Does rhinoplasty of the nose hurt and how dangerous it is

Does rhinoplasty of the nose hurt? Beautiful chiseled nose - the dream of every woman. If she is dissatisfied with her face, then the nose is the leader of a bad mood. After all, eyes, lips, cheekbones can be corrected with the help of decorative cosmetics, and this body always remains the same.

On the rhinoplasty forums, women often discuss such a correction, its necessity, the danger of the procedure, the consequences.

If the rhinoplasty decision is made, the women ask about the procedure itself, and the main question is: “Does it hurt to do rhinoplasty of the nose?”. Consider important issues for the correction of the nose in more detail.

Is it possible to make a plastic nose?

The question of the feasibility of the operation is ambiguous. There are medical indications for rhinoplasty, which the doctor gives in case of a violation of nasal breathing due to anatomical abnormalities or curvature of the nasal septum resulting from injury. The other side is an aesthetically unattractive nose. But often, women with beautiful nose shapes tend to improve it to be like their ideal, for example, their favorite actress. Plastic nose to achieve a certain form is possible, but you should evaluate all the risks, because you can not redo the nose back to its original form.

In what cases, for aesthetic reasons, rhinoplasty is done:

  • strongly bulging crook;
  • broad back of the nose;
  • thick or lowered tip;
  • flat nose (Asian type);
  • dilated nostrils;
  • back too long;
  • organ asymmetry;
  • bulging bones or cartilage after a fracture (improper accretion).

Any surgical operation carries a certain risk to health, and sometimes to a person’s life. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with specialists about the need for nose correction and undergo a comprehensive medical examination before surgery.

Is it possible to do rhinoplasty of the nose? How to eliminate the risks associated with the operation:

  • Get advice from doctors about health status. The therapist must authorize the operation, as rhinoplasty has contraindications. The most common are malignant tumors, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, mental disorders, chronic diseases and a number of other ailments.
  • Complete all the necessary laboratory tests that include urinalysis, blood tests, x-rays of the nose and other examinations.
  • Choose a clinic and a specialist who will conduct the operation. Discuss with the doctor all the details of the upcoming correction, as closely as possible to the desired result. Follow his advice.

Does it hurt to have surgery on the nose?

Rhinoplasty is a painful procedure, so the patient receives anesthesia. Depending on the deformation of the nose and the complexity of the operation, the type of anesthesia is determined and the optimal preparations are selected.

There are three types of anesthesia:

  • Local It is used in case of a minor effect on the nose organ. Painkillers are injected under the skin and applied externally. The patient is conscious, sees and hears everything, but does not feel pain. You may feel discomfort caused by the work of the doctor with instruments, for example, pressure.
  • Local + sedation . The organ is frozen with the help of painkillers, besides the patient is given small doses of drugs intended for general anesthesia. In this case, the patient feels sleepy and peaceful, but is conscious.
  • Overall The patient does not feel and does not understand what is happening, as the consciousness is turned off with the help of special preparations. Such anesthesia is preferable for both the patient and the surgeon, but is more complex in execution and less tolerated by the body.

Is rhinoplasty of the nose dangerous? How painful it is to do rhinoplasty of the nose depends on the psychological characteristics of the person. The pain threshold is different for everyone. One is able to adequately and calmly perceive the operation, the other panics and faints, just seeing a syringe or a metal instrument in the hands of a doctor. Fear can cause pain where there is none.

Painful sensations occur when removing or changing tampons on the day of surgery. After anesthesia, the patient may feel weak and unwell.

Is rhinoplasty of the nose dangerous?

Surgery to correct the nose belongs to the category of the least dangerous types of surgical intervention, but complications occur on average in 10 to 12% of patients. This is facilitated by poorly performed examination of the patient before the operation (state of health) and the failure of the surgeon's recommendations before or after the correction of the nose. In rare cases, complications can occur due to poor instrumentation with which the operation is performed or a doctor’s low qualification.

The natural effects of the operation: hematoma, swelling, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, disappear within a week or two. More serious violations remain for a long time.

Among them are the following:

  • Violation of nasal breathing as a result of prolonged swelling or scarring of the soft tissues, if there were tears during the operation.
  • The growth of tissue in the places of stitching (keloid scars) negates all the efforts of the surgeon, as they disfigure the nose.
  • Perforation of the nasal septum.
  • Bone callus formation.
  • Cartilage buildup.

The most frequent complication is considered to be patient dissatisfaction with the result. A new nose can look inorganic on the face, ugly emphasizing its other parts, which used to look good. In addition, the surgeon’s skill can be brought. It happens that the nose after surgery has defects: irregular shape, asymmetry, dips, and so on.

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