Does the nose go down after rhinoplasty - causes and effects

Anatomical structure of the tip of the nose Rhinoplasty - plastic surgery to change the shape and size of the nose - at the moment one of the most popular among patients of plastic surgery clinics. And this is not surprising. After all, the nose, of course, in the first place attracts the views of others. And if, due to the fault of nature or as a result of some kind of injury, it is not even perfect a little, then this immediately catches the eye, involuntarily obscuring the beauty of a person’s face.

Often, patients after the performed nose surgery notice that its tip is somewhat lower. And if it was his omission that was not the goal of the surgical manipulations, in most cases it is very alarming for patients. The most important thing in this case is not to panic and not to try to do something with the nose on your own.

To give an answer to the question whether your nose goes down after rhinoplasty in your case, only a surgeon who has operated on you can do it.

The nose takes its final form only one and a half years after rhinoplasty. This is due to the fact that the complete healing of cartilaginous tissues and the “sedimentation” of the new form of the nose requires considerable time.

In the first couple of months, there will be a slight swelling, thanks to which the tip of the nose will be slightly stronger upward. Over time, the swelling will subside. In this case, not only will a slight swelling go away, which will cause the nose to become somewhat thinner, more graceful and slightly decrease in length, but the tip of the nose will also fall.

Does the nose go down after rhinoplasty and to what extent can only a doctor who knows all the nuances of the surgery and the features of the rehabilitation period understand can understand.

Schematic representation of the stitching of the cartilage of the tip of the nose In most cases, with well-performed rhinoplasty and recovery without complications, the tip of the nose drops by an average of three millimeters within six months.

The omission of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty may be due to the following reasons:

  • The collapse of the primary and secondary edema leads to a small, up to five millimeters, lowering the tip of the nose. At the same time, we should not forget that this is not a defect of the performed surgical intervention, but a regularity: the tissues take root in a new place and the consequences of the operation disappear.
  • With the open method of plastic surgery of the nose, when the dissection of the columella is made, as well as the excision of its part, the nose is dropped more often.
  • When operating on a complex structure, deformed or seriously injured as a result of a nasal injury, as well as in the case when a volume surgery is required, including excision of a significant part of cartilage, bone and soft tissues, sagging and dropping of the nose tip is incomparably more often.
  • The age factor plays an important role in the final appearance of the nose after the correction . Plastic surgery carried out before the age of majority of the patient cannot guarantee one hundred percent result, since the body, including the nose, continues to grow. Also, patients after 45 years may have unforeseen consequences after surgery, including a drooping tip. This is due to the structure of tissues and the ability to regenerate, depressed at a later age.
  • Removal of the hump on the back of the nose visually lowers its tip.


On the question of whether the nose falls after rhinoplasty, with one hundred percent guarantee, you can answer that yes. But how far it goes - the answer for each patient is individual.

In cases where the patient has no problems in the postoperative period, the recovery is quick and the operation itself is carried out qualitatively, most of the tumor may subside within a week, just to the day the gypsum is removed from the nose. In this case, the client of the clinic subsequently may not notice at all the lowering of the nose tip, since the main part of the tumor has already disappeared, and the nose has taken its new shape.

Sometimes, especially if a person has thick, rough, or problem skin, the tip of the nose may eventually drop lower than originally planned. It can also be affected by the growth of connective tissue.

Such complications occur most often in cases of open rhinoplasty and excision of a significant amount of nasal tissue, then the tip of the nose can not only drop 5-7 mm, but also acquire a drop-like growth on the columella a few millimeters long, which is an indication for repeated corrective plastic the nose.

Changing the tip of the nose with various surgical and non-surgical methods

Stitching the domes of the winged cartilage among themselves The operation on the tip of the nose is the most difficult in rhinoplasty. Only the most skilful and experienced plastic surgeons can know it qualitatively, knowing in the smallest detail both the procedure of surgical intervention itself and those representing the complete anatomical and aesthetic result of their work. That is why it is extremely important to choose the right surgeon to whom you can entrust your appearance.

Planning such a crucial step as changing the tip of the nose should not rush headlong to the nearest plastic surgery clinic, because this can not only significantly worsen your financial well-being, and the cost of rhinoplasty is not so small, but also aggravate problems in appearance. First, look for information on the Internet or consult with people who have already performed an operation on the tip of the nose. After all, only after reviewing reviews about various clinics and surgeons operating there, prices and services provided, and carefully asking those who have gone through rhinoplasty, you can go to the first meeting with your chosen doctor.

The operation on the tip of the nose is shown for the following problems:

  • Disturbed, defective nasal breathing due to the deformed, malformed tip of the nose.
  • Hanging, beak-like nose changed due to age.
  • Changing the tip of the nose is associated with improving the structure, correcting and leveling the nasal septum.
  • Asymmetry of the tip of the nose.
  • Narrowing or increasing, bringing to one size and shape of the nostrils.
  • Elimination of congenital features, or removal and correction of changes in the tip of the nose, resulting from injuries or accidents and adversely affecting the patient's appearance.

Reduced projection of the tip of the nose The difference between the operation at the tip of the nose and full-blown rhinoplasty is that only a small area of ​​the nose is involved.

It is important to consider the fact that with this type of surgery there are practically no hematomas, therefore, after a two-week period, looking at the patient, no one except a plastic surgeon can see the traces of the operation.

It should not be forgotten that changing the tip of the nose is a serious full-fledged operation, which lasts 1.5-2.5 hours and requires compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor to achieve the best effect.

Changing the tip of the nose can occur in various ways:

  • The classic is surgery on the tip of the nose. With its help (subject to the availability of all patient tissues necessary for the operation), the doctor can lower or raise the tip of the nose, center it, give it the necessary width and length, correct the position of the wings of the nose and nostrils and give the necessary nasolabial angle.
  • Slightly tighten the tip and wings of the nose with the help of special threads that are inserted under the skin of the nose through small punctures and adjust its shape for several days. After obtaining the desired effect, the threads are carefully fixed, and their surplus is cut off. This method is quite simple to perform and gives good results.
  • Another non-surgical method of changing the tip of the nose is to use various fillers - injections of special gels, with which you can give your nose the desired shape for up to two years.

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