Removing moles: what moles are and why they need to be removed
A person has a formation on the skin, like moles, warts. They are similar in many ways, but there are differences.
A mole is most often a benign tumor. Only in rare cases, a mole is a malignant tumor. It looks like a small nipple or a round nodule.
Birthmark is formed from pigment. It usually has a flesh or pink, sometimes red, brown or black color. Under the influence of sunlight, it darkens. Often a wart is confused with a hanging mole.
Red and pink moles are formed from blood vessels. Because they have this color.
Most birthmarks do not pose a danger to humans. Most often they are not malignant, but it is necessary to show them to a dermatologist or oncologist. He will not miss their degeneration into a malignant tumor and will take measures to remove the mole in time.
The reasons for the formation of moles?
- The appearance of moles can cause activity or passivity of hormones. This happens to women and teenagers.
- The cause is solar exposure. Sometimes the sun's rays are replaced by a solarium. All good things should be in moderation.
- Genetic heredity from parents.
Signs of rebirth of moles into malignant tumors
- If the mole hurts and itches around it, then this is one of the signs of its transformation into melanoma.
- In the formation of a light or dark circle near the mole.
- If the mole begins to bleed or blush, then in this case, too, you need to be alerted.
- If the liquid begins to stand out from the mole, then you should immediately hurry to the dermatologist.
The cause of a wart is a virus. It acts with increased sweating, with a decrease in immunity. The appearance of a wart can provoke vegetative neurosis and psychological stress. Warts are formed by contact with a person who has warts, or simply by touching his things.
Important to remember
Malignant tumors are like warts. Only a specialist can distinguish them. We must visit him, if only for your peace of mind.
Warts are divided into viral and senile. Starcheski warts are formed in the elderly. They are benign and look like horny growths. They are gray, brown or black.
Viral warts are formed under the influence of the virus.
They are divided into the following types.
- Ordinary. Such warts have a dense, cornified structure. They appear on the hands, on the soles of the feet of people with excessive sweating. Warts on the sole of the feet usually hurt.
- Genital warts. They are found in unscrupulous people on the genitals, in the groin area. These are small nodules of pink color on the "leg".
- Flat warts. Such warts appear in young people at the time of maturation. Formed on the face and on the hands. In shape, they look like round, flat nodules.
With an accuracy of up to 100%, only a doctor can distinguish them, but you can try to understand the difference yourself.
They differ in form:
- The wart looks like a growth on the skin, and the mole resembles an artificial fly.
- The wart is hard and the mole has a softer texture.
- Moles formed from pigment, usually dark in color. A warts light pink, gray or flesh-colored.
- The number of moles in a person always exceeds the number of warts.
Their main difference is that warts can be cured with medicines, folk remedies or surgically removed . Moles can only be deleted .
Is it possible to remove moles and how best to do it
The hospital offers to remove warts using chemotherapy, immunotherapy and taking antiviral drugs.
But it is easier and easier to remove the warts by smearing them with yellow celandine juice.
It will also help the juice of onions, garlic, and laryngeal gummies.
You can buy in a pharmacy medicine, which includes a bitter wormwood, hips.
Many warts, not just condylomas and not plantar, are removed with the help of freezing. They are destroyed by exposure to liquid nitrogen. Condylomas are removed by cutting them off with a scalpel. In plantar warts make injections.
Moles are removed by laser or surgically. Sometimes they are frozen or a weak current is applied. For each patient, a specific removal method is used. Laser remove moles on the face so that there is no scar. A scalpel is used to remove large or malignant moles. After removing the mole, the place should be greased with potassium permanganate, for safety.
Can I delete moles?
A mole is a pigmented, benign growth that occurs on the skin during life or is congenital. When exposed to negative external factors, it may degenerate into melanoma (a malignant mass on the skin).
Sometimes a mole can disfigure even the most attractive appearance, located in the wrong place. If the nevus is large, it brings a lot of discomfort to the owner, so he begins to think about his removal.
Most often, the appearance of these benign formations is influenced by heredity. For example, if the parents have many moles on their skin, then they will also be passed on to the child.
In addition, the pigmented formations occur during adolescence or during pregnancy, as the body's hormonal changes occur. By the way, women carrying a child are not allowed to remove a mole.
However, excessive sun exposure is the most dangerous stimulant for the development and spread of moles. That is why people who have a large number of them on their bodies should stop visiting tanning salons, and the time spent in the sun should be reduced.
It is not necessary to get rid of all pigmented formations, because most of them do not pose any threat to health. And the risk that such moles develop into a malignant tumor is small. Remove benign tumors that have the following features:
- rapidly increasing in size;
- sore, swollen and inflamed;
- bleed;
- cause great discomfort.
What is the best way to remove a mole?
Today, you can get rid of the problem mole in several ways, it all depends on the degree of threat to health and its features.
Surgical removal is the most popular method. It has long been used to remove moles, however, the emergence of modern equipment allows you to abandon this procedure.
Moreover, surgery often leads to serious consequences, so most of them try to avoid it.
In addition, no patient is immune from medical errors and substandard drugs. But in some situations, you can only bring a nevus in this way.
But such an operation allows you to eliminate moles in hard-to-reach places, as well as dissect benign lesions up to 5 cm. The disadvantages of surgical intervention include a high risk of complications and the appearance of scars at the site of removal. Now doctors resort to this method only in extreme cases.
