Laser removal of stretch marks: difference from other methods

Laser removal of stretch marks on the abdomen About such a sad in terms of aesthetics and striking phenomenon as stretching, or in another way, stretch, in fact, every girl or woman knows.

Basically, the reason for their appearance is associated with carrying a child. The abdomen weakens under the load of amniotic fluid, because a woman can add 10 and 20 kilograms during pregnancy. Abdominal muscles do not stand up. The case is worsened by the fact that just in pregnant women the skin has little elastin and the content of collagen is reduced in it. The epidermis is not sufficiently elastic. So there are micro-breaks of the subcutaneous tissue.


Stretch marks are immediately on the degree of prevalence after cellulite. Stretch marks, or stretch marks, negatively affect a woman’s self-esteem. She wants to return the former elasticity of the skin.

They often occur in women and girls as a result of the almost invisible rupture of elastic fibers. Female beauty experts have always warned that the abdominal zone is very easily subjected to undesirable transformations, and areas on the buttocks and breasts are also connected to it.

In order to take matters into their own hands, it is necessary to develop a plan of daily work to eliminate striae. Naturally, young mothers will have no time to go to beauty salons, so it remains to rely only on their own strength.

Stretch marks that have appeared on the body are an unpleasant education. They themselves will not disappear, for this you need to take effective and effective measures. Widespread laser removal of stretch marks. Beauticians immediately warned that completely get rid of them will not work, such procedures help to make them less noticeable.


Only fresh scars and stretch marks are most effectively affected. The benefits of such procedures are undoubtedly large, but there are also side effects: injury, pain, high cost; complications after the removal of stretch marks. Unfortunately, there is no better way to get rid of these unpleasant marks on the skin, only skin grafts.

As a complex therapy will help contrast shower, dousing with cold water, self-massage and the use of oils for rubbing into problem areas.

With laser removal of stretch marks, a coarse layer where the stretch is leveled and ground. There is a visual resorption of the scar. After a few sessions it becomes almost imperceptible.

There is another way to remove scars, called chemical peels . At the same time the area of ​​the scar is processed with fruit acid. There should be no contraindications to the procedure. You can also try ozone therapy sessions.

It is very good to help rubbing coconut oil into the stretch zone , sometimes home peeling is allowed. To do this, take any vegetable oil, mixed with finely crushed particles of almond shell, egg shells, and you can take the usual ground oatmeal flakes instead. All this is used in the shower for body massage. Especially in the area of ​​stretch marks.

Removal of stretch marks by laser: types and stages of

Removal of stretch marks with a laser on the hips The essence of the method of removing stretch marks with a laser is to remove skin layers to a certain depth.

If the stretch marks are fresh and appear throughout the year, then they will be able to remove them in 4 procedures.

Harder with old marks on the skin, which for many years. But cosmetologists say that the laser will cope with them.

The duration of sessions on average is from half an hour to 40 minutes.

There are four types of laser stretch marks removal used in various clinics:

How is the removal of stretch marks using laser equipment for each type of procedure? The essence of all methods is to apply an anesthetic cream on the skin, and then the laser micro-rays penetrate the skin and, burning it, start the processes of the natural regeneration of the skin. Sometimes the method of nanoperforation is used - this is a common laser procedure, as in other cases, only the equipment used by less well-known companies. Hence, the cost is lower, but the result will be appropriate.

Removal of stretch marks using Fraxel and Palomar lasers is absolutely identical, the only difference is in the name of equipment manufactured by competing manufacturers. Advertising the main advantages of these methods assures their painlessness. In fact, it is not, there is pain.

The procedure using Fraxel equipment is called fractional.

The Palomar method is less painful , but the quality after such a procedure will be worse.

There is another way - laser grinding. In the opinion of people, this is the most effective way to remove stretch marks, although the most expensive and painful. After this procedure, light bruising appears on the skin, the skin heals for a long time. But the result is worth it - the scars and stretch marks disappear almost completely.

After the procedure, the laser-treated place is a skin area that has undergone a slight burn, pink skin with a slight swelling. Skin smear cream Bepanten. You can treat your skin with this cream or its analogs at home.

Patients who have eliminated their stretch marks with a laser, in one voice are advised to go to medical clinics, and not to beauty salons. In beauty salons, no one will observe the rehabilitation process, and in the event of a complication, you will have to go to medical institutions.

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