Removal of age spots with cosmetics and folk remedies
Pigment spots begin to appear after 40 years, so they are also called age spots. This is due to the fact that the cells of the body can no longer uniformly accumulate melanin. Mostly appear on the face, arms and neck. Also, stains often occur due to excessive exposure to solar radiation. The affected areas may be red, yellow or brown.
Pigment spots do not harm the body , but many people tend to remove them for aesthetic reasons. Fortunately, there are effective ways to remove age spots.
There are many cosmetic products that help eliminate pigment spots. Most of them are creams that need to be applied to the skin a couple of times a day.
Cosmetics must contain natural and safe ingredients. Choose creams that include vitamins A and C, as well as glycolic acid.
You can buy special pills that permanently remove age spots from the skin. It is beneficial to buy anti-pigmentation and anti-aging products, as they, in addition to face whitening, reduce wrinkles. In severe cases, use prescription drugs.
In addition to cosmetic products, you can take care of your skin with home remedies. Their advantage is that they are natural, so when used, you do not have to worry about any side effects. True, to see the result, it will take more time. Below are the most effective anti-pigmentation products.
How to remove age spots with home remedies?
- Lemon juice. Contains citric acid, which whitens the skin from age spots.
- Fir. It contains lactic acid, which has the same stain removal effect. It should be applied directly to the affected areas.
- Yogurt and honey. The mixture of these products accelerates the healing process and forms new cells.
- Almond and milk. Sometimes dry skin can also cause pigmentation. The almond in the composition has a lot of natural fatty acids and nutrients that moisturize the skin very well and nourish it, removing any traces of pigmentation. Natural moisturizing oil in milk can also effectively combat dry skin. Milk is also a clarifying agent of varieties. To use milk and almonds, it is necessary to soak the almonds overnight, then mix with milk and apply on pigmented areas. This mixture is best suited for treating dark pigmentation. Apple vinegar. With regular use strikingly eliminates age spots.
- Avocados are rich in fatty acids, vitamin C and oleic acid. All these natural ingredients have great benefits for skin rejuvenation and healing. Avocados are especially good for treating hyperpigmentation.
- Cocoa. This product soothes the skin and promotes its speedy healing due to its antioxidant properties. They protect the skin from the harsh effects of free radicals present in the atmosphere, which helps to moisturize it and prevent pigmentation.
- Castor oil, aloe vera and sandalwood oil are also excellent home remedies. Their natural properties can effectively cleanse the skin from pigmentation.
How to remove age spots with laser and other technical procedures
Recently, laser technologies have become popular. They use a laser beam that penetrates the epidermis, exfoliates pigment spots and promotes skin rejuvenation. The principle of its work consists precisely in the destruction and discoloration of stains.
Microdermabrasion is another professional treatment method that uses abrasive material. Due to air pressure, the upper layer of the skin exfoliates, thus eliminating dark spots.
Chemical peels can also be a solution to getting rid of pigmentation. This procedure removes dead skin, making room for the emergence of a new one.
Before you dwell on one of the technical methods of removing pigment spots, first learn about all the side effects of these procedures.
Pigmented skin changes, or hyperpigmentation, are formed as a result of excessive production of melanin. These pigment changes are light to dark brown in color and rise slightly above the skin surface due to swelling of the stratum corneum. Spots vary in size, location and shape. Pigment spots can increase in time, and also become more sensitive and bright.
Due to age-related changes, the skin loses its freshness, therefore the pigment spots look coarse and less attractive from an aesthetic point of view.
Brown uneven spots on the skin - sun spots or age spots and other pigmentary changes in the skin, reduced skin elasticity and increased wrinkles caused by prolonged exposure to the sun.
Photoaging means premature aging caused by the harmful effects of the sun due to prolonged exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays. A lot of people are unhappy with their appearance as a result of the abuse of tanning beds. The pleasure of golden-colored skin in the course of young years is replaced by photo-aging at a more adult age, which can also cause serious diseases.
Despite the use of high UV filters, damage from the sun and tanning beds for many years can only be repaired by eliminating the effects of the sun.
Skin rejuvenation involves procedures performed to renew the skin and include the removal of pigment and age-related changes. Removal of pigment spots with a laser helps to improve skin tone by
Why is laser pigment removal so effective?
The beam emitted by the laser is well absorbed by the melanin pigment, which is present in high concentration in pigment spots. A huge amount of energy is instantly transferred to a small area of skin. All energy is absorbed by the pigment spots on the skin for a very short period of time, which, however, does not allow the surrounding tissues to heat up. Thus, the laser beam does not violate the integrity of the skin and does not cause any side effects. The procedure removes pigment spots in an effective and fast way, and the skin itself smoothes as a result of the synthesis of new cells, as well as collagen and elastic fibers, the energy emitted by the laser.
In which areas with pigment spots is laser technology applicable?
The laser can treat pigment spots that appear in all parts of the body. Women most often undergo procedures to remove pigment spots with a laser in the face, neck, especially the neckline, the outer side of the arms, forearms and legs. For men: in the face, neck, arms and back.
How long does it take to treat pigment spots with a laser?
The procedure in the face and neck takes about 3 minutes. Removal of pigment changes of the skin that cover large areas, that is, on the chest, takes
How many procedures are needed?
In most cases, perform 1 or 2 procedures, rarely 3 or 4 procedures. The pigment is removed completely after the first procedure. If some pigment still remains after the first procedure, the next procedure is performed after 3 weeks.
What will skin look like after the procedure?
Pigmented spots may become darker within a few days after the procedure, but will become lighter or disappear completely within