Removal of birthmarks by surgery: indications for

Removal of moles using nitrogen Moles, or nevi, are skin growths that are composed of pigment-producing cells.

They can appear anywhere on the skin, singly or in groups. Most people get several moles during their first 20 years of life. They are usually brown in color, but can also be blue, black or flesh-colored.

Most moles are harmless and do not cause pain or other symptom if left unchecked.

Depending on the size of birthmarks, there are giant (cover the entire anatomical zone, such as the breast), large (10 cm), medium (up to 10 cm) and small (up to 15 mm).

Small pieces of skin that rise on a thin stalk, most often appear on the neck, under the arms, on the upper body and in the folds of the body. The reason for their appearance is not known, these formations are harmless.

Why is it necessary to remove moles surgically?

Most moles and skin lesions do not require treatment. But sometimes people want to remove them for cosmetic reasons or because they cause discomfort when rubbing with clothes or jewelry.

Be sure to consult with your doctor about a mole, which is different in appearance from other moles on the body. You may need a biopsy, the results of which determine whether a malignant tumor or not.

Excision of moles using different methods

Your doctor may have the mole removed using any of the following methods.

  • Remove with surgical scissors or scalpel. Some moles may be on the same level with the skin, others may consist of subcutaneous cells. In these cases, the doctor makes a deeper incision to remove the entire mole and prevent it from growing further. Freeze with liquid nitrogen. Using a tampon or sprayer, a small amount of cold liquid nitrogen of very low temperature is applied to the mole. After the procedure, a blister may occur at the site of exposure, which passes on its own after a short period of time.
  • Moxibustion. An electric current passes through the wire, which is heated and used to cauterize the upper layers of the skin. Sometimes it takes more than one exposure session to remove a mole. When removing skin growth, cauterization of the thin leg on which it is attached occurs. Heat from electrical current helps prevent bleeding.

This procedure can be painful, so the treatment area is treated with a local anesthetic. If the procedure causes bleeding, the doctor uses hemostatic agents. Then you need to put a bandage on the place of removal of moles. Mole excision procedures, as a rule, do not leave scars or marks.

Can I remove moles at home?

Home remedies, such as nail clippers, lotions and pastes to remove moles, can cause bleeding, infection and scarring. And it is very important that your doctor check your moles before they are removed. It is much safer to remove moles in the hospital.

Surgery to remove a mole: features of rehabilitation

Moles, or nevi, are often removed for a variety of reasons. They can be removed using two surgical methods.

  • The first method is excision , in which there can be either sutures or not.
  • The second method is a seamless removal using a blade.

Excision of moles: stitches Laser removal of moles is effective only in the case of epidermal moles located on the skin surface and not penetrating into its layers.

The laser beam does not penetrate deeply enough, so this method is not applicable in the excision of moles penetrating deep into the skin.

As a rule, a dermatologist can offer excision of moles surgically with or without stitching, depending on the depth of the nevus and the desired cosmetic result.

Many people attribute to moles any dark spot or unevenness in the skin. Doctors use different terms.

  • Abnormal formation of blood vessels (hemangiomas).
  • Keratosis (benign or precancerous spots that appear after the age of 30 years).

Some people are born with moles, some of them appear later in life. Sun exposure plays a role in the development of moles and may even play a role in the development of atypical or dysplastic moles.


The role of heredity cannot be overstated. Many families have a type of mole, known as dysplasia (atypical), which may be associated with a higher incidence of melanoma.

After the procedure for removing moles, you must follow certain rules regarding care.

  • In the area where the moles were removed, it is necessary to constantly apply petrolatum and change the dressing.
  • The wound must be cleaned once or twice a day with water or diluted with hydrogen peroxide.
  • After cleaning the wound, apply petroleum jelly and a bandage.
  • These steps are repeated until the wound heals.

Some patients think that wounds should be open to air for better healing. Several studies have refuted this, healing is faster with the use of bandages and antibiotics.

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