
  • The presence of a bone fragment in the bundle (a fragment of a bone that broke off due to injury).
  • The complete failure of conservative therapy.

In other cases, doctors try to treat the disease using a conservative method.


A very strict list of contraindications is applied to this operation. The fact is that improper medical intervention can only aggravate the state of the musculoskeletal system or even lead to disability. Preliminary examination and complete diagnosis.

The patient will not be admitted to the PKS plastic if:

  • There is an allergy to the elements of anesthesia (however, the problem is solved).
  • Unstable general condition of the patient (problems with the heart, respiratory organs). The implementation of the operation is possible only after a clear stabilization of the patient’s general condition.
  • Purulent lesions in the area of ​​operation, other pathological disorders. It is possible to carry out plastics only after the attendant causes are eliminated.

Otherwise, only individual contraindications are possible, which the doctor will establish during a detailed examination.


Cruciate ligament plasty

Arthroscopy involves the reconstruction of a torn ligament through implantation of a graft into the region of the knee joint. This is a very serious operation and it is used only in extreme and particularly hopeless cases.

For the operation to be successful, it is necessary to correctly calculate the degree of tension of the graft and firmly fix it. Further functionality depends on the tension. A poorly fixed graft will not give proper mobility to the knee joint, and an excessively strained one will tear.

In medical practice, there are not so many cases when doctors have resorted to this method of treatment. This is an extreme measure that must be properly coordinated with the patient.

Rehabilitation period

The period of rehabilitation directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the speed of rehabilitation, a broken PKS and physical exercises, which are prescribed to the patient as a rehabilitation program.

As a rule, the main method for rehabilitation is physical therapy (physical therapy) or physical procedures. The doctor is appointed as a leading specialist (or trainer) to conduct daily classes with the patient and return the joint mobility as soon as possible.

As for the timing, after a week you can get up and walk (using crutches). Try not to exert pressure on the affected leg at all or to lean only slightly.

Full recovery is predicted not earlier than after 3 months and depends largely on the timing of regeneration of the torn ligament. Throughout all time, it is necessary to perform the above procedures, which will not only strengthen the knee joint, but also return its former mobility.

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