How to treat scars after surgery: dependent and independent factors of development
There are several factors that are beyond the control of the patient and affect the ability to heal without scarring. These risk factors can not be changed, but will help determine the cause of scarring. The major risk factors for scarring are described below.
- Age. With age, our skin becomes less elastic and thin. This is because collagen (which makes it elastic) changes with age, and the fat layer under the skin becomes thinner. As a result of these changes, along with exposure to the sun, smoking, lifestyle and the environment, the skin does not heal as well or just as quickly with natural aging. An advantage of an older age is that flaws that occur over time, such as sun damage, help to hide scars that might be more obvious on young skin.
- Race. Some types of races are more prone to scarring on the skin than others. Black people are more likely to form hypertrophic and keloid scars, which are the growth of scar tissue at the site of injury. Light-skinned people may find that their scars are brighter than those with darker skin.
- Genetic penchant for scars. If your parents or brothers and sisters have a predisposition for scarring of the skin, then you will most likely have the same thing. If you have a hereditary tendency to scarring, then this should be discussed with your surgeon.
- The size and depth of the wound. A large incision is much more likely to leave a scar than a small one. The deeper and longer the incision, the longer the healing process and the more opportunities for scarring.
- Skin regeneration. You may be one of the genetically predisposed to the rapid regeneration of humans. If you have diabetes, the skin will heal very slowly.
To determine how to treat scars after surgery, you need to focus on the factors with which you can control the process of scarring.
- Smoking not only increases the risk of scarring, but can also slow healing. Smoking is such a significant risk factor that many plastic surgeons will not work with the patient if he has not stopped smoking completely at least two weeks before the operation.
- Alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates both the body as a whole and the skin, which reduces overall health. While the wound is healing, you should avoid alcohol and focus on caffeine-free drinks.
- Nutrition. You must follow a balanced diet with an emphasis on protein intake. Proteins are the building blocks in skin healing. Therefore, it is important to provide the body with food with sufficient protein (chicken, pork, fish, seafood, beef, dairy products) to allow the skin to heal faster. If you do not like to eat meat, soy and bean products are an excellent alternative as a vegetable source of protein.
- Moisturizing. Dehydration occurs when a sufficient amount of fluid does not enter the body. In severe cases, it can lead to electrolyte imbalance and heart problems. In less severe cases, you will be thirsty and your overall health deteriorates.
- Weight. If you are overweight, you may be at greater risk of developing scarring. Subcutaneous fat prevents rapid skin regeneration.
- Infection. Good care of the incision, which includes the prevention of infection, is one of the best ways to prevent the formation of scars after surgery.
Other ways to prevent and minimize scarring after surgery
Relaxation. If your doctor offers you to rest for two weeks, then you should not return to the working rhythm after only one week. The reduction of strength and energy does not contribute to the healing of wounds, but rather slows down.
- Proper wound care. Compliance with the measure recommended by the surgeon is the most important thing you can do to get rid of scars after surgery. Take measures to prevent infection, refrain from using funds that are not prescribed, and other common factors of post-operative care are important in getting rid of scars.
- Rapid detection of infection. If the suture is infected, it is necessary to determine the signs of infection as soon as possible and seek medical help from a doctor. Infection can seriously impair healing and promote scarring.
- Chronic diseases. Diabetes and many other diseases can slow down natural healing. In order to achieve the best possible result, the disease must be well controlled, as far as possible, before surgery and during recovery. For example, for a diabetic, the important point is to control the level of glucose in the blood. It should be within the normal range, as high levels promote slow healing.
- Stress in the cut area. Due to excessive load on the place of the cut (bending, weight lifting), the cut is stretched, which must be avoided. This tension can pull the sutures apart, delaying healing, and often makes the wound larger than it should be, which increases the size of your scar.
- Exposure to sunlight. Avoid exposure to sunlight as far as possible. If your scar is in a place that is difficult to cover, you need to use a good sunscreen. The surgeon must explain when it is safe to apply the ointment.
If you are seriously concerned about scarring, consider discussing the following methods to minimize scarring and prevention with your surgeon. Your surgeon should prescribe additional procedures that reduce the chances of scarring.
How and what to remove scars after surgery
Silicone dressings are like thick plastic wrap used in the kitchen. Silicone, however, does not stick to the wound, thereby protecting the incision from stress and infection without damaging the skin. Studies have shown that silicone can help reduce scar formation and is usually used after plastic surgery. It is necessary to discuss the use of silicone dressings with the surgeon before the procedure.
In some operations, the placement of the incision is not absolute. You can discuss with the surgeon the placement of the incision to hide or minimize the scars. For example, a caesarean section may be performed with a vertical cut, which may be more obvious, or horizontal, which is well masked by a bikini.
If you have a tendency to poor regeneration when scarring, the surgeon must prescribe remedies, ointments or special wound care to avoid complications.
The most recommended treatment for scars is massage. It is carried out with a closed wound and removal of all staples and stitches. By massaging the incision and surrounding tissue, it is possible to get rid of any irregularities or lumps that remain after the healing process. Be sure to use a large amount of massage oil so that your fingers do not “stick” to the skin and slide freely.
If you are prone to the formation of keloid scars, you need to talk to the surgeon about the presence of steroid injections to prevent their formation.
Alla 02/19/2017 10:23:00
I liked the result after applying Kontraktubex gel. It is very economical, which is important. Yes, and he helped pretty quickly very quickly, by the way. Cesarean scar has been straightened in two months.