Features of wart removal

Wart on hand Content:

Reputation in warts is bad. If a well-located birthmark sometimes even decorates a woman, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a man who would like his own wart. Yes, and others around the warts sometimes cause a deep aesthetic disgust. However, follow the emergence of new moles should be with the same attention as the occurrence of warts.

Doctors, meanwhile, designate both warts and moles in the same way - like benign skin neoplasms. Usually, their presence does not threaten a person, but there are situations when such neoplasms are suddenly transformed into malignant ones, and then the most serious troubles can not be avoided.

You can not wait for trouble and resort to the help of doctors in order to get rid of unwanted tumors. As a rule, wart removal is more popular than removing moles . Meanwhile, moles can cause the development of deadly melanoma.

The occurrence of warts differs significantly in its mechanism from the appearance of moles. In the latter case, we are talking about difficult to predict failures in the generation of melanin, while the warts, as it turned out, occur under the influence of the virus. Penetrating invisible to the eye damage on the skin, this virus eventually causes the development of warts. The same group of viruses, meanwhile, may otherwise cause such a dangerous disease as uterine cancer.

Complete wart removal is possible only with the help of a sufficiently qualified surgeon. In this case, there are two main methods used by doctors. A purely surgical method is used if the wart reaches an enormous size. In this case, it is removed from all surrounding tissues. A more delicate electrocoagulation method allows you to remove a wart pointwise, but the surrounding skin is cauterized.

One of the variants of modern techniques for the removal of dermal formations is cryodestruction, based on the maximum local cooling of the desired part of the body.

Warts often disappear without treatment, which is especially common among children. In adults, warts cannot disappear just as easily or just as quickly.

Visits to a dermatologist are required if you cannot get rid of warts. The treatment is used depending on the patient's age and health condition, as well as the type of wart.

A dermatologist may use one of the following procedures.

Removal using cantharidin. A doctor can treat a wart with cantharidin, a protein of toxic nature, which contributes to its death. A week later, a dermatologist cuts off a "dead" wart.

Cryotherapy. For conventional warts in adults and older children, cryotherapy (freezing) is the most common treatment. This procedure is practically painless, but can cause dark spots on the skin. Repeated procedure is usually necessary.

Electrosurgery and curettage. Electrosurgery (burning) is a good tool for the treatment of filiform warts and formations on the legs. Curettage involves scraping a wart with a sharp knife or a small, spoon-shaped tool. These two procedures are often used together.

Excision. The doctor can cut the wart (excision).

Removal of warts with liquid nitrogen: indications and contraindications

Liquid nitrogen removal Cryodestruction today is widely used in cosmetology, as well as dermatology. With its help various papillomas, condylomas, warts are removed. Also in demand in the gynecological field - the treatment of erosive cervical defects, vascular formations.

Cryodestruction procedure using nitrogen in liquid form will be shown in the detection of various pathologies related to benign tumors of the dermis:

  1. Removal of papillomas.
  2. Removal of derma formations of the vascular or pigment variant (granulomas, nevi, hemangiomas, hyperkeratosis).
  3. Removal of erosive formations of the uterus, vaginal papillomas, vulva.

Removal of warts with liquid nitrogen is carried out after the formation of good quality is established. Modern equipment (cryodestruction) or nitrogen is used.

The tip of the apparatus tightly pressed to the selected area, after which the latter is cooled as much as possible. When using nitrogen in liquid form, they are moistened with a hygienic disk and applied to the required area for a short time period (no more than 1.5-2 minutes).

As a result of the above actions, an optimal freezing of the intercellular and also intracellular fluids occurs, therefore the vital activity of the dermis structures is disturbed. There is a complete destruction of tissue formation.

Steps for removing warts with liquid nitrogen:

  1. Freezing of tissue formation with liquid nitrogen. May be accompanied by a tingling or slight burning sensation.
  2. The stage of swelling of tissues, its hyperemia - the duration of 1.5-2 hours.
  3. The formation of epidermal bubbles - disappear in the interval from 8 to 24 hours.
  4. Rejection of necrotic tissue - occurs within 2-5 weeks.
  5. Epithelization.

Complete regeneration is possible six months after the procedure itself.


  • The cautery area does not bleed.
  • Lack of colloidal scars.
  • Ease of holding.
  • Minimal trauma.
  • The speed of the technique.
  • Ease of transferring cryodestruction by people of different age categories.
  • No possible relapses.


The duration of tissue regeneration.

From contraindications - the acute period of infectious pathologies or the presence of severe somatic pathologies.

How to remove a wart on a hand at home without consequences

There are many methods of removing warts at home. But before starting such a procedure, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist in the following cases:

  • Suspicion that education is not a wart.
  • The wart is located on the face or genitals.
  • A large number of formations.
  • Warts with itching, pain or bleeding.
  • Weakened immune system.


Never try to remove a wart on your leg if you have diabetes. Cutting or burning your skin can damage the nerves in your legs.

Laser wart removal How to remove the wart on the hand at home?

Salicylic acid. It is a very effective means of removing warts at home, available without a prescription. Salicylic acid can be in various forms - gel, liquid or powder. For complete removal it is necessary to treat the wart with salicylic acid every day. Before using salicylic acid, be sure to soak the wart in warm water.

When using salicylic acid pain rarely occur. If the wart or the skin around it starts to feel pain, you should stop the treatment right away.

Other home remedies. Some home remedies are completely harmless, such as covering warts with duct tape. Every day, you need to change the tape, because of which the upper layers of the wart will be removed along with the sticky layer.


Some practice the treatment of warts with hypnosis. Since the warts can disappear without treatment, the effectiveness of this tool can not be verified.

To prevent the spread of warts, dermatologists recommend not to damage the wart, always have removable shoes in public showers, changing rooms and pools, do not touch anyone's wart, keep feet that already have warts in dryness.

Laser wart removal and other methods

If the warts are difficult to remove, a dermatologist may use one of the following procedures.

  • Laser treatment. Laser wart removal is used if other treatments have not helped. Before laser treatment, a dermatologist can anesthetize the warty area.
  • Chemical peeling. When flat warts appear, there are usually a lot of them. In such cases, dermatologists often prescribe exfoliating removal methods. Pilling preparations include salicylic acid, tretinoin and glycolic acid.
  • Bleomycin. Removal of moles and warts can be carried out using the drug Bleomycin, but this method has many contraindications.
  • Immunotherapy. This procedure uses the patient’s own immune system to combat warts. Immunotherapy is applicable in cases where other methods have failed. One type of immunotherapy involves the use of a specific chemical, such as a Diphenzipron. A mild allergic reaction may occur around the treated warts.

Another type of immunotherapy involves receiving portions of interferon, which can boost the body's immune system to fight the virus.

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