Mole removal by laser is particularly suitable for removing flat formations. When the laser removes the surface of the nevus is processed by the beam. He gradually evaporates each of his layers. In such an operation, both the depth of penetration and the diameter of the beam are controlled. Moreover, in small areas of the skin it is performed without anesthesia. Of course, local anesthesia is used in large areas. The session lasts at least
The laser method has many advantages:
- Infection during the operation is excluded, as the method is contactless;
- Surrounding tissue is practically not damaged;
- No bleeding;
- Rapid wound healing, which is especially important when removing tumors on the face.
The only thing that recalls the evaporation of a nevus is a dried crust. It passes by itself after 7 days. There is practically no trace of the operation, and, as a rule, there are no complications after the procedure. This method is considered safe enough, if, of course, the removal is performed by an experienced doctor.
Small moles can be eliminated by electrocoagulation. The apparatus for removing such formations is made in the form of a metal microscopic loop, to which electrical current is applied. The discharge quickly burns out the nevus and burns the edges of the wound so that the bleeding does not start. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The crust formed during healing on the affected area disappears a week later.
Get rid of ugly moles get in just one procedure. This method can remove benign lesions of all types and almost everywhere. The only minus of electrocoagulation, which may remain inconspicuous scar.
During cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen), the pigmented formation is affected by liquid nitrogen , which penetrates the skin and immediately freezes it. Only a trace remains on the affected place, which disappears after a while.
If the birthmark is superficial, then a tampon soaked in liquid nitrogen is applied to it. But when it is deep, the substance is injected. Moreover, after surgery, dead tissue does not fall away, they protect the affected area from infection.
Such a procedure is rarely used to eliminate moles on the face, since a second operation may be necessary, because of which it will be necessary to destroy the tissue again. In addition, the wound heals much longer than when removed by laser beams or electrocoagulation.
After the crust disappears, a bright spot will remain, which will disappear with tan.
In addition, it is not always possible to regulate the depth of penetration during cryodestruction, therefore there is a risk of frostbite of the skin around the wound, which leads to the occurrence of a scar.
You need to be prepared for the fact that this method may not be very effective.
Removing moles with radio waves is the most modern way. Moreover, it should be noted that after the procedure there are no negative consequences. Radio waves act exclusively on a nevus, so the cells near the problem site remain healthy. Radio wave removal of moles has minimal effects on the skin around the formation.
This method even get rid of the formations, significantly protruding above the skin and having a pronounced contour. Scars after removal does not occur. After such an operation, you can send a sample of the removed mole to a study to check for skin cancer. But to get rid of this way will only small entities.
People have long used improvised means to remove tumors. But it should be remembered that the independent removal of moles can lead to serious complications.
To get rid of nevus in folk medicine, use the following methods:
- A dressing of honey and flaxseed oil is applied for a few minutes to the tumor, then washed off;
- Treat problem areas with petroleum jelly daily;
- Pineapple juice is periodically rubbed mole, until it brightens;
- Stranded vitamin C is tied to the affected area;
- Castor oil is applied to the pigmented spot 2 times a day;
- Juice onions or dandelion rub the affected area.
When removing the nevus folk remedies may remain cosmetic flaw. That is why you should not take such a risk, it’s better to contact a specialist right away for help.
If you do not adhere to some of the rules after the operation, then there is the likelihood of pigmentation. For example, it is forbidden to wet a few days the formed crust after removal of a nevus. Also, avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays. After some time, it will disappear and pink skin will appear on this spot. But remember, the crust can never be torn off by yourself!
When removing nevi on the face will have to abandon the use of cosmetics.
Removal of birthmarks: classification and hazard
Any normal person has birthmarks. This ordinary pigmentation appears on the body constantly.
The reasons for their appearance may be different. But for the most part harmless. Until a certain point in time.
There are two groups of birthmarks on the body - regular and vascular.
Ordinary blemishes occur on a person’s body by itself, at birth. They can pass, they can remain on a person, but the most important thing is that they are absolutely harmless.
Other stains are also safe, and unlike normal stains are barely noticeable. Although they are located at the sites of the blood vessels, they can barely be seen under a microscope.
But also the spots can be divided into another classification - harmless and actually dangerous.
Harmless stains can pass on a person at any time. They do not carry any danger; a person can live absolutely calmly with them.
Another classification can lead to big problems. Especially if these spots suddenly begin to grow or they become much larger. And then it is worth worrying about.
Of course, there is no particular pathology behind this skin irritation (although there are not rare cases with various serious diseases), nevertheless the presence of spots indicates a skin disease, a reaction of the body to certain specific things. And here it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
There are many types of stains, which, upon discovering, must be eliminated as soon as possible. This, for example, stains "coffee with milk." They do not carry any serious danger until they start to increase in quantity. And then it is worth worrying. These are strawberry hemangiomas, which, although they do not harm health, can spoil their appearance. Many other different nevi can lead to various troubles. To cope with them is necessary, the methods of removing birthmarks are great.
How to remove a birthmark?
The most important thing is to consult a doctor. Seek medical attention if pigmentation appears unambiguously. This may be a first therapist who can refer a person to oncology, or to a dermatologist, or to a cosmetologist. Further treatment is carried out in accordance with the analyzes. Cosmetology has its own methods for removing these spots. This is a surgical method, laser removal of birthmarks, medication or cosmetic preparations.
The appearance of stains never scares a person. But nevertheless if any suspicion arose, it is impossible to disregard this pigmentation. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and try to get rid of this problem.